[( )] ability( int abilityId, int unitID, doWhenNotSelected ) : Explorer Abilities use.
[( )] abortCinematic: abort the current cinematic.
[( )] AIDebugGathererToggle: toggles whether the ai gatherer distribution window is up, refreshing if first showing.
[( )] AIDebugInfoRefresh : shows the ai debug menu with new data.
[( )] AIDebugInfoToggle: toggles whether the ai debug menu is up, refreshing if first showing.
[( )] AIDebugOutputToggle: toggles whether the ai output window is up, refreshing if first showing.
[( )] AIDebugPastResourceNeedToggle: toggles whether the ai past resource needs window is up, refreshing if first showing.
[( )] AIDebugPopToggle: toggles whether the ai pop distribution window is up, refreshing if first showing.
[( )] AIDebugShowBasesToggle: toggles the display of bases
[( )] AIDebugShowBattlesToggle: toggles the display of AI Battles.
[( )] AIDebugShowChatHistoryToggle: toggles the display of chat history.
[( )] AIDebugShowOpportunitiesToggle: toggles the display of opps.
[( )] AIDebugShowPlansToggle: toggles the display of plans.
[( )] AIDebugTimedStatsToggle: toggles whether the kb timed stats window is up, refreshing if first showing.
[( )] AIDebugToggleBPText: toggles the showing of Building placement value text.
[( )] alignSelectedUnits() : realigns all selected units to tile boundaries
[( )] ambientColor([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set ambient color to given RGB (0-255)
[( )] ambientColor2([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set ambient color 2 to given RGB (0-255)
[( )] ambientGetColor : Get ambient color
[( )] applyLightingSet([name]) : Applies a Lighting set
[( )] areaIncrementAreaToRender( int playerID ): increments the area to render.
[( )] blackmap([integerState]) : toggles or sets unexplored black map rendering.
[( )] breakTreaty() : break your treaties
[( )] brushCircularSize([<floatValue>]) : sets the circular brush size
[( )] brushSize([integerSize]) : sets brush size.
[( )] cameraBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera backward key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraDown([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera down key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraDump() : debug command to spew info about the current state of the game camera
[( )] cameraForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera forward key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera left key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraLocalYawLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera 'Local Yaw left' key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraLocalYawRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera 'Local Yaw right' key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraNice : puts the camera in a reasonable orientation.
[( )] cameraPitchBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera pitch backward key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraPitchForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera pitch forward key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera right key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraRollLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera roll left key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraRollRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera roll right key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraRotate(<integerState>) : sets whether camera limiting is on.
[( )] cameraUp([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera up key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraWorldBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraWorldBackwardLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward & left key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraWorldBackwardRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward & right key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraWorldForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraWorldForwardLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward & left key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraWorldForwardRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward & right key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraYawLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera yaw left key has gone up or down.
[( )] cameraYawRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera yaw right key has gone up or down.
[( )] campaignAdvance: add help string.
[( )] campaignPlayCurrent: add help string.
[( )] campaignQuit: add help string.
[( )] campaignResetCurScenario: add help string.
[( )] campaignResume: add help string.
[( )] campaignStart: add help string.
[( )] cancelAutoPatcher() : Cancel the auto patcher.
[( )] cancelRepairUnit(int unitID): Cancels the auto repair on the specified unit.
[(void )] cancelResearchInSelected(<TechID>) : cancel researching of a tech in any valid selected unit
[(void )] cancelTrainInSelected(<ProtoUnitID>,<All>) : cancel training of a unit type in any valid selected unit
[( )] cancelTrainReinforcement( int armyID ) : Cancel training of a reinforcement.
[( )] categoryFlash(<ID> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off.
[( )] changeCliffType(string cliffName): change the cliff type for all cliffs on the map
[( )] chat([stringText] integerPlayer) : adds a line of chat text from the given player (current if not provided.
[(void )] click() : plays the default UI click sound.
[( )] commandResearch( int commandID, int unitID) : Researches the given command from the given unit.
[( )] config(<stringToken>) : changes config state just like a .cfg line
[( )] configDef(<stringName>) : defines a config variable
[( )] configDump : sends to output a list of all current config vars
[( )] configGetByID(<intValue>) : look up config by enum ID
[( )] configHelp([symbolFilter]) : show all formally defined config variables that contain the filter string, or use no parameters for a full list.
[( )] configHelpPrefix([symbolFilter]) : show all formally defined config variables that start with the filter string, or use no parameters for a full list.
[( )] configSet(<stringName> <stringValue>) : sets a particular config var to a string value
[( )] configSetFloat(<stringName> <floatValue>) : sets a config var to a floating point value
[( )] configSetInt(<stringName> <integerValue>) : sets a config var to an integer value
[( )] configToggle(<stringName>) : defined var becomes undefined, and vice versa
[( )] configUndef(stringName) : un-defines a config variable
[( )] confirmAutoPatcher() : Used to tell autpatcher user pressed OK on exit or error dialog.
[( )] console : toggles the state of the console dialog
[( )] convertCoveredWagon() : Convert a covered wagon into a Town Center
[( )] decrementUSP2SelectedUnitStack
[( )] display([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles display on/off. otherwise, sets display
[( )] displayType([integerState]) : with no arg, cycles through the various status display modes. otherwise sets display type
[( )] doAbilityInSelected( protoPowerName) : use ability in current unit selection.
[( )] doAbilityInType( protoPowerName) : use ability in proto unit type if the player has one
[( )] doCommandInSelected( commandName) : use command in current unit selection.
[( )] doMPSetup(bool useESO) : Enter BMultiplayer setup.
[( )] doSPSetup() : Enter Single player setup.
[( )] doTriggerImport: load some triggers.
[( )] drawWorldTooltipClipRect() : Toggles whether or not to draw the world tooltip restricted screen rectangle.
[( )] dropToMainMenu: drop back to the main menu
[( )] echo(<stringMessage>) : sends a message to the console output
[( )] echoLocalized(<stringID>) : sets the game status text from a string in the string resource.
[( )] echoNum(<stringMessage>) : sends a number to the console output
[( )] editMode(<symbolModeName>) : changes the edit mode
[( )] editorSetAllTradeRoutesToDef(string newDefName) : Editor use - sets all trade route definitons to the spedified definition.
[( )] editorSetTechStatus(string techToActivate, bool active) : Editor only function that activates/deactivates a given tech
[( )] editorUpdateUnitVisuals: Editor only functions. goes thru all the units and updates thier visuals.
[( )] enterAttackMoveMode
[( )] enterCampaignMode(<name>):
[( )] enterGCGameMode(<name>):
[( )] enterRecordGameMode(<name>):
[( )] exit: exits the game
[( )] exitMPSetupSubScreen : Leave the current MP screen and return to the MP setup menu.
[( )] fadeToColor(<r> <g> <b> <duration> <delay> <inout>): fade in/out using color specified.
[( )] fakeSunParams([intensity] [specIntensity] [specPower] [inclination] [rotation]) : Set fake sun params for water
[( )] fog([integerState]) : toggles or sets LOS fog.
[( )] fourOfAKind() : starts the four of a kind victory if valid.
[( )] gadgetFlash(<stringName> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off.
[( )] gadgetReal(<stringName>) : makes real the named gadget.
[( )] gadgetRealIfNotMP(<stringName>) : makes real the named gadget.
[( )] gadgetRefresh(<stringName>) : refresh the contents of the named gadget.
[( )] gadgetScrollDown : scrolls the gadget up one unit
[( )] gadgetScrollLeft : scrolls the gadget to the left one unit
[( )] gadgetScrollRight : scrolls the gadget to the Right one unit
[( )] gadgetScrollUp : scrolls the gadget up one unit
[( )] gadgetToggle(<stringName>) : toggles the reality of the named gadget.
[( )] gadgetToggleIfNotMP(<stringName>) : toggles the reality of the named gadget.
[( )] gadgetUnreal(<stringName>) : makes un-real the named gadget.
[( )] gadgetWheelScroll: ui use. Scrolling function for hooking wheel to gadget scrolling
[( )] hackscreenshot: take a screen shot
[( )] handlePostGame : does what needs to be done.
[( )] help( string commandSubstring ) - Lists all of the commands that contain the given substring
[( )] helpPrefix( string commandPrefix ) - Lists all of the commands that start with the given prefix
[( )] helpText( string helptextSubstring ) - Lists all of the commands that contain the given substring in their help text.
[( )] hideGameMenu: hide the in-game menu.
[(void )] homeCityMakeActiveByID(<playerID> <techName>) : Activates the given home city tech.
[(void )] homeCityResearch(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech.
[(void )] homeCityResearchByID(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech.
[(void )] homeCityResearchByIDOutsideGame(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech when a game is not active.
[(void )] homeCityResearchByIDPregame(<techID>) : Researches the given home city tech when you are *really* completely out side of the game.
[( )] homeCityShipEject( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid, int index ) : Cancels the given unit out of the ship.
[( )] homeCityTrain( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid ) : Trains the given PUID from the given home city building.
[( )] homeCityTrain2( int playerID, int cardIndex ) : Sends the given HC card in the home city.
[( )] homeCityTransport( int playerID ) : Transports units from the home city.
[( )] IMEEnable(<true/false>) : enables or disables IME
[( )] kothVictory() : starts the King of the Hill victory if valid.
[( )] leaveGame : destroys the world and returns to main menu.
[( )] loadCamera(<stringFilename>) : load camera from file.
[( )] loadCampaignScenario(<stringFilename>) : loads in a campaign scenario file.
[( )] loadGame(<stringFilename>) : loads in a saved game.
[( )] loadGrouping( string groupingName ) : Loads a grouping. No parameter pops up dialog.
[( )] loadGroupingUnicode : For UI use only.
[( )] loadGroupingUnicodeLUA : For UI use only.
[( )] loadLightingSet([name] [apply]) : loads the specified lighting set
[( )] loadRecentFile(<stringFilename>) : loads the file named, interpreting whether it is a scenario, savegame, etc. dynamically
[( )] loadScenario(<stringFilename>) : loads in a scenario file.
[( )] loadTutorial(<stringFilename>, <loadMode>, <loadImage>, <textID>, <isAge3Scenario>) : loads in a tutorial scenario file.
[( )] loadUserDefinedGrouping(string groupingName) : Loads a grouping from the user writable grouping directory.
[( )] lookAt(float x, float z) : looks at given x,z location on terrain.
[( )] lookAtArmy(int playerID, string armyName) : looks at given kb army.
[( )] lookAtHomeCityBuilding( int building ) : View the specific home city building.
[( )] map(<eventString> <contextString> <commandString> : maps input event to command, in that context. See input mapper design.doc for more details.
[( )] mercTrain( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid ) : Trains the given merc from the given home city building.
[( )] minimapRotateMode(integerMode) : changes the minimap rotation mode. No arg means toggle.
[( )] minimapZoom([floatZoom]) : sets the zoom factor of the minimap.
[( )] minimapZoomDelta([floatZoomDelta]) : changes the zoom factor of the minimap up or down by that amount (remaining centered on the current view)
[( )] modeEnter(<stringMode>) : enters the named mode.
[( )] modelDestroyAll()
[( )] modelLoad(model XML file name)
[( )] modelSetAnim(anim Index)
[( )] modeToggleBetweenIfNotMP(<stringMode1> <stringMode2>) : toggles between the two modes only if we're not in a BMultiplayer game.
[( )] mpCustomScreenSetSavegame(<name>): UI used only
[( )] musicPlaySong (songname, fadetime) : play a sound as if it were a music track
[( )] musicSetVolume (0.0f-1.0f) : set the current music volume
[( )] musicStop(): stop playing music
[( )] musicToggleBattleMode : toggles between battle mode and normal mode
[( )] obscuredUnitToggle: Toggles between different ways obscured units are shown.
[( )] outputBlankLine : Dumps a blank line to the output.
[( )] pause([integerState][checkForAllowPause]) : with no arg, toggles pause state on/off. otherwise, sets pause state
[( )] pause2([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles pause state on/off. otherwise, sets pause state
[( )] player([integerPlayer]) : with no arg, outputs current player. otherwise, sets current player to given argument
[( )] playerResign: resigns the currently controlled player.
[( )] playMovie() : Plays movies from a playlist in the AVI directory
[( )] postGamePlayAgain : does what needs to be done.
[( )] ransomExplorer() : ransoms your explorer
[( )] redo : Re-does the last undone operation.
[( )] relicCapture() : starts the Relic Capture victory if valid.
[( )] renderAnisotropic([integerState]) : sets desired anisotropy
[( )] renderAreaDangerLevels(int playerID, int state): draws areas and color-codes them by danger level.
[( )] renderAreaGroupID([playerID], <areaGroupID> [integerState]) : sets the render state of the given area (no integerState toggles).
[( )] renderAreaID([playerID], <areaID> [integerState]) : sets the render state of the given area (no integerState toggles).
[( )] renderAreas([playerID], [integerState]) : sets the render state for all areas (no arg toggles).
[( )] renderBaseID([playerID], <areaID> [integerState]) : sets the render state of the given base (no integerState toggles).
[( )] renderForceReset: forces the renderer to reset.
[( )] renderFriendOrFoe([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles friend or foe colors. otherwise, sets it
[( )] renderRefresh([integerState]) : with no arg, changes refresh rate to 75hz in fullscreen. otherwise, sets fullscreen refresh to value
[( )] renderTrilinear([integerState]) : sets trilinear filtering on/off
[( )] renderWindow([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles window/fullscreen. otherwise, sets mode to window(1)/fullscreen(0)
[( )] repairUnit(int unitID): Starts the auto repair on the specified unit.
[( )] res(<integerXRes>, <integerYRes>) : changes screen resolution.
[( )] resbpp(<integerXRes>, <integerYRes>, <integerBPP>) : changes screen resolution and bit depth.
[(void )] researchByID (<TechID> <ResearchingUnitID> [Player#]) : Start the research of TechID from ResearchingUnitID for the current player (if no player is specified)
[( )] researchTechInSelected( techName) : research a tech in current unit selection.
[( )] resetAmbientColor(): reset the ambient color to full
[( )] resetDefaultPlayerColors() : reloads the player colors from the XML file
[( )] resetSunColor(): reset the sun color to full
[( )] resourceMarket(<intPlayerID> <stringResourceTo> <floatAmount> <stringResourceFrom>) : Sends out a market use command for the given player, resource and amount. Negative means selling.
[( )] resourceTrade(<intPlayerID> <stringResourceTo> <floatAmountTo> <stringResourceFrom> <resourceAmountFrom>) : Sends out a trade resource command for the given player, resource and amount.
[( )] restart() : re-launch current scenario.
[( )] restartCurrentGame : restarts current game.
[( )] saveCamera(<stringFilename>) : save camera to file.
[( )] saveCurrentHomeCityCamera() : save camera to file.
[( )] saveCurrentHomeCityWidescreenCamera() : save widescreen camera to file.
[( )] saveGame(<stringFilename>) : saves out a game in progress.
[( )] saveLightingSet([name]) : Saves the current status of lighting values as a set
[( )] saveScenario(<stringFilename>) : saves out a scenario file.
[( )] scoreUpdate : causes score to update even if it isn't supposed to yet, time wise
[( )] screenshot: take a screen shot
[( )] sendAttackSentence(int sendingPlayer, int receivingPlayer, int targetPlayer, int targetUnit, float xPos, float zPos): send attack sentence from one player to another; specify targetPlayer, or targetUnit, or xPos and zPos.
[( )] sendDefendSentence(int sendingPlayer, int receivingPlayer, float xPos, float zPos): send defend sentence from one player to another; specify target xPos and zPos.
[( )] sendPromptType(int sendingPlayer, int promptType): send AIChat to current player from sendingPlayer; specify desired AIChatPromptType.
[( )] sendTributeSentence(int sendingPlayer, int receivingPlayer, int resourceID): send tribute sentence from one player to another; specify desired resource.
[( )] setBloomFeedbackParams([currentFrameContribution] [lastFrameContribution]):sets bloom feedback params
[( )] setBloomParams([bloomThreshold] [bloomColorR] [bloomColorG] [bloomColorB] [bloomIntensity] [bloomPass] [bloomSigma]):sets tonemap params
[( )] setBloomStreakParams([streakCount] [Passes] [ElementOffset] [Exposure] [Intensity] [Falloff] [streakRed] [streakGreen] [streakBlue] [threshold]):sets bloom streak params
[( )] setBumpScale([scale]) : sets scene bump scale
[( )] setDropDefaultMips( int num ) : Set mip levels to skip for default category textures.
[( )] setDropTerrainMips( int num ) : Set mip levels to skip for terrain category textures.
[( )] setFogParams([planarfogColorR] [planarfogColorG] [planarfogColorB] [planarfogDensity] [planarfogHeight]) : set Planar Height Params
[( )] setGameFadeIn(<r> <g> <b> <duration> <delay> <inout>): turn fade in on/off, set color duration.
[( )] setGraphicDetail(<detailLevel>) : Sets the graphic detail. (0 = HIGH, 1 = MEDIUM, 2 = LOW)
[( )] setHDRMultisampleFactor([int]) : sets HDR multisample factor [1,8] - 1 is disabled
[( )] setHemiLight([topColorR] [topColorG] [topColorB] [bottomColorR] [bottomColorG] [bottomColorB] [axisYaw] [axisPitch] [intensity] [unitIntensity] [terrainIntensity]) : sets a hemilight
[( )] setHomeCityGatherUnit(int unitID): Sets the home city gather point to the specified unit.
[( )] setLDRBloomParams([bloomColorR] [bloomColorG] [bloomColorB] [bloomIntensity] [bloomSigma]):sets LDR Bloom params
[( )] setMinimapUnitFilter() : sets the minimap filter for units
[( )] setSceneLightParams([sunIntensity] [power] [specIntensity] [metalness] [fogColorR] [fogColorG] [fogColorB] [fogDensity] [fogStart]) : sets scene light params
[( )] setShadowBiasMul( [biasMultiplier] ): set the shadow buffer bias multipler (supaScreenshot only)
[( )] setShadowQuality( [qualityLevel] ): set the quality level of shadows
[( )] setShadowRotationOp( [bool] ): controls shadow projection rotation optimization
[( )] setShadowSnapping( [bool] ): controls shadow matrix snapping
[( )] setSquadMode: Sets the mode for a squad.
[( )] setSunPosition( [integerSunInclination] [integerSunRotation] [boolRelative] ) sets the sun height above the horizon and position in the world, The bool tells if the changes are relative
[( )] setSuperSampleFactors([floatX], [floatY]) : sets HDR supersampling factors (1.0 to 2.0, both 1.0 is off)
[( )] setSuperSampleFilterIndex([int]) : sets supersample filter kernel
[( )] setSuperSampleFilterScales([floatX], [floatY]) : sets supersample kernel scales(1.0 = normal, less = blurrier, higher = sharper)
[( )] setTerrainLightingParams([bumpScale] [specularPower] [specularIntensity] [terrainMetalness]):sets Terrain Lighting Params
[( )] setToneMapParams([exposure] [dispGamma] [greyFStops] [kneeLow] [kneeHigh] [ditherNoiseInten]):sets tonemap params
[(void )] setWorldDifficulty( int v ): Sets the world difficulty level.
[( )] setWorldTooltipRectDims1024(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) : Sets the world tooltip restricted screen rectangle to the given dimensions relative to 1024x768 resolution.
[( )] shadowDarkness([integerDarkness] [pcfFilterScalar] [biasNV] [biasATI] [slope]) : Set shadow darkness (0-255) - (PCF Filter Sclar 0-16)
[( )] showCampaignDialog(<name><msg>): UI used only
[( )] showGameFromPostGame : does what needs to be done.
[( )] showGameMenu: show the in-game menu.
[( )] showSPCNote(title, text) : Display's the SPC Note Dialog with the specified title and text.
[( )] spawnUnits(protoname, count, unitID) : Spawn Units from the UnitID building.
[( )] specialPower( int playerID, int powerEntryIndex, int powerID ) : Special power use.
[( )] squadMode: Sets the mode for a squad.
[( )] squadWheel( float angle, int squadID ) : Wheels the squad.
[( )] startAutoPatcher(bool manualMode) : Start the auto patcher.
[( )] startCampaign( string campaignName ) : starts the given campaign.
[( )] startMoviePlayback(string filename, long sizing, float fadeIn, float fadeOut) : Start fullscreen playback of a movie.
[( )] startRandomGame : begins a new random game.
[( )] startRandomGame2(<filename> <#players> <random seed> <scenarioFilename> <debug> <teamCount> <mapsize> <resources> <random_civs>) : begins a new random game with the given parms.
[( )] startRandomGameAgeAndMapCode(<startingage> <nomad> <mapcode> : Generates a random map game with the given starting age, nomad start(true/false), and map code.
[( )] startRandomGameMapCode(<mapcode> : Generates a random map game with the given map code.
[( )] sunColor([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set sun color to given RGB (0-255)
[( )] sunDecreaseInclination([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the decrease sun inclination key has gone up/down.
[( )] sunDecreaseRotation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the decrease sun rotation key has gone up/down.
[( )] sunGetColor: Get sun color
[( )] sunIncreaseInclination([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the increase sun inclination key has gone up/down.
[( )] sunIncreaseRotation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the increase sun rotation key has gone up/down.
[( )] techFlash(<techID> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off.
[( )] terrainAdjustGlobalHeight(float meters) : adjusts (raise/lower) the terrain height by the specified meters.
[( )] terrainAmbient([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set terrain ambient reflectivity to the given RGB (0-255)
[( )] terrainFilter: filters the entire terrain.
[( )] terrainFilterArea(<integerX1> <integerY1> <integerX2> <integerY2> : filters a sub-area of the terrain.
[( )] terrainFlatten: flattens the entire terrain.
[( )] terrainFlattenArea(<integerX1> <integerY1> <integerX2> <integerY2> : flattens a sub-area of the terrain.
[( )] terrainGetAmbient: Get terrain ambient reflectivity
[( )] terrainPaint: paint whole terrain with given texture.
[( )] terrainPaintMix: paint whole terrain with given mix.
[( )] terrainSetMix([integerType]) : sets the terrain mix to paint.
[( )] terrainSetSubtype([integerType]) : sets the terrain subtype to paint.
[( )] terrainSetType([integerType]) : sets the terrain type to paint.
[(void )] tis(<stringProtoName>,<traincount>) : just like train in selected, but more abbreviated
[( )] toggleDebugTime : handles the time display toggling
[( )] toggleHomeCityView( ) : Toggles home city view for the current player.
[( )] toggleHomeCityViewTech( ) : Toggles tech home city view for the current player.
[( )] toggleScore : handles the score toggling
[( )] toggleShadows(void) : toggle shadows on/off
[( )] toggleTime : handles the time display toggling
[( )] toggleWorldTooltipClipRect() : Toggles whether or not world tooltips are using the restricted screen rectangle.
[( )] trackAddWaypoint: adds the camera's current position and orientation to the current camera track.
[( )] trackAdvance(): advances the camera track to a specific location.
[( )] trackClear: clears all tracks.
[( )] trackEditWaypoint: edits the currently selected camera track.
[( )] trackGotoSelectedEvent(<index>): moves the camera to the current event.
[( )] trackGotoSelectedWaypoint(<index>): moves the camera to the current waypoint.
[( )] trackInsert(): adds a new camera track.
[( )] trackLoad(<stringFilename>) : loads a camera track and makes it current
[( )] trackPause(): pauses the current camera track.
[( )] trackPlay([duration], eventID): plays a track file (otherwise if "none" than plays the current track.) with no arg uses current duration, otherwise sets duration
[( )] trackRemove(): removes selected track.
[( )] trackRemoveWaypoint: removes the most recently added track waypoint from the current camera track.
[( )] trackSave(<stringFilename>) : saves the current camera track
[( )] trackSetSelectedWaypoint(<index>): sets the current waypoint to the button with the same index.
[( )] trackStepBackward: steps the current camera track 1 step backward.
[( )] trackStepForward: steps the current camera track 1 step forward.
[( )] trackStop(): stops the current camera track.
[( )] trackToggleShow: toggles rendering of the camera track on and off.
[( )] uiAddChatNotification : Adds a notification to the game's chat output, can play a sound too.
[( )] uiAddSelectionButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the add selection button has been pressed.
[( )] uiAddSelectionButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the add selection button has been released.
[( )] uiAddSelectNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : adds the units in the given number group to current selection.
[( )] uiApplyLightingSet([integerIndex]) : intended for UI use only. Applies a Lighting Set
[( )] uiBMultiplayerSave: stop playing stupid music at 11pm.
[( )] uiBuildAtPointer( ) : instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the current proto unit cursor building type at the pointer location.
[( )] uiBuildMode([integerType]) : does and editMode and setProtoID, after verifying sufficient resources for the current player.
[( )] uiBuildWallAtPointer : instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the current proto unit cursor building type at the pointer location, with wall-like endpoint behavior.
[( )] uiCameraControl([x],[y]) : Controls camera with gamepad stick.
[( )] uiCameraScroll([fast],[x],[y]) : Scrolls the game view.
[( )] uiCenterPointer : Centers mouse pointer.
[( )] uiChangeBrushCornerMode: changes the ability to modify corner tiles: 0-All, 1-Corners only, 2-No corners
[( )] uiChangeBrushSize(p1 p2 p3 p4) : changes the size of the current brush
[( )] uiChangeBrushType( "name") : changes the brush to the named type
[( )] uiChangeCliffModMode: changes the ability to modify vertices on cliff edges: 0-No clamping, 1-Clamp Low Edge, 2-Clamp High Edge, 3 - Clamp All Edges
[( )] uiChangeElevationToSample([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the change elevation to sample button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiChatDisplayModeToggle : Toggles the chat display mode.
[( )] uiChatDisplayModeToHistory : Toggles the chat display mode to history mode.
[( )] uiChatDisplayModeToRecent : Toggles the chat display mode to recent mode.
[( )] uiChatScrollBack([integerKeyState]) : Scrolls chat back one.
[( )] uiChatScrollForward([integerKeyState]) : Scrolls chat forward one.
[( )] uiCircleSelect([on],[doubleClick],[leaveSelected]) : Start/stop circle selection.
[( )] uiCircleSelectResize([x],[y]) : Circle selection resizing.
[( )] uiClearAllCinematicInfo: clears all cinematic info including model/texture precache info.
[( )] uiClearChat(clearOnly) : Clears the chat and resets to recent mode. clearOnly == true if you don't want it to populate the chat, but only clear it.
[( )] uiClearCinematicInfo: clears cinematic trigger info.
[( )] uiClearCursor : resets the cursor to the basic pointer.
[( )] uiClearGatherPoint: Clears the gather point for the selected unit(s), returning it to a default state.
[( )] uiClearMenu : removes any dangling child menus off of the given gadget
[( )] uiClearNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : erases the given number group.
[( )] uiClearSelection : deselects all selected units
[( )] uiCloseDialog: closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active dialog
[( )] uiCloseFieldSet : closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active field set
[( )] uiCommandCircleMenu([on]) : turn on/off gamepad command panel circle menu.
[( )] uiCommandPanelControl([on]) : turn on/off gamepad command panel control.
[( )] uiCommandPanelExecute : gamepad command panel execute.
[( )] uiCommandPanelMove([x], [y]) : move between selections in the command panel.
[( )] uiCommsFlareAtPointer : Used when flaring a position for player comms dialog.
[( )] uiConsulateUI: Used to activate the consulate UI
[( )] uiConsulateUIInSelected(): uiConsulateUI: Used to activate the consulate UI from hotkeys
[( )] uiCopyToClipboard() : copies the brush selection to the clipboard.
[( )] uiCoverTerrainWithWater(floatWaterHeight, floatDepth, waterName) : flattens terrain and paints water over the entire map.
[( )] uiCreateNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : creates a number group with the currently selected units.
[( )] uiCreateRandomRiver : .
[( )] uiCreateRiver : .
[( )] uiCreateRiverToggleWaypointMode : .
[( )] uiCycleCurrentActivate : acts like the current cycle gadget has been pressed
[( )] uiCycleGadget([integerDelta]) : cycles through the 'active' child gadget of a deluxe gadget.
[( )] uiDecPlaceVariation : decrements the variation to place.
[( )] uiDeleteAllSelectedUnits : deletes all selected unit.
[( )] uiDeleteCameraStartLoc
[( )] uiDeleteSelectedUnit() : deletes selected unit.
[( )] uiDeleteSelectedUnit2() : deletes selected unit.
[( )] uiDeleteUnits([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the delete units button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiDoubleClickSelect([integerAdd], [checkAction]) : intended for ui use only. Double click select at pointer location.
[( )] uiDumpAllUnitHotKeyMappings(): spews all hot key mappings that create units to the console
[( )] uiDumpKeyMappings ( stringContext ): spews all key mappings out to the console.
[( )] uiDumpUnmappedKeys ( stringContext ) : spews all empty keys out to the console
[( )] uiEjectAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an ejection command with waypoint for the selected unit.
[( )] uiEjectGarrisonedUnits: intended for UI use only. Sends an ejection command for the selected unit.
[( )] uiEmpowerAtPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to Empower the target building at the pointer position.
[( )] uiEnterContext(<stringContext>) : enters the specified UI context.
[( )] uiEnterGameMenuModeIfNotResigned : Wrapper that enters GameMenu mode if the player isn't resigned.
[( )] uiExpireCurrentObjectiveNotification: Causes the currently displaying objective notification to fade out (or disappear), depending on the param passed in.
[( )] uiExportGrouping: save a group.
[( )] uiExportTriggers: save some triggers.
[( )] uiFilterTerrainSelection : filter the current terrain selection.
[( )] uiFindAlliedNatives() : finds allied natives of the current player in order, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
[( )] uiFindAllOfSelectedType () : finds all units of the same type as the selected unit
[( )] uiFindAllOfType () : finds all units of the same type
[( )] uiFindAllOfTypeIdle () : finds all idle units of the same type
[( )] uiFindCrowd([findType],[noLookAt])
[( )] uiFindDancers () : finds the next native settler dancing at the firepit in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
[( )] uiFindGatherersNotGathering () : finds the gatherer unit that's not gathering in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
[( )] uiFindIdleType ([typeName]) : finds the next idle unit of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
[( )] uiFindKeyMapping ( stringKeyname ) : finds all key mappings for a given key
[( )] uiFindResourceGatherers ([typeName]) : finds the next resource gatherer unit of the given resource type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
[( )] uiFindTownBellTC () : finds the next town center that has the town bell active, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
[( )] uiFindType ([typeName]) : finds the next unit (idle or not) of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
[( )] uiFlareAtPointer : Sends out a flare at the pointer position.
[( )] uiFlattenTerrainSelection : flatten the current terrain selection.
[( )] uiForceShift([on]) : Force shift key on or off.
[( )] uiFormationOrientation( ) : Sets the orientation of a formation.
[( )] uiGarrisonToPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to garrison in a building at the pointer position.
[( )] uiGuardAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an guard order.
[( )] uiHandleIdleBanner ([typeName]) : does the right thing.
[( )] uiHandleUserTab ( listSel, parent ) : handles toggle of user textures
[( )] uiHelpAtPointer : Sends out a Help at the pointer position.
[( )] uiHideCursor: testing only
[( )] uiHidePlayerSummaryDialog : Hides the player summary dialog.
[( )] uiHideTributeDialog : maximizes main UI
[( )] uiIgnoreNextKey : used when activating a text box with a key to avoid having that key go into the text box too.
[( )] uiImportTriggers: load some triggers.
[( )] uiIncPlaceVariation : increments the variation to place.
[( )] uiInitOptionsScreenProfileEditDialog: initializes the Profile Edit Dialog inside the OptionsScreen
[( )] uiLastDetailHelp : goes back to the most recent help entry.
[( )] uiLeaveContext(<stringContext>) : leaves the specified UI context.
[( )] uiLeaveModeOnUnshift : causes game to return to editMode none when shift hotkey is released
[( )] uiLoadTriggers: load some triggers.
[( )] uiLookAtAndSelectUnit : moves the camera to see the specified unit and selects it.
[( )] uiLookAtBattle: moves the camera to see the specified battle.
[( )] uiLookAtNumberGroup([integerGroup]): moves the camera to see the given number group.
[( )] uiLookAtProto : moves the camera to see the first instance of proto unit X owned by the current player.
[( )] uiLookAtSelection : moves the camera to see the first selected unit.
[( )] uiLookAtUnit : moves the camera to see the specified Unit.
[( )] uiLookAtUnitByName(scenarioName): moves the camera to see the specified Unit.
[( )] uiLowerElevation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the lower elevation button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiLowerTerrainSelection([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the lower terrain selection button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiLowerWater([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the lower water button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiMapPointerControl([x],[y],[doGoto]) : Moves the map pointer.
[( )] uiMapPointerGoto([activeCheck]) : Jump to map pointer location.
[( )] uiMessageBox([stringText] [stringCommand]) : pops up a message box with text that activated the cmd when the ok button is hit
[( )] uiMessageBox2([stringID] [stringCommand]) : pops up a message box with text that activated the cmd when the ok button is hit
[( )] uiMinimizeStats()
[( )] uiMoveAllMilitaryAtPointer(): Moves all military units to the pointer position.
[( )] uiMoveSelectionAddButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been pressed.
[( )] uiMoveSelectionAddButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been released.
[( )] uiMoveSelectionButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been pressed.
[( )] uiMoveSelectionButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been released.
[( )] uiMoveUnitBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit backward key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiMoveUnitDown([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit down key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiMoveUnitForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit forward key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiMoveUnitLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit left key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiMoveUnitRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit right key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiMoveUnitUp([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit up key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiNewScenario : creates a new blank scenario
[( )] uiOpenCameraTrackBrowser: open a camera track from the data directory
[( )] uiOpenGrandConquestBrowser: opens a Grand Conquest saved game
[( )] uiOpenRecordGameBrowser: open a record game from the saved game directory
[( )] uiOpenSavedGameBrowser: open a game from the saved game directory
[( )] uiOpenScenarioBrowser: open a scenario from the scenario directory
[( )] uiPaint([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiPaintCliff([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint cliff button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiPaintForest(paint, offset) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiPaintTerrainOverlay([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint terrain overlay button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiPaintTerrainToSample([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the sample terrain button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiPaintWater([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint water button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiPaintWaterArea([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Painting water area.
[( )] uiPaintWaterObjects: Paint objects on the currently selected water.
[( )] uiPasteFromClipboard() : pastes the contents of the clipboard to the brush selection.
[( )] uiPatrolAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an patrol order.
[( )] uiPitchUnitDown([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the pitch unit down key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiPitchUnitUp([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the pitch unit up key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiPlaceAtPointer([boolChangeVariation]): intended for ui use only. Places unit at pointer location.
[( )] uiPlaceRiverShallow : .
[( )] uiPlaceRiverWaypoint : .
[( )] uiPlaceTradeRouteWaypoint
[( )] uiPoliticianUI: Used to activate the politician UI
[( )] uiPoliticianUIInSelected(): uiPoliticianUI: Used to activate the politician UI in current selection
[( )] uiPowerCircleMenu([on]) : turn on/off gamepad power panel circle menu.
[( )] uiRaiseElevation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the raise elevation button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiRaiseTerrainSelection([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the raise terrain selection button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiRaiseWater([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the raise water button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiRefreshEditorMenu: reconstitutes the entire editor menu
[( )] uiReleaseDownKeys: pops up all downed keys.
[( )] uiRemoveFromAnyNumberGroup: removes current selection from any army.
[( )] uiRemoveRiverShallow : .
[( )] uiRemoveRiverWaypoint : .
[( )] uiRemoveSelectedUnit([unitID]) : Removes specified unit, or selected unit if not ID is specified.
[( )] uiRemoveTerrainOverlay : intended for ui use only. Removes the painted terrain overlay at the given mouse position.
[( )] uiRemoveTradeRouteWaypoint
[( )] uiRepairAtPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to repair the target building at the pointer position.
[( )] uiResetFindCrowd
[( )] uiResetScreenSelect : resets screen selection.
[( )] uiRollUnitLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the roll unit left key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiRollUnitRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the roll unit right key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiRotateClipboard(degrees) : rotate the clipboard by amount.
[( )] uiRotateSelection : intended for ui use only. rotates the selected UNIT.
[( )] uiRotateWaterLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the rotate water left button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiRotateWaterRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the rotate water right button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiRoughen([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the roughen button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiSampleCliffElevationAtPointer : intended for ui use only. Samples Cliff elevation height at pointer.
[( )] uiSampleElevationAtPointer : intended for ui use only. Samples elevation height at pointer.
[( )] uiSampleTerrainAtPointer : intended for ui use only. Samples terrain type at pointer.
[( )] uiSaveAsScenarioBrowser(): uiAsSaveScenarioBrowser: save a scenario to the scenario directory
[( )] uiSaveCameraTrackBrowser: save a camera track to the data directory
[( )] uiSaveCampaignGameBrowser: show the in-game menu.
[( )] uiSaveGrouping: save some groups.
[( )] uiSaveGroupingLUA: save some groups.
[( )] uiSaveSavedGameBrowser: save a game to the saved game directory
[( )] uiSaveScenarioBrowser: save a scenario to the scenario directory
[( )] uiSaveTriggers: save some triggers.
[( )] uiScenarioLoad: load a scenario, checking dirty bit on world.
[( )] uiScreenSelect([modifier]) : screen selection.
[( )] uiScrollBrushSize: intended for ui use only. Increament the size of the current brush up/down
[( )] uiScrollCliffHeight: intended for ui use only. Increment the height of the cliff brush up/down
[( )] uiSelectCliffAtPointer() : selects the cliff under the pointer.
[( )] uiSelectFirepit () : selects the users firepit if it exists
[( )] uiSelectForestAtPointer() : selects the forest under the pointer.
[( )] uiSelectionButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been pressed.
[( )] uiSelectionButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been released.
[( )] uiSelectNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : selects the units in the given number group.
[( )] uiSelectTransportUnit
[( )] uiSelectWaterAtPointer: intended for ui use only. Selects water at pointer location.
[( )] uiSendIngameChat: used direcly by UI
[( )] uiSetBrushType( "name" p1 p2 p3 p4 ) : makes the current brush based on the name and parameters.
[( )] uiSetBuildingPlacementRender(id, on) : controls rendering of the building placement info for the given ID
[( )] uiSetCameraStartLoc
[( )] uiSetCliffType(stringCliffName) : sets the cliff type by name.
[( )] uiSetCliffTypeNum(longCliffType) : sets the cliff type by index.
[( )] uiSetClipboardRotation(degrees) : sets the clipboard rotation amount.
[( )] uiSetForestType(stringForestName) : sets the forest type by name.
[( )] uiSetForestTypeNum(longForestType) : sets the forest type by index.
[( )] uiSetGatherPointAtPointer ( bool homeCity, bool water ): Sets the gather points for the selected unit(s) to the pointer position.
[( )] uiSetHCNotifyText : Adds notify text, can play a sound too.
[( )] uiSetHomeCityWaterSpawnPointAtPointer( void ): Sets the HC spawn point.
[( )] uiSetKBArmyRender( int id, bool [set]: render the kbArmy info for the given ID. If not set given, will not render the army.
[( )] uiSetKBAttackRouteRender: render the attackRoute info for the given ID
[( )] uiSetKBResourceRender( resID, [set]: render the kbResource info for the given ID. If not set given, will not render the resource.
[( )] uiSetProtoCursor(<stringProtoName>, <setPlacement>) : sets the cursor to a proto-unit.
[( )] uiSetProtoCursorID(<integerProtoID>) : sets the cursor to a proto-unit.
[( )] uiSetProtoID([integerType]) : sets the proto ID to place.
[( )] uiSetTerrainOverlayColor([float] [float] [float]: intended for ui use only. Sets the terrain overlay color to the given (R,G,B) color.
[( )] uiSetWaterType(stringWaterName) : sets the water type by name.
[( )] uiSetWaterTypeNum(longWaterType) : sets the water type by index.
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoArea : brings up the area info for the given ID
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoAreaGroup : brings up the area info for the given ID
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoAttackRoute : brings up the attackRoute info for the given ID
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoBase : brings up the base info for the given ID
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoEscrow : brings up the escrow info for the given ID
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoKBArmy : brings up the kbArmy info for the given ID
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoKBResource : brings up the kbResource info for the given ID
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnit : brings up the kbunit info for the given ID
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnitPick : brings up the kbUnitPick info for the given ID
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoPlacement : brings up the building placement info for the given ID
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoPlan : brings up the plan debug text for the given plan ID
[( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoProgression : brings up the progression info for the given ID
[( )] uiShowCameraStartLoc
[( )] uiShowChatWindow()
[( )] uiShowCommandPanel()
[( )] uiShowDetailedHelp()
[( )] uiShowObjectivesDialog
[( )] uiShowPlayerSummaryDialog : Shows the player summary dialog.
[( )] uiShowStatPanel()
[( )] uiShowTributeDialog : minimizes main UI and brings up the minimized UI
[( )] uiShowVoteDialog
[( )] uiSmooth([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the smooth button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiSpecialPowerAtPointer: intended for ui use only. Use a special power at targeted location.
[( )] uiSpewDownKeys: spews all down keys.
[( )] uiStartBuildCinematic: test a scenario.
[( )] uiStartScenarioTest: test a scenario.
[( )] uiStopBuildCinematic: test a scenario.
[( )] uiStopScenarioTest: test a scenario.
[( )] uiStopSelectedUnits : stop selected units.
[( )] uiTechCivDetailHelp(techID, civ) : brings up the detail help UI for the given tech node ID
[( )] uiTechDetailHelp(techID) : brings up the detail help UI for the given tech node ID
[( )] uiTerrainSelection([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the terrain selection button has gone up/down.
[( )] uiToggleAdvancedHUD()
[( )] uiToggleBrushMask: This is not what you are looking for.
[( )] uiToggleCliff() : toggles cliff pieces on or off under the pointer.
[( )] uiToggleEditor : turns off and on the scenario editor UI.
[( )] uiToggleGame : turns off and on the game UI.
[( )] uiToggleSelectionButton : intended for ui use only.
[( )] uiToggleTerrainPasteMode: This is not what you are looking for.
[( )] uiTopicDetailHelp(topicName) : brings up the detail help UI for the given help topic
[( )] uiTransformSelectedUnit: transforms the selected unit into the specified proto unit.
[( )] uiTriggerResetParameters
[( )] uiTriggerResetSounds
[( )] uiTriggerSelectLocation
[( )] uiUniformLowerElevation - lowers the terrain height uniformly in the brush region
[( )] uiUniformRaiseElevation - raises the terrain height uniformly in the brush region
[( )] uiUnitDetailHelp(protoID, civID) : brings up the detail help UI for the given proto ID, or -1 for current unit selection proto.
[( )] uiUnselectCliff() : de-selects the forest under the pointer.
[( )] uiUnselectForest() : de-selects the forest under the pointer.
[( )] uiUnSelectWater: intended for ui use only. Unselects currently selected water.
[( )] uiVPAccelClick([unitID]) : Shows the VP accel building from the unitID.
[( )] uiWheelRotate: intended for ui use only. Rotate with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel
[( )] uiWheelRotateCamera: intended for ui use only. Rotate with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel
[( )] uiWheelRotatePlacedUnit: intended for ui use only. Rotate placed unit with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel
[( )] uiWheelRotateRiverShallow: intended for ui use only. Rotate river shallow with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel
[( )] uiWorkAtPointer: intended for ui use only. Issues "work" at pointer location.
[( )] uiYawUnitLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the yaw unit left key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiYawUnitRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the yaw unit right key has gone up/down.
[( )] uiZoomToMinimapEvent : zooms to the most recent minimap event
[( )] uiZoomToMinimapEvent2 : zooms to the most recent minimap event
[( )] uiZoomToProto([stringProto]) : zooms to the first instance of proto unit X owned by the current player.
[( )] undo : undoes the last editing operation.
[( )] unitData(intUnitID) : spews database values on the specified unit or the selected unit (if no argument).
[( )] unitDecVariation([UnitID]) : Decrements the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1).
[( )] unitIncVariation([UnitID]) : Increments the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1).
[( )] unitPlayerDefakify() sets the selected units to stop using a fake player.
[( )] unitPlayerFakify(fakePlayerIndex) sets the selected units to use the fake player indicated.
[( )] unitReturnToWork: Issues a return to work for the selected unit(s).
[( )] unitSetStanceAggressive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to aggressive.
[( )] unitSetStanceDefensive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to defensive.
[( )] unitSetStancePassive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to passive.
[( )] unitSetTactic: Sets the tactic for this unit.
[( )] unitSetVariation(<Variation> [UnitID]) : Sets the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1).
[( )] unitToggleStealth: Toggles stealth mode for this unit.
[( )] unitTownBell: Issues a town bell for the selected unit(s).
[( )] unpauseNoChecks : forces the game to unpause
[( )] upgradeTradeRoute(int unitID) : UI use - upgrade the trade route associated with this unit.
[( )] vsync(int state) : Set vertical syncing (-1 toggles, 0 is off, 1 is on).
[( )] winScenario : executes the trYouWin trigger func, allowing you to win the scenario.