[( )] ability( int abilityId, int unitID, doWhenNotSelected ) : Explorer Abilities use. [( )] abortCinematic: abort the current cinematic. [(long )] aiActivateOpportunity( int opportunityID, bool flag ): activates or deactivates an opportunity on the player's opp list. [(void )] aiAttemptResign(): asks the player if its ok to resign [(void )] aiAutoSavegame( string filename ): Saves the auto, debugging savegames (THIS DOESN'T REALLY DO ANYTHING). [(void )] aiBreakpointGo( int playerID ): Restart XS execution after the current breakpoint. [(void )] aiBreakpointSet( int playerID, string filename, int lineNumber, bool on ): Sets a breakpoint. [(bool )] aiBreakTreaty(int escrowID): breaks the treaty using funds from the given escrow. [(bool )] aiBuildWall(int buildingID, int escrowID): builds walls around the specified building's colony using the specified escrow. [(bool )] aiBuyResourceOnMarket( int resourceID): buys (+100) the given resource. [(int )] aiCalculateMostHatedPlayerID( int comparePlayerID ): Returns the playerID for the player the AI thinks it should be attacking. [(bool )] aiCanBuildWall(int buildingID, int escrowID): returns whether it is allowed to build a wall around the specified building's colony, and whether the player can afford it from the specified escrow. [(bool )] aiCastGodPowerAtPosition( int godPowerTechID, vector pos): Casts the given God power tech, at the specified position. [(bool )] aiCastGodPowerAtUnit( int godPowerTechID, int unitID): Casts the given God power tech, at the specified unit. [(void )] aiChat( int playerID, string chatString ): CP AI chat to playerID. [( )] aiCommsAllowChat( bool flag ): enables or disables the chats from this ai player. [(long )] aiCommsGetChatTargetType(int sentenceID): get target type for specified sentence. [(long )] aiCommsGetChatVerb(int sentenceID): get chat verb for specified sentence. [(long )] aiCommsGetSendingPlayer(int sentenceID): get sending player for specified sentence. [(long )] aiCommsGetTargetListCount(int sentenceID): get number of items in target list for specified sentence. [(long )] aiCommsGetTargetListItem(int sentenceID, int index): get index item from specified sentence. [(vector)] aiCommsGetTargetLocation(int sentenceID): get target location from specified sentence. [(void )] aiCommsSendReply(int sentenceID, int responseID): send a reply to a sentence. [(int )] aiCommsSendStatement(targetPlayerID, int promptType): Sends a statement to the designated player. [(int )] aiCommsSendStatementWithVector(targetPlayerID, int promptType, vector v): Sends a statement to the designated player. Adds a location flare. [(bool )] aiCommsSetEventHandler(string handlerFunctionName ): Sets the handler for the communications system (invalid name unsets the handler). [(long )] aiCreateOpportunity(int type, int targettype, int targetID, int targetPlayerID, int source ): adds an opportunity to the list and returns the id. [( )] AIDebugGathererToggle: toggles whether the ai gatherer distribution window is up, refreshing if first showing. [( )] AIDebugInfoRefresh : shows the ai debug menu with new data. [( )] AIDebugInfoToggle: toggles whether the ai debug menu is up, refreshing if first showing. [( )] AIDebugOutputToggle: toggles whether the ai output window is up, refreshing if first showing. [( )] AIDebugPastResourceNeedToggle: toggles whether the ai past resource needs window is up, refreshing if first showing. [( )] AIDebugPopToggle: toggles whether the ai pop distribution window is up, refreshing if first showing. [( )] AIDebugShowBasesToggle: toggles the display of bases [( )] AIDebugShowBattlesToggle: toggles the display of AI Battles. [( )] AIDebugShowChatHistoryToggle: toggles the display of chat history. [( )] AIDebugShowOpportunitiesToggle: toggles the display of opps. [( )] AIDebugShowPlansToggle: toggles the display of plans. [( )] AIDebugTimedStatsToggle: toggles whether the kb timed stats window is up, refreshing if first showing. [( )] AIDebugToggleBPText: toggles the showing of Building placement value text. [(long )] aiDestroyOpportunity( int opportunityID): remove an opportunity on the player's opp list. [(bool )] aiDoesWallExist(int buildingID): returns whether a wall exists around the specified building's colony. [(bool )] aiDoTradeMonopoly(): Executes a trade monopoly command, returns false if it fails. [(void )] aiEcho( string echoString ): CP AI echo. [(void )] aiErrorMessage( string errorString ): CP AI error. [(int )] aiFindBestAttackGodPowerPlan(void): find a valid god power plan to attach to an attack plan [(void )] aiFindBestOpportunity(): finds the best currently scored opp. [(int )] aiFindBestTownDefenseGodPowerPlan(void): find a valid god power plan to use for town defense [(bool )] aiGetAllowBuildings( void ): Returns allow buildings on/off. [(float )] aiGetAttackResponseDistance( void ): Returns the attack response distance. [(int )] aiGetAutoFarmEscrowID( void ): Returns the auto Farm escrow ID. [(int )] aiGetAutoGatherEscrowID( void ): Returns the auto gather escrow ID. [(bool )] aiGetAutosaveOn(): returns whether or not its cool to turn ai autosaves on. [(int )] aiGetAvailableEconomyPop( void ): Returns the available economy pop for this player. [(int )] aiGetAvailableMilitaryPop( void ): Returns the script-defined military pop for this player. [(int )] aiGetCaptainPlayerID( int playerID ): Returns the captain for the given player's team. [(int )] aiGetCurrentEconomyPop( void ): Returns the current economy pop for this player. [(void )] aiGetCurrentResourceNeed( int resourceID ): returns the current resource need for the given resource. [(float )] aiGetEconomyPercentage( void ): Returns the economy priority percentage. [(int )] aiGetEconomyPop( void ): Returns the script-defined economy pop for this player. [(float )] aiGetExploreDangerThreshold(): gets the ai's Explore Danger Threshold value. [(int )] aiGetFallenExplorerID(): returns the ID of the fallen explorer; if there isn't one, returns -1 [(int )] aiGetFarmLimit( void ): Returns the per plan farm build limit. [(int )] aiGetGameMode( void ): Returns the game's mode. [(int )] aiGetGameType(): returns the current game type (e.g., cGameTypeScenario, cGameTypeRandom, etc). [(int )] aiGetGodPowerProtoIDForTechID( int techID): translate a granted tech id into a protopower id [(int )] aiGetGodPowerTechIDForSlot( int slotID): Get the god power tech id from the given slot. [(int )] aiGetGodPowerType( int protoPowerID): get the type for a ProtoPower [(vector)] aiGetHCGatherPoint( void ): Returns the HCGP. [(int )] aiGetKOTHController(): Gets the team that is king of the hill. [(int )] aiGetLastCollectedNuggetEffect(int playerID): Gets the last collected nugget's effect [(int )] aiGetLastCollectedNuggetType(int playerID): Gets the last collected nugget's type [(float )] aiGetMarketBuyCost( int resourceID ): Returns the amount required to buy 100 units of the given resource. [(float )] aiGetMarketSellCost( int resourceID ): Returns the amount received for selling 100 units of the given resource. [(int )] aiGetMaxLOSProtoUnitLimit(): gets the limit for how many LOS Protounits the AI can build [(float )] aiGetMilitaryPercentage( void ): Returns the militarypriority percentage. [(int )] aiGetMilitaryPop( void ): Returns the script-defined military pop for this player. [(int )] aiGetMinNumberNeedForGatheringAggressives(): gets the min number of needed units to gather aggressive animals. [(int )] aiGetMinNumberWantForGatheringAggressives(): gets the min number of wanted units to gather aggressive animals. [(int )] aiGetMostHatedPlayerID( void ): Returns the script-defined most hated player ID for this player. [(int )] aiGetNumberIdlePlans( int planType ): Gets the of idle plans of the given type. [(int )] aiGetNumberRelicsControlled(int teamID): Gets the number of relics controlled by this team (for relic victory). [(int )] aiGetNumberRelicsNeededForVictory(): Gets the number of relics needed to make a relic win possible. [(long )] aiGetNumberTeams(): returns the number of teams in the game. [(int )] aiGetNumberTradePostsControlled(int teamID): Gets the number of tradeposts controlled by this team (for monopoly victory). [(int )] aiGetNumberTradePostsNeededForMonopoly(): Gets the number of tradeposts needed to make a monopoly win possible. [(vector)] aiGetOpportunityLocation( int opportunityID ): gets the location from this opportunity [(float )] aiGetOpportunityRadius( int opportunityID ): gets the radius from this opportunity [(long )] aiGetOpportunitySourceID( int opportunityID ): gets the source id from this opportunity [(long )] aiGetOpportunitySourceType( int opportunityID ): gets the source type from this opportunity [(long )] aiGetOpportunityTargetID( int opportunityID ): gets the target id from this opportunity [(long )] aiGetOpportunityTargetPlayerID( int opportunityID ): gets the target playerID from this opportunity [(long )] aiGetOpportunityTargetType( int opportunityID ): gets the target type from this opportunity [(long )] aiGetOpportunityType( int opportunityID ): gets the type from this opportunity [(bool )] aiGetPauseAllAgeUpgrades(): gets the pause all age upgrades flag from the AI. [(string)] aiGetPersonality( void ): Gets the player's personality. [(int )] aiGetPoliticianChoice(int age): Gets the scripts choice for the AgeX Politician. [(int )] aiGetPoliticianListByIndex(int age, int index): Gets the index'th Politicans avaiable for AgeX. [(int )] aiGetPoliticianListCount(int age): Gets the number of Politicans avaiable for AgeX. [(int )] aiGetPopNeeds(): gets the current Pop needs of all the plans. [(int )] aiGetResourceBreakdownNumberPlans( int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, int baseID ): Gets the number of plans for the given breakdown. [(float )] aiGetResourceBreakdownPercentage( int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, int baseID ): Gets the percentage for the given breakdown. [(int )] aiGetResourceBreakdownPlanPriority( int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, int baseID ): Gets the priority of the plans for the given breakdown. [(float )] aiGetResourceGathererPercentage( int resourceID, int rgpIndex ): Returns the resource gatherer percentage for the given resource. [(float )] aiGetResourceGathererPercentageWeight( int rgpIndex ): Returns the RGP weight. [(long )] aiGetScore(int playerID): returns the score for the given player. [(bool )] aiGetWallRadius(int buildingID): returns the wall radius for the specified building's colony. [(bool )] aiGetWaterMap(): Tells us if the AI thinks this is a water map or not. [(int )] aiGetWorldDifficulty( void ): Returns the world difficulty level. [(string)] aiGetWorldDifficultyName( int level ): Returns the name of the level. [(int )] aiGoalGetIDByIndex( int goalType, int goalState, bool active, int index ): Returns the ID of matching goal. [(int )] aiGoalGetNumber( int goalType, int goalState, bool active ): Returns the number of matching goals. [(bool )] aiHCCardsBuyCard(int cardIndex): Buy this card now [(bool )] aiHCCardsCanIBuyThisCard(int deckIndex, int cardIndex): Can I buy this card now? [(long )] aiHCCardsFindBestCard(int cardType, int levelPref, int resourcePref): Get the best card using the optional cardtype and optional resourcePreference [(long )] aiHCCardsGetCardAgePrereq(int cardIndex): For this cardIndex, get the age prereq. [(long )] aiHCCardsGetCardCount(): For this cardIndex, get the CardCount, -1 is Infinite. [(long )] aiHCCardsGetCardLevel(int cardIndex): For this cardIndex, get the age prereq. [(long )] aiHCCardsGetCardTechID(): For this cardIndex, get the TechID. [(long )] aiHCCardsGetCardUnitCount(): For this cardIndex, get the UnitCount. [(long )] aiHCCardsGetCardUnitType(): For this cardIndex, get the UnitType. [(long )] aiHCCardsGetTotal(): Returns the number of cards in the Current HC. [(bool )] aiHCCardsIsCardBought(int cardIndex): Has the cardindex been bought yet? [(bool )] aiHCDeckActivate( long deckIndex ): Makes the deckIndex the current active HC deck. [(long )] aiHCDeckAddCardToDeck( long deckIndex, long cardIndex): Adds the card given to the givenHC Deck. [(bool )] aiHCDeckCanPlayCard( long cardIndex ): Can we play this card from the given deck? [(bool )] aiHCDeckCardGetCardCount( long deskIndex, long cardIndex ): Gets how many cards of this type we can send. -1 mean infinite. [(bool )] aiHCDeckCreate( string ): Create a new HC Deck with the given name. [(long )] aiHCDeckGetCardAgePrereq( long deckIndex, long cardIndex ): For this card, get the age prereq [(long )] aiHCDeckGetCardLevel( long deckIndex, long cardIndex ): For this card, get the level [(long )] aiHCDeckGetCardTechID( long deckIndex, long cardIndex ): For this card, get the techID [(long )] aiHCDeckGetCardUnitCount( long deckIndex, long cardIndex ): For this card, get the unit Count [(long )] aiHCDeckGetCardUnitType( long deckIndex, long cardIndex ): For this card, get the unitType [(long )] aiHCDeckGetNumberCards( long deckIndex): Returns the number of cards in the Current HC Deck. [(bool )] aiHCDeckPlayCard( long cardIndex ): play this card. [(long )] aiHCGetNumberDecks(): Returns the number of decks in the Current HC. [(bool )] aiIsKOTHAllowed(): Returns true if a King of the Hill victory is possible in this game type. [(bool )] aiIsMapType(string -see 3 constants at right-):Is this a certain maptype or not. (AIFishingUseful, AITransportRequired, AITransportUseful) [(bool )] aiIsMonopolyAllowed(): Returns true if a trade monopoly is possible in this game type. [(bool )] aiIsMultiplayer(): returns true, if this is a multiplayer game. [(bool )] aiIsRelicCaptureAllowed(): Returns true if a relic capture victory is possible in this game type. [(int )] aiIsTeamKOTH(int teamID): Returns true if this team is king of the hill. [(void )] aiNormalizeResourceGathererPercentages( int rgpIndex ): Normalizes all of the resource gatherer percentages to 1.0. [(void )] aiNormalizeResourceGathererPercentageWeights( void ): Normalizes all of the resource gatherer percentages weights to 1.0. [(int )] aiNumberUnassignedUnits( int typeID ): Returns the number of unassigned units of the given type. [(int )] aiNumberUnassignedUnitsByGoal( int goalID ): Returns the number of unassigned units based on the goal's unit type(s). [(int )] aiPersonalityCreatePlayerHistory( void ): Creates are player history for the given playername. [(bool )] aiPersonalityGetDidIWinLastGameVS(int playerHistoryIndex) [(int )] aiPersonalityGetGameFirstAttackTime(int playerHistoryIndex, int gameIndex): Returns the 1st attacktime from the gameIndex game. [(float )] aiPersonalityGetGameResource(int playerHistoryIndex, int gameIndex, int resourceID): Returns the given resource from the gameIndex game. If gameIndex is -1, this will return the avg of all games played. [(int )] aiPersonalityGetGameUnitCount(int playerHistoryIndex, int gameIndex, int unitType): Returns the unit count from the gameIndex game. If gameIndex is -1, this will return the avg of all games played. [(int )] aiPersonalityGetNumberPlayerHistories( void ): Returns the number of player's in the Personality's history. [(int )] aiPersonalityGetPlayerGamesPlayed(int playerHistoryIndex, int playerRelation): Returns the number of games played against/with the given the playerHistoryIndex. [(int )] aiPersonalityGetPlayerHistoryIndex( string searchPlayerName ): Returns a playerHistoryIndex if this personality has played searchPlayerName before. [(string)] aiPersonalityGetPlayerHistoryName( int index ): Returns the name of the index'th player in the Personality's history. [(float )] aiPersonalityGetPlayerUserVar( int playerHistoryIndex, string userVarName ): Returns the user value, given the playerHistoryIndex and the userVarName. [(float )] aiPersonalityGetRushBoom( void ): Returns the rush boom scale for this ai. [(int )] aiPersonalityGetTotalGameWins(int playerHistoryIndex, int playerRelation): Returns the total games the given player has won against this AI [(bool )] aiPersonalityResetPlayerHistory( int playerHistoryIndex ): Resets the given player history. [(bool )] aiPersonalitySetPlayerUserVar( int playerHistoryIndex, string userVarName, float val ): sets the value, given the playerHistoryIndex, userVarName (max 255 chars), and value. [(bool )] aiPlanAddUnit( int planID, int unitID ): Adds a unit to the plan. [(bool )] aiPlanAddUnitType( int planID, int unitTypeID, int numberNeed, int numberWant, int numberMax ): Adds a unit type to the plan. [(bool )] aiPlanAddUserVariableBool( int planID, int planVariableIndex, string name, int numberValues ): Adds the variable to the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanAddUserVariableFloat( int planID, int planVariableIndex, string name, int numberValues ): Adds the variable to the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanAddUserVariableInt( int planID, int planVariableIndex, string name, int numberValues ): Adds the variable to the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanAddUserVariableString( int planID, int planVariableIndex, string name, int numberValues ): Adds the variable to the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanAddUserVariableVector( int planID, int planVariableIndex, string name, int numberValues ): Adds the variable to the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanAddWaypoint( int planID, vector waypoint ): Adds the waypoint to the given plan. [(int )] aiPlanCreate( string planName, int typeName ): Creates a plan of the given name and type. [(bool )] aiPlanDestroy( int planID ): Destroys the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanDestroyByName( string name ): Destroys the plan of the given name. [(bool )] aiPlanGetActive( int planID ): Gets the active-ness of the given plan. [(int )] aiPlanGetActualPriority( int planID ): Returns the priority of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanGetAllowUnderAttackResponse( int planID ): Gets the UA response-ness of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanGetAttack( int planID ): Gets the attack flag of the given plan. [(int )] aiPlanGetBaseID( int planID): gets the plan's base id. [(int )] aiPlanGetDesiredPriority( int planID ): Returns the priority of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanGetEconomy( int planID ): Gets the economy flag of the given plan. [(int )] aiPlanGetEscrowID( int planID ): Gets the escrow for the plan. [(int )] aiPlanGetID( string name ): Returns the ID of the plan with the given name. [(int )] aiPlanGetIDByActiveIndex( int activeIndex ): Returns the ID of the plan with the given active index. [(int )] aiPlanGetIDByIndex( int planType, int planState, bool active, int index ): Returns the ID of matching plan. [(int )] aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType( int planType, int varType, int varID, bool active ): Returns the ID of the plan with the given parms. [(int )] aiPlanGetIDSubStr( string searchStr ): Returns the ID of the first plan containing the given string in its name. [(vector)] aiPlanGetInitialPosition( int planID ): Returns the initial positon that was set for this plan. [(vector)] aiPlanGetLocation( int planID ): Returns the location for this plan. [(bool )] aiPlanGetMilitary( int planID ): Gets the military flag of the given plan. [(string)] aiPlanGetName( int planID ): Returns the name of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanGetNoMoreUnits( int planID ): Gets the noMoreUnits-ness of the given plan. [(int )] aiPlanGetNumber( int planType, int planState, bool active ): Returns the number of matching plans. [(int )] aiPlanGetNumberUnits( int planID, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of units currently assigned in the given plan. [(int )] aiPlanGetNumberUserVariableValues( int planID, int planVariableIndex ): Returns the number of values for this variable index. [(int )] aiPlanGetNumberVariableValues( int planID, int planVariableIndex ): Returns the number of values for this variable index. [(bool )] aiPlanGetOrphan( int planID ): Gets the orphan-ness of the given plan. [(int )] aiPlanGetState( int planID ): Returns the state of the given plan. [(int )] aiPlanGetType( int planID ): Returns the type of the given plan. [(float )] aiPlanGetUnitCost(int planID, bool considerHitPoints): gets total aiCost of plan's units, weighted for HP if requested. [(int )] aiPlanGetUnitStance( int planID ): Gets the unit stance of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanGetUserVariableBool( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. [(float )] aiPlanGetUserVariableFloat( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. [(int )] aiPlanGetUserVariableInt( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. [(string)] aiPlanGetUserVariableString( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. [(vector)] aiPlanGetUserVariableVector( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanGetVariableBool( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. [(float )] aiPlanGetVariableFloat( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. [(int )] aiPlanGetVariableInt( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. [(string)] aiPlanGetVariableString( int planID, int planVariableIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. [(vector)] aiPlanGetVariableVector( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex ): Gets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanRemoveUserVariable( int planID, int planVariableIndex ): Removes the user variable. [(bool )] aiPlanRemoveUserVariables( int planID ): Removes all of the user variables from the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanRemoveUserVariableValue( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int variableIndex ): Removes the index-th value of the user variable. [(bool )] aiPlanRemoveVariableValue( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int variableIndex ): Removes the index-th value of the variable. [(bool )] aiPlanSetActive( int planID, bool active ): Sets active on/off for the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetAllowUnderAttackResponse( int planID, bool uAR ): Sets under attack response on/off for the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetAttack( int planID, bool v ): Sets attack flag on/off for the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetBaseID( int planID, int baseID ): sets the plan's base id. [(bool )] aiPlanSetDesiredPriority( int planID, int priority ): Sets the priority of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetEconomy( int planID, bool v ): Sets economy on/off for the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetEscrowID( int planID, int escrowID ): Sets the escrow for the plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetEventHandler( int planID, int eventType, string handlerName ): Sets event handler function for the given plan and event. [(void )] aiPlanSetInitialPosition( int planID, vector initialPosition ): Sets the initial positon for this plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetMilitary( int planID, bool v ): Sets military on/off for the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetNoMoreUnits( int planID, bool v ): Sets noMoreUnits on/off for the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetNumberUserVariableValues( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int numberValues, bool clearCurrentValues ): Sets the number of values for this variable. [(bool )] aiPlanSetNumberVariableValues( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int numberValues, bool clearCurrentValues ): Sets the number of values for this variable. [(bool )] aiPlanSetOrphan( int planID, bool orphan ): Sets orphan on/off for the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetRequiresAllNeedUnits( int planID, bool rANU ): Sets 'requiresAllNeedUnits' on/off for the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetUnitStance( int planID, int stance ): Sets unit stance for the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetUserVariableBool( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, bool value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetUserVariableFloat( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, float value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetUserVariableInt( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, int value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetUserVariableString( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, string value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetUserVariableVector( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, vector value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetVariableBool( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, bool value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetVariableFloat( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, float value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetVariableInt( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, int value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetVariableString( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, string value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetVariableVector( int planID, int planVariableIndex, int valueIndex, vector value ): Sets the given variable of the given plan. [(bool )] aiPlanSetWaypoints( int planID, int pathID ): Sets the waypoints of the given plan to the waypoints of the given path. [(bool )] aiPopulatePoliticianList(): Call this to make the AI fill out what Politicians are available. [(void )] aiQueueAutoSavegame( int saveNumber ): Queues the auto savegame. [(int )] aiRandInt( int max ): Returns a random number (mod'ed by max if provided). [(vector)] aiRandLocation( void ): Returns a random location guaranteed to be on the map. [(void )] aiRandSetSeed( int seed ): Sets the seed of the random number generator. [(bool )] aiRansomExplorer(int explorerID, int escrowID, int sourceBuildingID): ransoms the specified explorer using funds from the specified escrow account and spawns it from the specified building. [(bool )] aiReadyForTradeMonopoly(): Returns true if the monopoly command can be given now. Does not check cost. [(bool )] aiRemoveResourceBreakdown( int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, int baseID ): Removes the given breakdown. [(void )] aiResign(): reigns the current player.. [(bool )] aiResourceIsLocked(int resourceID): Is this Escrow resource locked. [(void )] aiResourceLock(int resourceID): Prevent a resource from being spent by the AI. [(void )] aiResourceUnlock(int resourceID): Allow a resource to be spent by the AI. [(bool )] aiSellResourceOnMarket( int resourceID): sells (+100) the given resource. [(void )] aiSendChatToAllies( string chatString ): CP AI chat to allies. [(void )] aiSendChatToEnemies( string chatString ): CP AI chat to enemies. [(void )] aiSendChatToEveryone( string chatString ): CP AI chat to everyone. [(void )] aiSet( string filename, int playerID ): Sets playerID's AI to the given filename. [(void )] aiSetAllowBuildings( bool v ): Sets allow buildings on/off. [(void )] aiSetAttackResponseDistance( float v ): Set the attack response distance. [(void )] aiSetAutoFarmEscrowID( int escrowID ): Sets the auto Farm escrow ID. [(void )] aiSetAutoGatherEscrowID( int escrowID ): Sets the auto gather escrow ID. [(bool )] aiSetAutoGatherMilitaryUnits( bool v ): Turns auto gathering of military units at bases on/off. [(void )] aiSetDefaultStance( int defaultStance ): Sets your default stance for all of your units. [(void )] aiSetEconomyPercentage( float v ): Set the economy priority percentage. [(void )] aiSetEconomyPop( int v ): Set the script-defined economy pop for this player. [(bool )] aiSetExploreDangerThreshold( float value): sets the ai's Explore Danger Threshold value. [(void )] aiSetFarmLimit( int limit ): Sets the per plan farm build limit. [(bool )] aiSetHandler( string handlerFunctionName, int type ): Sets the handler for given type of event. [(bool )] aiSetHCGatherPoint( vector point ): Sets the HCGP. [(void )] aiSetMaxLOSProtoUnitLimit(int limit): sets the limit for how many LOS Protounits the AI can build [(void )] aiSetMilitaryPercentage( float v ): Set the military priority percentage. [(void )] aiSetMilitaryPop( int v ): Set the script-defined military pop for this player. [(void )] aiSetMinArmySize(long v): sets the min number of units in an attack army. [(void )] aiSetMinNumberNeedForGatheringAggressvies(long v): sets the min number of needed units to gather aggressive animals. [(void )] aiSetMinNumberWantForGatheringAggressives(long v): sets the min number of wanted units to gather aggressive animals. [(void )] aiSetMostHatedPlayerID( int v ): Sets the script-defined most hated player ID for this player. [(void )] aiSetOpportunityLocation( int opportunityID, vector location ): sets the location for this opp. [(void )] aiSetOpportunityRadius( int opportunityID, float radius ): sets the radius for this opp. [(bool )] aiSetOpportunityScore( long oppID, long permission, float affordable, float classscore, float instance, float total ): sets the score for this opp. [(void )] aiSetOpportunityTargetID( int opportunityID, int targetType ): sets the target id for this opp. [(void )] aiSetOpportunityTargetType( int opportunityID, int targetType ): sets the target type for this opp. [(void )] aiSetPauseAllAgeUpgrades(bool v): sets the pause all age upgrades flag in the AI. [(void )] aiSetPoliticianChoice(int age, int puid): Sets the scripts choice for the AgeX Politician. [(void )] aiSetRandomMap(bool v): Sets the RM bool in the AI. [(bool )] aiSetResourceBreakdown( int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, int numberPlans, int planPriority, float percentage, int baseID ): Sets a subtype breakdown for a resource. [(void )] aiSetResourceGathererPercentage( int resourceID, float value, bool normalize, int rgpIndex ): Sets the resource gatherer percentage for the given resource (if normalized is true, the percentages will be normalized to 1.0). [(void )] aiSetResourceGathererPercentageWeight( int rgpIndex, float weight ): Sets the RGP weight. [(void )] aiSetWaterMap( bool v): Tells the AI if this is a water map or not. [(void )] aiSetWorldDifficulty( int v ): Sets the world difficulty level. [(void )] aiSwitchMainBase(int newBaseID, bool force): switch the newBaseID to be the main base. [(bool )] aiTaskUnitBuild( int unitID, int buildingTypeID, vector position ): Does a lightweight (no plan) build tasking of the given unit to build the given building. [(bool )] aiTaskUnitDelete( int unitID ): Deletes the given unit. [(bool )] aiTaskUnitMove( int unitID, vector position ): Does a lightweight (no plan) move tasking of the given unit to the given location. [(bool )] aiTaskUnitResearch( int unitID, int techID ): Does a lightweight (no plan) research tasking of the given unit for the given tech ID. [(bool )] aiTaskUnitSpecialPower( int unitID, int powerID, vector position ): Does a lightweight (no plan) research tasking of the given unit for the given special power. [(bool )] aiTaskUnitTrain( int unitID, int unitTypeID ): Does a lightweight (no plan) train tasking of the given unit for the given target unit type. [(bool )] aiTaskUnitWork( int unitID, int targetUnitID ): Does a lightweight (no plan) work tasking of the given unit on the given target unit. [(bool )] aiTreatyActive(): checks whether the given player has a treaty. [(bool )] aiTribute( int playerID, int resourceID, float amount ): Tributes the given player. [(int )] aiUnitGetTactic(int unitID): gets the specified unit's current tactic. [(bool )] aiUnitSetTactic(int unitID, int tacticID): sets the specified tactic on the specified unit. [( )] alignResources() : realigns all resources in the world to tile boundaries [( )] alignSelectedUnits() : realigns all selected units to tile boundaries [( )] ambientColor([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set ambient color to given RGB (0-255) [( )] ambientColor2([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set ambient color 2 to given RGB (0-255) [( )] ambientGetColor : Get ambient color [( )] applyLightingSet([name]) : Applies a Lighting set [( )] areaIncrementAreaToRender( int playerID ): increments the area to render. [( )] blackmap([integerState]) : toggles or sets unexplored black map rendering. [( )] breakTreaty() : break your treaties [( )] brushCircularSize([<floatValue>]) : sets the circular brush size [( )] brushSize([integerSize]) : sets brush size. [( )] cameraBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera backward key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraDown([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera down key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraDump() : debug command to spew info about the current state of the game camera [( )] cameraForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera forward key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera left key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraLocalYawLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera 'Local Yaw left' key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraLocalYawRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera 'Local Yaw right' key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraNice : puts the camera in a reasonable orientation. [( )] cameraPitchBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera pitch backward key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraPitchForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera pitch forward key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera right key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraRollLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera roll left key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraRollRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera roll right key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraRotate(<integerState>) : sets whether camera limiting is on. [( )] cameraUp([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera up key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraWorldBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraWorldBackwardLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward & left key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraWorldBackwardRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward & right key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraWorldForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraWorldForwardLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward & left key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraWorldForwardRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward & right key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraYawLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera yaw left key has gone up or down. [( )] cameraYawRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera yaw right key has gone up or down. [( )] campaignAdvance: add help string. [( )] campaignPlayCurrent: add help string. [( )] campaignQuit: add help string. [( )] campaignResetCurScenario: add help string. [( )] campaignResume: add help string. [( )] campaignStart: add help string. [( )] cancelAutoPatcher() : Cancel the auto patcher. [( )] cancelRepairUnit(int unitID): Cancels the auto repair on the specified unit. [(void )] cancelResearchInSelected(<TechID>) : cancel researching of a tech in any valid selected unit [(void )] cancelTrainInSelected(<ProtoUnitID>,<All>) : cancel training of a unit type in any valid selected unit [( )] cancelTrainReinforcement( int armyID ) : Cancel training of a reinforcement. [( )] categoryFlash(<ID> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off. [( )] changeCliffType(string cliffName): change the cliff type for all cliffs on the map [( )] chat([stringText] integerPlayer) : adds a line of chat text from the given player (current if not provided. [(void )] click() : plays the default UI click sound. [( )] commandResearch( int commandID, int unitID) : Researches the given command from the given unit. [( )] config(<stringToken>) : changes config state just like a .cfg line [( )] configDef(<stringName>) : defines a config variable [( )] configDump : sends to output a list of all current config vars [( )] configGetByID(<intValue>) : look up config by enum ID [( )] configHelp([symbolFilter]) : show all formally defined config variables that contain the filter string, or use no parameters for a full list. [( )] configHelpPrefix([symbolFilter]) : show all formally defined config variables that start with the filter string, or use no parameters for a full list. [( )] configSet(<stringName> <stringValue>) : sets a particular config var to a string value [( )] configSetFloat(<stringName> <floatValue>) : sets a config var to a floating point value [( )] configSetInt(<stringName> <integerValue>) : sets a config var to an integer value [( )] configToggle(<stringName>) : defined var becomes undefined, and vice versa [( )] configUndef(stringName) : un-defines a config variable [( )] confirmAutoPatcher() : Used to tell autpatcher user pressed OK on exit or error dialog. [( )] console : toggles the state of the console dialog [( )] convertCoveredWagon() : Convert a covered wagon into a Town Center [( )] decrementUSP2SelectedUnitStack [( )] display([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles display on/off. otherwise, sets display [( )] displayType([integerState]) : with no arg, cycles through the various status display modes. otherwise sets display type [( )] doAbilityInSelected( protoPowerName) : use ability in current unit selection. [( )] doAbilityInType( protoPowerName) : use ability in proto unit type if the player has one [( )] doCommandInSelected( commandName) : use command in current unit selection. [( )] doMPSetup(bool useESO) : Enter BMultiplayer setup. [( )] doSPSetup() : Enter Single player setup. [( )] doTriggerImport: load some triggers. [( )] drawWorldTooltipClipRect() : Toggles whether or not to draw the world tooltip restricted screen rectangle. [( )] dropToMainMenu: drop back to the main menu [( )] echo(<stringMessage>) : sends a message to the console output [( )] echoLocalized(<stringID>) : sets the game status text from a string in the string resource. [( )] echoNum(<stringMessage>) : sends a number to the console output [( )] editMode(<symbolModeName>) : changes the edit mode [( )] editorSetAllTradeRoutesToDef(string newDefName) : Editor use - sets all trade route definitons to the spedified definition. [( )] editorSetTechStatus(string techToActivate, bool active) : Editor only function that activates/deactivates a given tech [( )] editorUpdateUnitVisuals: Editor only functions. goes thru all the units and updates thier visuals. [( )] enterAttackMoveMode [( )] enterCampaignMode(<name>): [( )] enterGCGameMode(<name>): [( )] enterRecordGameMode(<name>): [( )] exit: exits the game [( )] exitMPSetupSubScreen : Leave the current MP screen and return to the MP setup menu. [( )] fadeToColor(<r> <g> <b> <duration> <delay> <inout>): fade in/out using color specified. [( )] fakeSunParams([intensity] [specIntensity] [specPower] [inclination] [rotation]) : Set fake sun params for water [( )] fog([integerState]) : toggles or sets LOS fog. [( )] fourOfAKind() : starts the four of a kind victory if valid. [( )] gadgetFlash(<stringName> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off. [( )] gadgetReal(<stringName>) : makes real the named gadget. [( )] gadgetRealIfNotMP(<stringName>) : makes real the named gadget. [( )] gadgetRefresh(<stringName>) : refresh the contents of the named gadget. [( )] gadgetScrollDown : scrolls the gadget up one unit [( )] gadgetScrollLeft : scrolls the gadget to the left one unit [( )] gadgetScrollRight : scrolls the gadget to the Right one unit [( )] gadgetScrollUp : scrolls the gadget up one unit [( )] gadgetToggle(<stringName>) : toggles the reality of the named gadget. [( )] gadgetToggleIfNotMP(<stringName>) : toggles the reality of the named gadget. [( )] gadgetUnreal(<stringName>) : makes un-real the named gadget. [( )] gadgetWheelScroll: ui use. Scrolling function for hooking wheel to gadget scrolling [( )] hackscreenshot: take a screen shot [( )] handlePostGame : does what needs to be done. [(void )] hcAddUnitToPerformerGroup( int groupID, int unitID ): Adds a unit to a group of performers. [(long )] hcCreatePerformerGroup( int numPerformers, float attentionRadius ): Creates a performer group. [(void )] hcEcho( string echoString ): HC echo. [(void )] hcErrorMessage( string errorString ): HC error. [(int )] hcGetBuildingIDByName( string buildingName ): Returns the ID for a building with the specified name. [(int )] hcGetMyUnitID( void ): Returns the HomeCity Unit ID for this unit. [(int )] hcGetNearestWPID( vector position ): Returns the WPID closest to the position. [(int )] hcGetNumberUnitsWithAI( string aiFilename ): Returns the number of units with a given AI filename. [(long )] hcGetNumberWaypoints( void ): Returns the number of waypoints. [(long )] hcGetNumPerformerGroups(): Returns how many performer groups are currently playing. [(int )] hcGetNumUnlockedUnits( bool regularUnits, bool performerUnits ): Returns the number of unlocked units available. [(int )] hcGetPerformerInProximity( long unitID ): Returns the index-th performer unit in the proximity. [(long )] hcGetRandomFreeWPID(long waypointMask): Returns the WPID of a random waypoint. [(long )] hcGetRandomWPID(long waypointMask): Returns the WPID of a random waypoint. [(int )] hcGetUnitWithAI( string aiFilename, int index ): Returns the index-th unit with the given AI filename. [(int )] hcGetUnlockedUnitProtoUnitID( int unitIndex, bool regularUnits, bool performerUnits ): Returns the proto unit ID for an unlocked unit. [(string)] hcGetUnlockedUnitScriptFilename( int unitIndex, bool regularUnits, bool performerUnits ): Returns the script file name for an unlocked unit. [(string)] hcGetUnlockedUnitVisualFilename( int unitIndex, bool regularUnits, bool performerUnits ): Returns the visual file name for an unlocked unit. [(vector)] hcGetWaypointDir( int waypoint ): Returns the direction for a waypoint. [(vector)] hcGetWaypointPos( int waypoint ): Returns the position for a waypoint. [(void )] hcOccupyWPID(long wpid): Occupies the given waypoint. [(void )] hcPopulateHomeCity(): Populates the home city with all units needed. [(int )] hcRandInt( int max ): Returns a random number (mod'ed by max if provided). [(vector)] hcRandPosition( void ): Returns a random position guaranteed to be on the map. [(bool )] hcReservePerformerArea( long groupID ): Reserves a performer area. [(bool )] hcSetUnitXSHandler( int unitID, string handlerFunctionName, int type ): Sets the handler for a unit for a given type of event. [(bool )] hcSetXSHandler( string handlerFunctionName, int type ): Sets the handler for given type of event. [(int )] hcUnitCreate( int protoUnitID, string visualFilename, string aiFilename, int waypoint ): Creates a unit; specify either protoUnitID or visualFilename; returns the new unit's ID. [(int )] hcUnitCreateAtBone( int protoUnitID, string visualFilename, string aiFilename, string boneName ): Creates a unit at the bone position; specify either protoUnitID or visualFilename; returns the new unit's ID. [(int )] hcUnitCreateUsingPos( int protoUnitID, string visualFilename, string aiFilename, vector position, vector forward, bool visible ): Creates a unit; specify either protoUnitID or visualFilename; returns the new unit's ID. [(void )] hcUnitDestroyAll( void ): Nukes all HC units. [(bool )] hcUnitEnterBuilding(long unitID, long buildingID, float speed, bool queue) : Unit enters a building. [(bool )] hcUnitExit( int unitID, bool queue ): Exits the unit (this will kill the unit). [(bool )] hcUnitExitBuilding(long unitID, long buildingID, float pauseTime, float speed, bool queue) : Unit exits a building. [(bool )] hcUnitFollow(long unitID, long unitToFollowID, float speed, bool queue) : Unit follows another unit. [(void )] hcUnitFreeWPID(long unitID, long wpid, bool queue): Frees the given waypoint. [(int )] hcUnitGetActionType( int unitID ): Returns the action type of the unit. [(long )] hcUnitGetGroupID( int unitID ): Returns the HomeCity group ID for this unit. [(float )] hcUnitGetInitialPauseTime( int unitID ): Gets the initial time a unit should pause before spawning. [(vector)] hcUnitGetPerformForwardFromGroup( int groupID, int unitID ): Returns the performance forward vector for a unit. [(vector)] hcUnitGetPerformPosFromGroup( int groupID, int unitID ): Returns the performance position for a unit. [(vector)] hcUnitGetPosition( int unitID ): Returns the position of the unit. [(string)] hcUnitGetScript( int unitID ): Returns the script for the unit. [(bool )] hcUnitGoIdle(long unitID, bool queue): Makes the unit go into idle mode forever. [(bool )] hcUnitMoveToPos( int unitID, int startWPID, BVector goalPos, float speed, float goalTolerance, bool queue ): Walks the unit to the position. [(bool )] hcUnitMoveToWPID( int unitID, int startWPID, int goalWPID, float speed, float goalTolerance, bool queue ): Walks the unit to the WPID. [(bool )] hcUnitPlayAnim( int unitID, string animation, float seconds, long loop, bool queue ): Plays the anim for the unit. [(void )] hcUnitSetFlag( int unitID, int unitFlag, bool enable, bool queue ): Enables / disables a unit's flag. [(void )] hcUnitSetInitialPauseTime( int unitID, float pauseTime ): Sets the initial time a unit should pause before spawning. [(bool )] hcUnitSetVisible(long unitID, bool state, bool queue) : Makes unit visible/invisible. [(bool )] hcUnitTeleportToWPID(long unitID, long WPID): Moves the unit to the given waypoint immediately. [(bool )] hcUnitTurn( int unitID, BVector forward, float turnRateInDegreesPerSec, bool queue ): Turns the unit towards the forward vector. [(bool )] hcUnitWait(long unitID, float pauseTime, bool queue) : Makes script wait a number of seconds [( )] help( string commandSubstring ) - Lists all of the commands that contain the given substring [( )] helpPrefix( string commandPrefix ) - Lists all of the commands that start with the given prefix [( )] helpText( string helptextSubstring ) - Lists all of the commands that contain the given substring in their help text. [( )] hideGameMenu: hide the in-game menu. [(void )] homeCityMakeActiveByID(<playerID> <techName>) : Activates the given home city tech. [(void )] homeCityResearch(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech. [(void )] homeCityResearchByID(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech. [(void )] homeCityResearchByIDOutsideGame(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech when a game is not active. [(void )] homeCityResearchByIDPregame(<techID>) : Researches the given home city tech when you are *really* completely out side of the game. [( )] homeCityShipEject( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid, int index ) : Cancels the given unit out of the ship. [( )] homeCityTrain( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid ) : Trains the given PUID from the given home city building. [( )] homeCityTrain2( int playerID, int cardIndex ) : Sends the given HC card in the home city. [( )] homeCityTransport( int playerID ) : Transports units from the home city. [( )] IMEEnable(<true/false>) : enables or disables IME [( )] incrementUSP2SelectedUnitStack [(bool )] kbAddAttackRouteIgnoreID( int ignoreAreaID ): ignore this area when finding the route. [(bool )] kbAddAttackRouteIgnoreType( int ignoreAreaTypeID ): ignore this areatype when finding the route. [(bool )] kbAddAttackRouteSector( int sector ): add a new sector to path to. [(void )] kbAreaCalculate(): Creates areas and area groups. DO THIS BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE IN YOUR SCRIPT. [(int )] kbAreaFindBestGatherAreaID( int unitTypeID ): Returns the Area ID of the best area to gather the given unit type. [(int )] kbAreaGetBorderAreaID( int areaID, long index ): Returns the Area ID of the index-th border area in the given area. [(vector)] kbAreaGetCenter( int areaID ): Returns the center of the given area. [(int )] kbAreaGetClosetArea( vector position, int areaType, int areaType1, float minDistance ): Returns the Area ID of the closest area, of the given types, to given postion. [(int )] kbAreaGetIDByPosition( vector position ): Returns the ID of the given area. [(int )] kbAreaGetNumber( void ): Returns the number of areas. [(int )] kbAreaGetNumberBlackTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of black tiles in the given area. [(int )] kbAreaGetNumberBorderAreas( int areaID ): Returns the number of border areas for the given area. [(int )] kbAreaGetNumberFogTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of fog tiles in the given area. [(int )] kbAreaGetNumberTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of tiles in the given area. [(int )] kbAreaGetNumberUnits( int areaID ): Returns the number of units in the given area. [(int )] kbAreaGetNumberVisibleTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of visible tiles in the given area. [(int )] kbAreaGetType( int areaID ): Returns the Type of area. [(int )] kbAreaGetUnitID( int areaID, long index ): Returns the Unit ID of the index-th unit in the given area. [(int )] kbAreaGetVisibilityChangeTime( int areaID ): Returns the gametime of the last visibility change for the given area. [(int )] kbAreaGetVPSiteID(int areaID): returns an area's VP site ID (-1 if an area doesn't have a VP site). [(vector)] kbAreaGroupGetCenter( int groupID ): Returns the center of the given areaGroup. [(int )] kbAreaGroupGetIDByPosition( vector position ): Returns the ID of the given area group. [(bool )] kbAttackRouteAddPath( int attackRouteID, int pathID): Rreturns true if path was added to attack route. [(bool )] kbBaseAddUnit( int playerID, int baseID, int unitID ): Adds the given unit to the base. [(int )] kbBaseCreate( int playerID, string name, vector position, float distance ): Creates a base. [(bool )] kbBaseDestroy( int playerID, int baseID ): Destroys the given base. [(void )] kbBaseDestroyAll( int playerID ): Destroys all of the bases for the given player. [(int )] kbBaseFindCreateResourceBase( int resourceType, int resourceSubType, int parentBaseID ): Finds/Creates a resource base. [(int )] kbBaseFindForwardMilitaryBase( int enemyPlayerID, int enemyBaseID ): Finds/Creates a 'forward' military base against the given enemy base. [(bool )] kbBaseGetActive( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the active flag of the base. [(vector)] kbBaseGetBackVector( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the back vector of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseGetEconomy( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the economy flag of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseGetForward( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the forward flag of the base. [(vector)] kbBaseGetFrontVector( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the front vector of the base. [(int )] kbBaseGetIDByIndex( int playerID, int index ): Returns the BaseID for the given base. [(vector)] kbBaseGetLastKnownDamageLocation( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the last known damage location of the base. [(vector)] kbBaseGetLocation( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the location of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseGetMain( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the main flag of the base. [(int )] kbBaseGetMainID( int playerID ): Gets the main base ID for the player. [(float )] kbBaseGetMaximumResourceDistance( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the maximum resource distance of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseGetMilitary( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the military flag of the base. [(vector)] kbBaseGetMilitaryGatherPoint( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the military gather point of the base. [(int )] kbBaseGetNextID( void ): Returns the ID of the next base that will be created. [(int )] kbBaseGetNumber( int playerID ): Returns the number of bases for the given player. [(int )] kbBaseGetNumberUnits( int playerID, int baseID, int relation, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of units that match the criteria. [(int )] kbBaseGetOwner( int baseID ): Returns the player ID of the specified base's owner. [(bool )] kbBaseGetSettlement( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the settlement flag of the base. [(int )] kbBaseGetTimeUnderAttack( int playerID, int baseID ): Returns the number of continuous seconds the base has been under attack. [(bool )] kbBaseGetUnderAttack( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the under attack flag of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseRemoveUnit( int playerID, int baseID, int unitID ): Removes the given unit to the base. [(bool )] kbBaseSetActive( int playerID, int baseID, bool active ): Sets the active flag of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseSetEconomy( int playerID, int baseID, bool Economy ): Sets the economy flag of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseSetForward( int playerID, int baseID, bool forward ): Sets the forward flag of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseSetFrontVector( int playerID, int baseID, vector frontVector ): Sets the front (and back) of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseSetMain( int playerID, int baseID, bool main ): Sets the main flag of the base. [(void )] kbBaseSetMaximumResourceDistance( int playerID, int baseID, float distance ): Sets the maximum resource distance of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseSetMilitary( int playerID, int baseID, bool military ): Sets the military flag of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseSetMilitaryGatherPoint( int playerID, int baseID, vector gatherPoint ): Sets the military gather point of the base. [(bool )] kbBaseSetSettlement( int playerID, int baseID, bool settlement ): Sets the settlement flag of the base. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementAddAreaGroupID( int areaGroupID ): Adds the AreaGroup ID to the current BP. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementAddAreaID( int areaID, int numberBorderAreaLayers, bool addCenterInfluence ): Adds the Area ID to the current BP (with the given number of border area layers), addCenterInfluence - adds a positional influence from the area center. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementAddPositionInfluence( vector position, float value, float distance ): Adds the position influence for the current building placement. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementAddUnitInfluence( int typeID, float value, float distance, long kbResourceID ): Adds the unit influence for the current building placement. [(int )] kbBuildingPlacementCreate( string name ): Creates a building placement; returns the ID. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementDestroy( int id ): Destroys the given building placement. [(vector)] kbBuildingPlacementGetResultPosition( int bpID ): Returns the vector result position for given BP ID. [(float )] kbBuildingPlacementGetResultValue( int bpID ): Returns the result value for given BP ID. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementResetResults( void ): Resets the current building placement. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSelect( int id ): Selects the given building placement. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSetBaseID( int baseID, int locationPref ): Sets the base ID and location preference for the current building placement. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSetBuildingType( int buildingTypeID ): Sets the building type for the current building placement. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSetCenterPosition( vector position, float distance, float obstructionRadius ): Sets up center position-based BP. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSetEventHandler( int eventType, string handlerName ): Sets event handler function for the current BP and event. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSetMinimumValue( float minimumValue ): Sets the minimum acceptable value for evaluated spots in the BP. [(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementStart( void ): Starts the placement of current building. [(bool )] kbCanAffordTech( int techID, int escrowID ): Returns true if the player can afford the tech. [(bool )] kbCanAffordUnit( int protoUnitTypeID, int escrowID ): Returns true if the player can afford the proto unit. [(bool )] kbCanPath2( vector pointA, vector pointB, long protoUnitTypeID, float range ): Returns true if the given unit type can path from pointA to pointB. [(bool )] kbCanSimPath( vector pointA, vector pointB, long protoUnitTypeID, float range ): Returns true if the given unit type can path from pointA to pointB. [(int )] kbCreateAttackRoute( string name, int startAreaID, int goalAreaID, int numInitialRoutes): Returns the Route ID if successful. [(int )] kbCreateAttackRouteWithPath( string name, vector startPt, vector endPt): Returns the Route ID if successful. [(int )] kbCreateTechProgression( string techName, string name ): Creates a tech progression of the given name. [(int )] kbCreateUnitProgression( string unitName, string name ): Creates a unit progression of the given name. [(bool )] kbDestroyAttackRoute( int routeID ): Returns true if the route was deleted. [(void )] kbDump( int player1, int player2 ): KB dump for player2's units from player1's perspective. [(void )] kbDumpType( int player1, int player2, string typeName ): KB dump for player2's units of the given type from player1's perspective. [(void )] kbDumpVPSiteInfo(): blogs out info about all VP sites. [(bool )] kbEscrowAllocateCurrentResources( void ): Reallocates the current resource stockpile into the escrows. [(int )] kbEscrowCreate( string name, int resourceID, float percentage, int parentID ): Creates an escrow. [(bool )] kbEscrowDestroy( int escrowID, bool promoteChildren ): Destroys an escrow. [(bool )] kbEscrowFlush( int escrowID, int resourceID, bool flushChildren ): Removes all credits (and puts them into the root escrow) of the given resource type from the given escrow. [(float )] kbEscrowGetAmount( int escrowID, int resourceID ): Returns the amount of credits in the given escrow for the given resource. [(int )] kbEscrowGetID( string name ): Returns the ID of the named escrow. [(float )] kbEscrowGetPercentage( int escrowID, int resourceID ): Returns the percentage of the escrow. [(bool )] kbEscrowSetCap( int escrowID, int resourceID, float cap ): Sets the cap of the escrow. [(bool )] kbEscrowSetPercentage( int escrowID, int resourceID, float percentage ): Sets the percentage of the escrow. [(int )] kbFindAreaGroup( int groupType, float surfaceAreaRatio, int compareAreaID) : returns the visible area group that matches the given criteria. [(int )] kbFindAreaGroupByLocation( int groupType, float relativeX, float relativeZ ) : returns the visible area group that matches the given criteria. [(int )] kbFindBestBuildingToRepair(vector position, float distance, float healthRatio, int repairUnderAttackUnitTypeID) : returns the id of the best building to repair. [(long )] kbFindClosestBase( long playerRelation, vector location ): gets the nearest base of player relation from the location. [(int )] kbGetAge( void ): Returns the current age for the current player. [(int )] kbGetAgeForPlayer( int id ): Returns the current age for the player specified. [(float )] kbGetAICostWeight( int resourceID ): Returns the AI cost weight for the given resource. [(float )] kbGetAmountValidResources( int baseID, int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, float distance ): Returns the resource amount of valid KB resources for the resource types. [(int )] kbGetAttackRouteID( long startAreaID, long goalAreaID): Returns the id of the routes from area1 to area2. [(bool )] kbGetAutoBaseCreate( void ): Returns the auto base creation value. [(float )] kbGetAutoBaseCreateDistance( void ): Returns the auto base creation distance. [(bool )] kbGetAutoBaseDetect( void ): Returns the auto base detection value. [(float )] kbGetAutoBaseDetectDistance( void ): Returns the auto base creation distance. [(int )] kbGetBlockID( string blockName ): Returns the UnitID of the cinematic block. [(vector)] kbGetBlockPosition( string blockName ): Returns the position of the cinematic block. [(int )] kbGetBuildLimit(int player, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of the unit type you are allowed to have (ONLY WORKS ON BASE UNIT TYPES); returns -1 if there is no limit. [(int )] kbGetCiv( void ): Returns the civilization for the player. [(int )] kbGetCivForPlayer( int playerID ): Returns the civ for the given player. [(string)] kbGetCivName( int civID ): Returns the civ name for the given civ. [(float )] kbGetCombatEfficiency( int playerID1, int unitTypeID1, int playerID2, int unitTypeID2 ): Returns the combat efficiency of the comparison (in terms of playerID1's units). [(int )] kbGetCulture( void ): Returns the culture for the player. [(int )] kbGetCultureForPlayer( int playerID ): Returns the culture for the given player. [(string)] kbGetCultureName( int cultureID ): Returns the culture name for the given culture. [(long )] kbGetHCLevel( int playerID ): Returns the current HomeCity Level of the given player. [(vector)] kbGetMapCenter( void ): Returns the center vector of the map. [(float )] kbGetMapXSize( void ): Returns the X size of the map. [(float )] kbGetMapZSize( void ): Returns the Z size of the map. [(int )] kbGetNumAttackRoutes( long startAreaID, long goalAreaID): Returns num paths from start to goal area. [(int )] kbGetNumberMutualAllies( void ): Returns the number of mutual allies. [(int )] kbGetNumberValidResources( int baseID, int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, float distance ): Returns the number of valid KB resources for the resource types. [(int )] kbGetNumberValidResourcesByPlan( int planID, int baseID ): Returns the number of valid KB resources for the given plan/base. [(float )] kbGetPlayerHandicap( int playerID ): Returns the player's handicap multiplier (ie., 1.0 = no handicap). [(string)] kbGetPlayerName( <playerID> ): Returns the player's name. [(int )] kbGetPlayerTeam( <playerID> ): Returns the player's team number. [(int )] kbGetPop( void ): Returns the current population for the player. [(int )] kbGetPopCap( void ): Returns the current population cap for the player. [(int )] kbGetPopCapAddition(int player, int unitTypeID ): Returns amount of pop cap addition provided by the given unit type (ONLY WORKS ON BASE UNIT TYPES). [(int )] kbGetPopSlots(int player, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of pop slots this unit takes (ONLY WORKS ON BASE UNIT TYPES). [(int )] kbGetPopulationSlotsByQueryID( int queryID ): Returns the number of pop slots currently occupied by the results in the given query. [(int )] kbGetPopulationSlotsByUnitTypeID( int playerID, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of pop slots currently occupied by this unit type. [(float )] kbGetProtoUnitAICost( int protoUnitTypeID ): Returns the AI cost for the given protoUnit type ID. [(int )] kbGetProtoUnitID( string name ): Returns the ID of the protounit. [(string)] kbGetProtoUnitName( int protoUnitTypeID ): Returns the name of the protounit ID. [(int )] kbGetRandomEnabledPUID( int unitTypeID, int escrowID ): Returns a random, valid PUID that's of the given type. [(float )] kbGetResourceIncome( int resourceID, float seconds, bool relative ): Returns the resource income over the last X seconds. [(float )] kbGetTargetSelectorFactor(int type) : gets the TargetSelector Factor value. [(float )] kbGetTechAICost( int techID ): Returns the AI cost for the given tech ID. [(string)] kbGetTechName( int techID ): Returns the name of the tech ID. [(float )] kbGetTechPercentComplete( int techID ): Returns the percent complete for the the requested tech of the current player. [(int )] kbGetTownAreaID( void ): Returns the area ID of the main town. [(vector)] kbGetTownLocation( void ): Returns the location of the main town. [(int )] kbGetUnitBaseTypeID( int unitID ): Returns the base type ID of the unit. [(string)] kbGetUnitTypeName( int unitTypeID ): Returns the name of the unit type. [(int )] kbGetVPGeneratorByScoreType(int siteType): returns the protounit ID for the VP generator that corresponds to this type of VP site. [(bool )] kbHasPlayerLost( <playerID> ): Returns the player's lost status. [(bool )] kbIsGameOver(): Returns whether the game is over or not. [(bool )] kbIsPlayerAlly( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is an ally. [(bool )] kbIsPlayerEnemy( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is an enemy. [(bool )] kbIsPlayerHuman( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a a human player. [(bool )] kbIsPlayerMutualAlly( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a mutual ally. [(bool )] kbIsPlayerNeutral( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a neutral player. [(bool )] kbIsPlayerResigned( <playerID> ): Returns the player's resigned status. [(bool )] kbIsPlayerValid( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a valid player (i.e. it exists in the game). [(bool )] kbLocationVisible( vector location ): Returns true if the location is currently visible to the player. [(void )] kbLookAtAllUnitsOnMap( void ): Cheats and looks at all of the units on the map. This will format your harddrive if you're not authorized to use it. [(bool )] kbMakeAttackRoutes(): find all the paths to the sector specified. [(float )] kbMaximumResourceGet( int resourceID ): Returns the maximum amount of the given resource you can have. [(bool )] kbPathAddWaypoint( int pathID, vector waypoint ): Adds the waypoint to the given path. [(int )] kbPathCreate( string name ): Creates a path with the given name. [(bool )] kbPathDestroy( int pathID ): Destroys the given path. [(int )] kbPathGetIDByIndex( long index ): Returns the index-th path ID. [(float )] kbPathGetLength( int pathID ): Returns the length of the given path. [(string)] kbPathGetName( int pathID ): Returns the name of the given path. [(int )] kbPathGetNumber( void ): Returns the number of paths. [(int )] kbPathGetNumberWaypoints( int pathID ): Returns the number of waypoints in the given path. [(vector)] kbPathGetWaypoint( int pathID, long waypointNumber ): Returns the appropriate waypoint from the given path. [(float )] kbProgessionGetTotalResourceCost( int progressionID, int resourceID ): Returns the total cost of the given resource for this progressionID. A resourceID of -1 will return the total Cost. [(int )] kbProgressionGetNodeData( int progressionID, int nodeIndex ): Returns the data at nodeIndex, either UnitID or TechID, depending on the type. [(int )] kbProgressionGetNodeType( int progressionID, int nodeIndex ): Returns the type of node at the given index, either Unit type or Tech type. [(int )] kbProgressionGetTotalNodes( int progressionID ): Returns the total number of steps to complete the progression. [(bool )] kbProtoUnitAvailable( int protoUnitID ): Returns true if the protoUnit is currently available. [(bool )] kbProtoUnitIsType( int playerID, int protoUnitID, int unitTypeID ): Returns true if the protounit is of the unitTypeID. [(float )] kbResourceGet( int resourceID ): Returns the current amount of the given resource. [(long )] kbResourceGetXP( int playerID ): Returns the current amount XP the given player has. [(bool )] kbSetAICostWeight( int resourceID, float weight ): Sets the weight this resource type is given during AI cost calculuations. [(void )] kbSetAutoBaseCreate( bool v ): Sets the auto base creation value. [(void )] kbSetAutoBaseCreateDistance( float v ): Sets the auto base creation distance. [(void )] kbSetAutoBaseDetect( bool v ): Sets the auto base detection value. [(void )] kbSetAutoBaseDetectDistance( float v ): Sets the auto base creation distance. [(void )] kbSetForwardBasePosition(vector position) set the explicit position that every forward base will use. [(void )] kbSetPlayerHandicap( int playerID, float handicap ): Sets the indicated player's handicap multiplier (ie., 1.0 = no handicap). [(int )] kbSetTargetSelectorFactor(int type, float val) : sets the TargetSelector Factor value. [(bool )] kbSetTownLocation( vector location ): Sets the location of the main town. [(bool )] kbSetupForResource( int baseID, int resourceID, float distance, float amount ): Returns true if amount of resource is within distance of a dropsite. [(bool )] kbTargetSelectorAddQueryResults( int queryID ): Sets the list of potential targets to the results in the given query. [(bool )] kbTargetSelectorAddUnitType( int protoUnitTypeID ): Add the UAIT for the given BASE unit type as a filter. [(int )] kbTargetSelectorCreate( string name ): Creates a target selector; returns the ID. [(bool )] kbTargetSelectorDestroy( int id ): Destroys the given target selector. [(int )] kbTargetSelectorGetNumberResults( void ): Returns the number of results in the given target selector. [(int )] kbTargetSelectorGetResultValue( int index ): Returns the result value for given index of the current target selector. [(bool )] kbTargetSelectorResetResults( void ): Resets the current target selector. [(bool )] kbTargetSelectorSelect( int id ): Selects the given target selector. [(bool )] kbTargetSelectorStart( void ): Starts the current target selector. [(float )] kbTechCostPerResource( int techID, int resourceID): returns the cost of the tech for the given resource. [(int )] kbTechGetStatus( int techID ): Returns the current tech status for the current player of the requested tech. [(void )] kbTechTreeDump( void ): Dumps the current state of the KBTT. [(int )] kbTechTreeGetCheapestEconUpgrade( int resourceUnitTypeID ): gets cheapest researchable econ upgrade, optionally for specified resource unit type. [(int )] kbTechTreeGetCheapestUnitUpgrade( int unitTypeID ): gets cheapest researchable unit upgrade, optionally for specified unit/unit line. [(float )] kbTotalResourceGet( int resourceID ): Returns the total amount of the given resource gathered to this point in the game. [(float )] kbUnitCostPerResource( int protoUnitID, int resourceID): returns the cost of the protounit for the given resource. [(int )] kbUnitCount(int player, int unitTypeID, int stateID ): Returns a quick unit count of units for a player. [(void )] kbUnitCountConsole(int playerID1, int playerID2, string unitType, string state(s) ): Returns a quick unit count of player2's units from player1's perspective. [(int )] kbUnitGetActionType( int unitID ): Returns the actionTypeID of the unit. [(int )] kbUnitGetAreaID( int unitID ): Returns the area ID for this unit ID. [(int )] kbUnitGetArmyID( int unitID ): Returns the army ID for this unit ID. [(int )] kbUnitGetBaseID( int unitID ): Returns the base ID for this unit ID. [(float )] kbUnitGetCurrentAICost( int unitID ): Returns the current AI cost (worth) for this unit ID. [(float )] kbUnitGetCurrentHitpoints( int unitID ): Returns the current hitpoints for this unit ID. [(float )] kbUnitGetHealth( int unitID ): Returns the health for this unit ID. [(float )] kbUnitGetMaximumAICost( int unitID ): Returns the maximum AI cost (worth) for this unit ID. [(float )] kbUnitGetMaximumHitpoints( int unitID ): Returns the maximum hitpoints for this unit ID. [(int )] kbUnitGetMovementType( int unitTypeID ): Returns the movementType for this unitTypeID. [(int )] kbUnitGetNumberWorkers( int unitID ): Returns the number of units currently working on the given unit. [(int )] kbUnitGetPlanID( int unitID ): Returns the plan ID for this unit ID. [(int )] kbUnitGetPlayerID(int unitID ): Returns the player ID for this unit ID. [(vector)] kbUnitGetPosition( int unitID ): Returns the position for this unit ID. [(int )] kbUnitGetProtoUnitID( int unitID ): Returns the unit's protounit ID. [(int )] kbUnitGetTargetUnitID( int unitID ): Returns the target unit ID of the given unit. [(int )] kbUnitGetWorkerID( int unitID, int index ): Returns the index-th worker unit ID. [(bool )] kbUnitIsType( int unitID, long unitTypeID ): Returns true if the unit is of the unitTypeID. [(bool )] kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType( int upID, int typeID, float weight ) : Adds an enemy unit typeID to the unit pick combat efficiency calculation. [(bool )] kbUnitPickAdjustPreferenceFactor( int upID, int unitTypeID, float baseFactorAdjustment ) : Adjusts the preferenceFactor for that unit type (uses 50.0 as the base if the UP doesn't exist yet). [(int )] kbUnitPickCreate( string name ): Creates a unit pick. [(bool )] kbUnitPickDestroy( int upID ): Destroys the given unit pick. [(int )] kbUnitPickGetAttackUnitType( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick attack unit type. [(int )] kbUnitPickGetDesiredNumberBuildings( int upID, int index ) : gets the unit pick desired number buildings for the index-th unit type. [(int )] kbUnitPickGetDesiredNumberUnitTypes( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick desired number unit types. [(int )] kbUnitPickGetGoalCombatEfficiencyType( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick attack unit type. [(int )] kbUnitPickGetMaximumNumberUnits( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick maximum number units. [(int )] kbUnitPickGetMaximumPop( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick maximum pop. [(int )] kbUnitPickGetMinimumNumberUnits( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick minimum number units. [(int )] kbUnitPickGetMinimumPop( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick minimum pop. [(int )] kbUnitPickGetNumberResults( int upID ) : Returns the number of unit pick results. [(float )] kbUnitPickGetPreferenceWeight( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick preference weight. [(int )] kbUnitPickGetResult( int upID, int index ) : Returns the index-th ProtoUnitID. [(bool )] kbUnitPickResetAll( int upID ) : Resets all of the unit pick data. [(bool )] kbUnitPickResetCombatEfficiencyTypes( int upID ) : Resets the enemy unit typeIDs for the unit pick combat efficiency calculation. [(bool )] kbUnitPickResetResults( int upID ) : Resets the unit pick results. [(int )] kbUnitPickRun( int upID ) : Runs the unit pick. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetAttackUnitType( int upID, int type ) : Sets the unit pick attack unit type. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetCombatEfficiencyWeight( int upID ) : Sets the unit pick combat efficiency weight. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetCostWeight( int upID ) : Sets the unit pick cost weight. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberBuildings( int upID, int index, int numberBuildings ) : Sets the unit pick desired number buildings for the index-th unit type. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberUnitTypes( int upID, int number, int numberBuildings, bool degradeNumberBuildings ) : Sets the unit pick desired number unit types. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetEnemyPlayerID( int upID, int playerID ) : Sets the unit pick enemy player ID. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetGoalCombatEfficiencyType( int upID, int type ) : Sets the unit pick attack unit type. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetMaximumNumberUnits( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired number unit types. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetMaximumPop( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired max pop. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetMinimumNumberUnits( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired number unit types. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetMinimumPop( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired min pop. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetMovementType( int upID, int movementType ) : Sets the unit pick movement type. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor( int upID, int unitTypeID, float preferenceFactor ) : Sets the preferenceFactor for that unit type. [(bool )] kbUnitPickSetPreferenceWeight( int upID, float v ) : Sets the unit pick preference weight. [(int )] kbUnitQueryCreate( string name ): Creates a unit query, returns the query ID. [(bool )] kbUnitQueryDestroy( long queryID ): Destroys the given unit query. [(int )] kbUnitQueryExecute( long queryID ): Executes the current query; returns number of results. [(int )] kbUnitQueryExecuteOnQuery( long currentQueryID, int previousQueryID ): Executes the current query on the previous query's results; returns the new number of results. [(int )] kbUnitQueryExecuteOnQueryByName( long currentQueryID, string previousQueryName ): Executes the current query on the previous query's results; returns the new number of results. [(int )] kbUnitQueryGetResult( long queryID, int index ): Returns the UnitID of the index-th result in the current query. [(float )] kbUnitQueryGetUnitCost(int queryID, bool considerHealth): gets total aiCost of query's units, weighted for HP if requested. [(float )] kbUnitQueryGetUnitHitpoints(int queryID, bool considerHealth): gets HP of query's units, using current HP if requested. [(int )] kbUnitQueryNumberResults( long queryID ): Returns the number of results in the current query. [(bool )] kbUnitQueryResetData( long queryID ): Resets the given unit query data AND results. [(bool )] kbUnitQueryResetResults( long queryID ): Resets the given unit query results. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetActionType( long queryID, int actionTypeID ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetAreaGroupID( long queryID, int areaGroupID ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetAreaID( long queryID, int areaID ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetArmyID( long queryID, int armyID ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetAscendingSort( long queryID, bool v ): If parm is true, results are sorted in ascending distance order from the query position. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetBaseID( long queryID, int baseID ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits( long queryID, bool v ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance( long queryID, float distance ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetPlayerID( long queryID, int playerID, bool resetQueryData ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation( long queryID, int playerRelation ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetPosition( long queryID, vector v ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetSeeableOnly( long queryID, bool seeableOnly ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetState( long queryID, int state ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetUnitType( long queryID, int unitTypeID ): Sets query data. [(bool )] kbUnitVisible( int unitID ): Returns true if the unit is currently visible to the player. [(int )] kbVPSiteGetLocation(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's world location. [(int )] kbVPSiteGetOwnerPlayerID(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's owning player. [(int )] kbVPSiteGetState(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's state. [(int )] kbVPSiteGetType(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's type (e.g., native, trade, etc). [(int )] kbVPSiteQuery(int scoreType, int playerRelationOrID, int siteState): returns ID for an array containing VP site IDs that match the specified parameters. [( )] kothVictory() : starts the King of the Hill victory if valid. [( )] leaveGame : destroys the world and returns to main menu. [( )] loadCamera(<stringFilename>) : load camera from file. [( )] loadCampaignScenario(<stringFilename>) : loads in a campaign scenario file. [( )] loadGame(<stringFilename>) : loads in a saved game. [( )] loadGrouping( string groupingName ) : Loads a grouping. No parameter pops up dialog. [( )] loadGroupingUnicode : For UI use only. [( )] loadGroupingUnicodeLUA : For UI use only. [( )] loadLightingSet([name] [apply]) : loads the specified lighting set [( )] loadRecentFile(<stringFilename>) : loads the file named, interpreting whether it is a scenario, savegame, etc. dynamically [( )] loadScenario(<stringFilename>) : loads in a scenario file. [( )] loadTutorial(<stringFilename>, <loadMode>, <loadImage>, <textID>, <isAge3Scenario>) : loads in a tutorial scenario file. [( )] loadUserDefinedGrouping(string groupingName) : Loads a grouping from the user writable grouping directory. [( )] lookAt(float x, float z) : looks at given x,z location on terrain. [( )] lookAtArmy(int playerID, string armyName) : looks at given kb army. [( )] lookAtHomeCityBuilding( int building ) : View the specific home city building. [( )] map(<eventString> <contextString> <commandString> : maps input event to command, in that context. See input mapper design.doc for more details. [( )] mercTrain( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid ) : Trains the given merc from the given home city building. [( )] minimapRotateMode(integerMode) : changes the minimap rotation mode. No arg means toggle. [( )] minimapZoom([floatZoom]) : sets the zoom factor of the minimap. [( )] minimapZoomDelta([floatZoomDelta]) : changes the zoom factor of the minimap up or down by that amount (remaining centered on the current view) [( )] modeEnter(<stringMode>) : enters the named mode. [( )] modelDestroyAll() [( )] modelLoad(model XML file name) [( )] modelSetAnim(anim Index) [( )] modeToggleBetweenIfNotMP(<stringMode1> <stringMode2>) : toggles between the two modes only if we're not in a BMultiplayer game. [( )] mpCustomScreenSetSavegame(<name>): UI used only [( )] musicPlaySong (songname, fadetime) : play a sound as if it were a music track [( )] musicSetVolume (0.0f-1.0f) : set the current music volume [( )] musicStop(): stop playing music [( )] musicToggleBattleMode : toggles between battle mode and normal mode [( )] obscuredUnitToggle: Toggles between different ways obscured units are shown. [( )] outputBlankLine : Dumps a blank line to the output. [( )] pause([integerState][checkForAllowPause]) : with no arg, toggles pause state on/off. otherwise, sets pause state [( )] pause2([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles pause state on/off. otherwise, sets pause state [( )] player([integerPlayer]) : with no arg, outputs current player. otherwise, sets current player to given argument [( )] playerResign: resigns the currently controlled player. [( )] playMovie() : Plays movies from a playlist in the AVI directory [( )] postGamePlayAgain : does what needs to be done. [( )] ransomExplorer() : ransoms your explorer [( )] redo : Re-does the last undone operation. [( )] relicCapture() : starts the Relic Capture victory if valid. [( )] renderAnisotropic([integerState]) : sets desired anisotropy [( )] renderAreaDangerLevels(int playerID, int state): draws areas and color-codes them by danger level. [( )] renderAreaGroupID([playerID], <areaGroupID> [integerState]) : sets the render state of the given area (no integerState toggles). [( )] renderAreaID([playerID], <areaID> [integerState]) : sets the render state of the given area (no integerState toggles). [( )] renderAreas([playerID], [integerState]) : sets the render state for all areas (no arg toggles). [( )] renderBaseID([playerID], <areaID> [integerState]) : sets the render state of the given base (no integerState toggles). [( )] renderForceReset: forces the renderer to reset. [( )] renderFriendOrFoe([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles friend or foe colors. otherwise, sets it [( )] renderRefresh([integerState]) : with no arg, changes refresh rate to 75hz in fullscreen. otherwise, sets fullscreen refresh to value [( )] renderTrilinear([integerState]) : sets trilinear filtering on/off [( )] renderWindow([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles window/fullscreen. otherwise, sets mode to window(1)/fullscreen(0) [( )] repairUnit(int unitID): Starts the auto repair on the specified unit. [( )] res(<integerXRes>, <integerYRes>) : changes screen resolution. [( )] resbpp(<integerXRes>, <integerYRes>, <integerBPP>) : changes screen resolution and bit depth. [(void )] researchByID (<TechID> <ResearchingUnitID> [Player#]) : Start the research of TechID from ResearchingUnitID for the current player (if no player is specified) [( )] researchTechInSelected( techName) : research a tech in current unit selection. [( )] resetAmbientColor(): reset the ambient color to full [( )] resetDefaultPlayerColors() : reloads the player colors from the XML file [( )] resetSunColor(): reset the sun color to full [( )] resourceMarket(<intPlayerID> <stringResourceTo> <floatAmount> <stringResourceFrom>) : Sends out a market use command for the given player, resource and amount. Negative means selling. [( )] resourceTrade(<intPlayerID> <stringResourceTo> <floatAmountTo> <stringResourceFrom> <resourceAmountFrom>) : Sends out a trade resource command for the given player, resource and amount. [( )] restart() : re-launch current scenario. [( )] restartCurrentGame : restarts current game. [( )] rmAddAreaCliffEdgeAvoidClass(int areaID, int avoidID, float minDist): Adds a class for an area's cliff edge to avoid. [( )] rmAddAreaCliffRandomWaypoints(int areaID, float endXFraction, float endZFraction, int count, float maxVariation): Adds random waypoints to the specified cliff valley area. [( )] rmAddAreaCliffWaypoint(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Adds the given waypoint to the specified cliff area (for valleys). [(bool )] rmAddAreaConstraint(int areaID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to an area. [( )] rmAddAreaInfluencePoint(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Adds an area influence point. [( )] rmAddAreaInfluenceSegment(int areaID, float xFraction1, float zFraction1, float xFraction2, float zFraction2): Adds an area influence segment. [( )] rmAddAreaRemoveType(int areaID, string typeName): Add an unit type that the specified area removes. [( )] rmAddAreaTerrainLayer(int areaID, string terrain, float minDist, float maxDist): Adds a terrain layer to an area. [( )] rmAddAreaTerrainReplacement(int areaID, string terrainTypeName, string newTypeName): Adds a terrain replacement rule to the area. [(bool )] rmAddAreaToClass(int areaID, int classID): Add given area to specified class. [( )] rmAddClosestPointConstraint( int constraintID ): Adds constraint to closest point finder. [( )] rmAddConnectionArea(int connectionID, int areaID): Adds an area to the connection. [(bool )] rmAddConnectionConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to a connection. [(bool )] rmAddConnectionEndConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint for a connection end point. [(bool )] rmAddConnectionStartConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint for a connection start point. [( )] rmAddConnectionTerrainReplacement(int connectionID, string terrainTypeName, string newTypeName): Adds a terrain replacement rule to the connection. [( )] rmAddConnectionToClass(int connectionID, int classID): Adds the connection to specified class. [(int )] rmAddFairLoc(string unitName, bool forward, bool inside, float minPlayerDist, float maxPlayerDist, float locDist, float edgeDist, bool playerArea, bool teamArea): Adds some fairLoc placement info. [(bool )] rmAddFairLocConstraint(int fairLocID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to a fairLoc placement. [(bool )] rmAddGroupingConstraint(int GroupingID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to a grouping. [(bool )] rmAddGroupingToClass(int GroupingID, int classID): Add given grouping to specified class. [( )] rmAddMapTerrainByAngleInfo(string terrain, float minSlope, float maxSlope, float outerRange): Adds a terrain to paint on tiles that are sloped between the specified angles (0 degrees is flat terrain, 90 degrees is sheer terrain), modified by a random number between 0.0 and outerRange. [( )] rmAddMapTerrainByHeightInfo(string terrain, float minHeight, float maxHeight, float outerRange): Adds a terrain to paint between the specified heights, modified by a random number between 0.0 and outerRange. [( )] rmAddMerc(string unitName, float count, float minCount, float maxCount, float countIncrement, bool multipleUses ) : Adds mercs of to the merc manager for this game. [(bool )] rmAddObjectDefConstraint(int defID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to given object def. [( )] rmAddObjectDefItem(int defID, string unitName, int count, float clusterDistance): Add item to object definition. [( )] rmAddObjectDefItemByTypeID(int defID, int unitTypeID, int count, float clusterDistance): Add item to object definition. [(bool )] rmAddObjectDefToClass(int objectDefID, int classID): Add given object def to specified class. [( )] rmAddPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float amount): Adds to a player's resource amount. [( )] rmAddRandomTradeRouteWaypoints(int tradeRouteID, float endXFraction, float endZFraction, int count, float maxVariation): Adds random waypoints to the specified trade route. [( )] rmAddRandomTradeRouteWaypointsVector(int tradeRouteID, vector v, int count, float maxVariation): Adds random waypoints to the specified trade route. [( )] rmAddTradeRouteWaypoint(int tradeRouteID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Adds the given waypoint to the specified trade route. [( )] rmAddTradeRouteWaypointVector(int tradeRouteID, vector v): Adds the given waypoint to the specified trade route. [( )] rmAddTriggerCondition(string conditionType) [( )] rmAddTriggerEffect(string effectType) [( )] rmAddUnitsToArmy(int playerID, int armyID, int objectDefID) [( )] rmAllocateSubCivs(int number) : Allocates the number of sub civs in the world. [( )] rmAreaFractionToTiles(float fraction): Converts an area from fraction of the map to tile count. [( )] rmAreaID(string name): Gets area ID for given area name. [( )] rmAreaTilesToFraction(int tiles): Converts area tile count to fraction of map. [( )] rmBuildAllAreas(): Simulatenously builds all unbuilt areas. [( )] rmBuildArea(int areaID): Builds the specified area. [( )] rmBuildConnection(int connectionID): Builds the given connection. [( )] rmBuildTradeRoute(int tradeRouteID, string terrainTypeName): Builds the trade route with the given terrain type. [( )] rmClassID(string name): Gets class ID for given class name. [( )] rmClearClosestPointConstraints(): Clears constraints for closest point finder. [( )] rmConstraintID(string name): Gets constraint ID for given constraint name. [( )] rmCreateArea(string name, int parentAreaID): Creates an area. [(int )] rmCreateAreaConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area. [(int )] rmCreateAreaDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area distance constraint. [(int )] rmCreateAreaMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area max distance constraint. [(int )] rmCreateAreaOverlapConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make an area overlap constraint. [( )] rmCreateArmy(int playerID, string armyName) [(int )] rmCreateBoxConstraint(string name, float startX, float startZ, float endX, float endZ, float bufferFraction): Make a box constraint. [(int )] rmCreateClassDistanceConstraint(string name, int classID, float distance): Make a class distance constraint. [(int )] rmCreateCliffEdgeConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's cliff edge. [(int )] rmCreateCliffEdgeDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff edge distance constraint. [(int )] rmCreateCliffEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff edge max distance constraint. [(int )] rmCreateCliffRampConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's cliff ramp edge. [(int )] rmCreateCliffRampDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff ramp edge distance constraint. [(int )] rmCreateCliffRampMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff ramp edge max distance constraint. [( )] rmCreateConnection(string name): Creates an connection. [(int )] rmCreateCornerConstraint(string name, int corner, bool outside): Make a constraint to pass if in or out of a corner. [(int )] rmCreateEdgeConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's edge. [(int )] rmCreateEdgeDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area edge distance constraint. [(int )] rmCreateEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area edge max distance constraint. [( )] rmCreateGrouping(int defID, string filename): Creates a grouping. [(bool )] rmCreateHCGPAllyConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's ally's HCGPs. [(bool )] rmCreateHCGPConstraint(string name, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid all HCGPs. [(bool )] rmCreateHCGPEnemyConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's enemy's HCGPs. [(bool )] rmCreateHCGPSelfConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's HCGP. [(int )] rmCreateMaxHeightConstraint(string name, float height): Make an max height constraint (terrain must be less than given height). [( )] rmCreateObjectDef(string name): Creates an object definition. [(int )] rmCreatePieConstraint(string name, float xFraction, float zFraction, float insideRadius, float outsideRadius, float minAngle, float maxAngle, float bufferFraction): Makes a 'pie' constraint. [( )] rmCreateStartingUnitsObjectDef(float clusterDistance): Creates special object definition for starting units with the given cluster distance. [(int )] rmCreateTerrainDistanceConstraint(string name, string type, bool passable, float distance): Make a constraint to avoid terrain with certain a passability. [(int )] rmCreateTerrainMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, string type, bool passable, float distance): Make a constraint to be close to terrain with certain a passability. [( )] rmCreateTradeRoute(): Creates a trade route. [(int )] rmCreateTradeRouteDistanceConstraint(string name, float minDistance): Make a constraint to avoid trade routes. [( )] rmCreateTradeRouteWaypointsInArea(int tradeRouteID, int areaID, float length): Creates a trade route in the specified area. [( )] rmCreateTrigger(string triggerName) [(int )] rmCreateTypeDistanceConstraint(string name, string Unittype, float distance): Make a type distance constraint. [(int )] rmDefineClass(string className): Define a class with the given name. [( )] rmDefineConstant(string name, int value) [( )] rmDegreesToRadians(float degrees): Converts an angle in degrees to radians. [( )] rmDoLightingEffect("lightSetName", blendInTime, effectTime, blendOutTime): applies a lighting set effect. [( )] rmDoLightingFade("lightSetName", fadeTime): applies a lighting set fade. [( )] rmEchoError( string echoString, int level ): Random map echo. [( )] rmEchoInfo( string echoString, int level ): Random map echo. [( )] rmEchoWarning( string echoString, int level ): Random map echo. [( )] rmEnableLocalWater( bool enable ): Enables / disables local water disturbances. [(float )] rmFairLocXFraction(int playerID, int index): Gets a player's fairLoc x fraction. [(float )] rmFairLocZFraction(int playerID, int index): Gets a player's fairLoc z fraction. [( )] rmFillMapCorners(): Fill map corners with blackmap. [( )] rmFindCloserArea(float xFraction, float zFraction, int area1, int area2): Returns which area is closer. [( )] rmFindClosestPoint(float xFraction, float zFraction, float maxDistance): Finds closest point satisfying the preset constraints. [( )] rmFindClosestPointVector(float xFraction, float zFraction, float maxDistance): Finds closest point satisfying the preset constraints. [(vector)] rmGetAreaClosestPoint( int areaID, vector point, float pullback, int constraintID ): Returns the point in areaID that's closest to the given point, optionally requiring that it pass the given constraint. [(int )] rmGetAverageHomeCityLevel( void ): Returns the average (rounded down) HC Level of the players in the game. [( )] rmGetCivID(string civName) : Returns the civ ID. [(int )] rmGetHighHomeCityLevel( void ): Returns the highest HC Level of the players in the game. [(int )] rmGetHomeCityLevel( int playerID ): Returns the HC Level of the given player. [( )] rmGetIsFFA(): Returns true if this map is set to be a FFA game which means each player on their own team. [( )] rmGetIsKOTH(): Returns true if this map is set to be a King of the Hill game. [( )] rmGetIsRelicCapture(): Returns true if this map is set to be a relic game.. [(int )] rmGetLowHomeCityLevel( void ): Returns the lowest HC Level of the players in the game. [(int )] rmGetMapXSize( void ): Returns the X size of the map. [(int )] rmGetMapZSize( void ): Returns the Z size of the map. [( )] rmGetNomadStart(): Returns true if this map is to place a covered wagon instead of a town center. [(int )] rmGetNumberFairLocs(int playerID): Gets a player's number of fairLocs. [( )] rmGetNumberPlayersOnTeam(int teamID): Gets the number of players on the given team. [( )] rmGetNumberUnitsPlaced(int objectDefID) [( )] rmGetPlayerCiv(int playerID): Gets the civilization the specified player is on. [( )] rmGetPlayerCulture(int playerID): Gets the culture the specified player is on. [( )] rmGetPlayerName(int playerID): Gets a player's name. [( )] rmGetPlayerTeam(int playerID): Gets the team the specified player is on. [( )] rmGetSeaLevel(): Gets the sea level for the map. [( )] rmGetTradeRouteWayPoint(int tradeRouteID, float fraction): Retrieves a waypoint along the trade route based on the fraction. [( )] rmGetUnitPlaced(int objectDefID, int index) [( )] rmGetUnitPlacedOfPlayer(int objectDefID, int playerID) [(vector)] rmGetUnitPosition( int unitID ): Returns the position of the unit. [( )] rmIsMapType( string type ): Returns true if the map belongs to the given type. [( )] rmMetersToTiles(float meters): Converts a distance in meters to a number of tiles. [( )] rmMultiplyPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float factor): Multiplys a player's resource amount by the given factor. [( )] rmPaintAreaTerrain(int areaID): Paints the terrain for a specified area. [( )] rmPaintAreaTerrainByAngle(long areaID, string terrain, float minAngle, float maxAngle, float outerRange): Paints the area's tiles in the specified angle range with specified terrain (with outerRange buffer if feathering is desired). [( )] rmPaintAreaTerrainByHeight(long areaID, string terrain, float minHeight, float maxHeight, float outerRange): Paints the area's tiles in the specified height range with specified terrain (with outerRange buffer if feathering is desired). [(bool )] rmPlaceFairLocs(): Sets fairLoc placement locations. [(bool )] rmPlaceGroupingAtLoc(int groupingID, int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction, int placeCount): Place grouping at specified location. [(bool )] rmPlaceGroupingAtPoint(int groupingID, int playerID, vector point, int placeCount): Place grouping at specified point. [( )] rmPlaceGroupingInArea(int groupingID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount): Place grouping for the player in the given area. [( )] rmPlaceMapClusters(string terrain, string protounit): place object clusters (of the specified protounit) around the map, and also optionally paint with the specified terrain. [( )] rmPlaceObjectDefAtAreaLoc(int defID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player at the given area's location. [( )] rmPlaceObjectDefAtLoc(int defID, int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction, int placeCount): Place object definition at specific location for given player. [( )] rmPlaceObjectDefAtPoint(int defID, int playerID, vector point, int placeCount): Place object definition at specific point for given player. [( )] rmPlaceObjectDefAtRandomAreaOfClass(int defID, int playerID, int classID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player at the location of a random area in the given class. [( )] rmPlaceObjectDefInArea(int defID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player in the given area. [( )] rmPlaceObjectDefInRandomAreaOfClass(int defID, int playerID, int classID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player in a random area in the given class. [( )] rmPlaceObjectDefPerPlayer(int defID, bool playerOwned, int placeCount): Place object definition per player. [( )] rmPlacePlayer(int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Sets one player location. [( )] rmPlacePlayersCircular(float minFraction, float maxFraction, float angleVariation): Makes a circle of player locations. [( )] rmPlacePlayersLine(float x1, float z1, float x2, float z2, float distVariation, float spacingVariation): Makes a line of player locations. [( )] rmPlacePlayersRiver(int riverID, float distVariation, float spacingVariation, float edgeDistance): Makes a line of player locations along the specified river. [( )] rmPlacePlayersSquare(float dist, float distVariation, float spacingVariationfloat): Makes a square of player locations. [( )] rmPlayerLocXFraction(int playerID): Gets a player's start location x fraction. [( )] rmPlayerLocZFraction(int playerID): Gets a player's start location z fraction. [( )] rmRandFloat(float min, float max): Returns a random float between min and max. [( )] rmRandInt(int min, int max): Returns a random integer between min and max. [( )] rmResetFairLocs(): Resets fairLoc placment info. [( )] rmRiverAddShallow(riverID, distancePct); [( )] rmRiverAddShallows(riverID, count, radius); [( )] rmRiverAddWaypoint(riverID, xFraction, zFraction): Add waypoint to a river. Don't mix with rmRiverSetConnections or rmRiverConnectRiver [( )] rmRiverAvoid(riverID, riverID2, minDist) [( )] rmRiverBuild [( )] rmRiverConnectRiver(riverID, riverID, pct, end); [( )] rmRiverCreate(int areaID, string waterType, int breaks, int offset, int minR, int maxR): make a river dude. [( )] rmRiverReveal(int riverID, int extraTiles) -- reveals a river plus the specified number of extra tiles around it. [( )] rmRiverSetBankNoiseParams(riverID, frequency, octaves, persistence, sineLength, sineAmt, variation); [( )] rmRiverSetConnections(riverID, start, end); [( )] rmRiverSetShallowRadius(riverID, radius); [( )] rmSetAreaBaseHeight(int areaID, float height): Sets the base height for an area. [( )] rmSetAreaCliffEdge(int areaID, int count, float size, float variance, float spacing, int mapEdge): Set cliff edge parameters for an area. [( )] rmSetAreaCliffHeight(int areaID, float val, float variance, float ramp): Set an area's cliff height. [( )] rmSetAreaCliffPainting(int areaID, bool paintGround, bool paintOutsideEdge, bool paintSide, float minSideHeight, bool paintInsideEdge): Set cliff painting options for an area. [( )] rmSetAreaCliffType(int areaID, string cliffName): Sets the cliff type for an area. [( )] rmSetAreaCoherence(int areaID, float coherence): Sets area coherence (0-1). [( )] rmSetAreaEdgeFilling(int areaID, int borderSize): Enable edge filling and set a border search size (for Carolina and similar maps with a big continent). [( )] rmSetAreaElevationEdgeFalloffDist(int areaID, float dist): Sets the area elevation noise to falloff as it gets closer to the area edge. [( )] rmSetAreaElevationMinFrequency(int areaID, float freq): Sets the area elevation variation noise frequency (best >0 and <1). [( )] rmSetAreaElevationNoiseBias(int areaID, float bias): Sets the area elevation variation noise bias (-1 means down only, 0 means +- equally, 1 means up only.) [( )] rmSetAreaElevationOctaves(int areaID, int octaves): Sets the area elevation variation noise octaves. [( )] rmSetAreaElevationPersistence(int areaID, float persistence): Sets the area elevation variation noise persistence (best >0 and <1). [( )] rmSetAreaElevationType(int areaID, int type): Sets the area elevation variation type (cElevNormal, cElevFractalSum, cElevTurbulence). [( )] rmSetAreaElevationVariation(int areaID, float variation): Sets the area elevation variation height (amount to vary +- from area base height). [( )] rmSetAreaForestClumpiness(int areaID, float density): Sets the forest density for an area. [( )] rmSetAreaForestDensity(int areaID, float density): Sets the forest density for an area. [( )] rmSetAreaForestType(int areaID, string forestName): Sets the forest type for an area. [( )] rmSetAreaForestUnderbrush(int areaID, float density): Sets the forest density for an area. [( )] rmSetAreaHeightBlend(int areaID, int heightBlend): Sets how smoothly area height blends into surroundings. [( )] rmSetAreaLocation(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Set the area location. [( )] rmSetAreaLocPlayer(int areaID, int playerID): Set the area location to player's location. [( )] rmSetAreaLocTeam(int areaID, int teamID): Set the area location to team's location. [( )] rmSetAreaMaxBlobDistance(int areaID, float dist): Sets maximum blob distance. [( )] rmSetAreaMaxBlobs(int areaID, int blobs): Sets maximum number of area blobs. [( )] rmSetAreaMinBlobDistance(int areaID, float dist): Sets minimum blob distance. [( )] rmSetAreaMinBlobs(int areaID, int blobs): Sets minimum number of area blobs. [( )] rmSetAreaMix(int areaID, string mixName): Sets the mix for an area. Overrides terrain type if it is also set. [( )] rmSetAreaObeyWorldCircleConstraint(int areaID, bool constrain): Determines whether an area obeys world circle constraint. [( )] rmSetAreaReveal(int areaID, int tiles): Sets the area to be revealed (-1 means don't reveal, 0 means reveal, >0 means reveal plus that number of extra tiles. [( )] rmSetAreaSize(float minFraction, float maxFraction): Set the area size to a min/max fraction of the map. [( )] rmSetAreaSmoothDistance(int areaID, int smoothDistance): Sets area edge smoothing distance (distance is number of neighboring points to consider in each direction). [( )] rmSetAreaTerrainLayerVariance(int areaID, bool variance): Specifies if the area should vary the terrain layer edges. [( )] rmSetAreaTerrainType(int areaID, string terrainTypeName): Sets the terrain type for an area. [( )] rmSetAreaWarnFailure(int areaID, bool warn): Sets whether the area build process will warn if it fails. [( )] rmSetAreaWaterType(int areaID, string waterName): Sets the water type for an area. [( )] rmSetBaseTerrainMix(string mixName): Initializes the base terrain with the requested mix. Call before rmTerrainInitialize. [( )] rmSetConnectionBaseHeight(int connectionID, float width): Sets the base height of a connection. [( )] rmSetConnectionBaseTerrainCost(int connectionID, float cost): Sets the base terrain cost for a connection. [( )] rmSetConnectionCoherence(int connectionID, float width): Sets area coherence (0-1). [( )] rmSetConnectionHeightBlend(int connectionID, float width): Sets how smoothly connection height blends into surroundings. [( )] rmSetConnectionPositionVariance(int connectionID, float variance): Sets the position variance of a connection. [( )] rmSetConnectionSmoothDistance(int connectionID, float width): Sets connection edge smoothing distance (distance is number of neighboring points to consider in each direction). [( )] rmSetConnectionTerrainCost(int connectionID, string terrainTypeName, float cost): Sets the terrain cost for a connection. [( )] rmSetConnectionType(int connectionID, int connectionType, bool connectAll, float connectPercentage): Sets the connection type. [( )] rmSetConnectionWarnFailure(int connectionID, bool warn): Sets whether a connection warns on failure. [( )] rmSetConnectionWidth(int connectionID, float width, float variance): Sets the width of a connection. [( )] rmSetGaiaCiv(int civ) : Sets Gaia's civilization [( )] rmSetGlobalRain(percent): sets the global rain percent. [( )] rmSetGlobalSnow(percent): sets the global snow percent. [( )] rmSetGlobalStormLength(length, timeBetweenStorms): sets storm length and time between storm in seconds. [( )] rmSetGroupingMaxDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the maximum distance for the grouping (in meters). [( )] rmSetGroupingMinDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the minimum distance for the grouping (in meters). [(bool )] rmSetHomeCityGatherPoint( int playerID, vector point ): Sets the HCGP for the given player. [(bool )] rmSetHomeCityWaterSpawnPoint( int playerID, vector point ): Sets the HCWSP for the given player. [( )] rmSetIgnoreForceToGaia(bool val) [( )] rmSetLightingSet(string name) : Sets a lighting set [( )] rmSetMapClusteringNoiseParams(float minFrequency, int octaves, float persistence): sets up cluster system; standard inputs to noise generator used to determine cluster placement. [( )] rmSetMapClusteringObjectParams(int minObjectCount, int maxObjectCount, float maxPosOffset): sets up cluster system; min/max objects per tile (default: 0-3), and max random offset when placing (default: 0.5 tiles). [( )] rmSetMapClusteringPlacementParams(float paintThreshold, float placeMinVal, float placeMaxVal, int type): sets up cluster system; valid ranges are from -1.0 to 1.0 and are compared to the internal noise field for deciding where to paint terrain and place clusters. Type is cClusterLand, or cClusterWater, or cClusterShallowWater, or cClusterEverywhere. [( )] rmSetMapElevationHeightBlend(int blend): Sets how much to smooth the overall terrain after initializing with noise. [( )] rmSetMapElevationParameters(int type, float freq, int octaves, float persistence, float variation): Sets up terrain for initializing with a noise layer. [( )] rmSetMapSize( int x, int z ): Sets the size of the map. [( )] rmSetMapType( string type ): Indicates that this map is of a certain type (it can be multiple types simultaneously. [( )] rmSetNuggetDifficulty(int minLevel, int maxLevel): Sets the min/max difficulty levels for placing nuggets. [( )] rmSetObjectDefAllowOverlap(int defID, bool on): Lets objects overlap within this object def. [( )] rmSetObjectDefCreateHerd(int defID, bool on): Creates a herd out of all units placed in this object def. [( )] rmSetObjectDefForceFullRotation(int defID, bool on): Forces things in this object def to get full arbitrary rotation. [( )] rmSetObjectDefGarrisonSecondaryUnits(int defID, bool on): Turn on the garrison secondary units flag. [( )] rmSetObjectDefGarrisonStartingUnits(int defID, bool on): Turn on the garrison starting units flag. [( )] rmSetObjectDefHerdAngle(int defID, float angle): Set a herd angle(clockwise from +z) in the object def. [( )] rmSetObjectDefMaxDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the maximum distance for the object definition (in meters). [( )] rmSetObjectDefMinDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the minimum distance for the object definition (in meters). [( )] rmSetObjectDefTradeRouteID(int defID, int tradeRouteID): Set the trade route for all objects in this object definition. [( )] rmSetOceanReveal(bool reveal): Sets whether or not to reveal oceans. [( )] rmSetPlacementSection(float fromPercent, float toPercent): Sets the section of the placement line to use. [( )] rmSetPlacementTeam(int teamID): Sets the team to place. [( )] rmSetPlayerArea(int playerID, int areaID): Sets a player's 'official' area. [( )] rmSetPlayerLocation (int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Manually sets a player's starting location. [( )] rmSetPlayerPlacementArea(float minX, float minZ, float maxX, float maxZ): Sets the area of the map to use for player placement. [( )] rmSetPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float amount): Sets a player's resource amount. [( )] rmSetRiverFoundationParams(int tileBuffer, float heightOffset) -- sets up river foundation parameters: the terrain buffer around the river, and the height of the banks above water level [( )] rmSetSeaLevel(): Sets the sea level for the map. [( )] rmSetSeaType(string name): Sets the sea type for the map. This is used if terrain is initialized to water. [( )] rmSetStatusText(status, progress) : Sets the friendly cool loading screen text. [( )] rmSetSubCiv(int index, string civName, bool big) : Sets a given sub civ in the world. [( )] rmSetTeamArea(int teamID, int areaID): Sets a team's 'official' area. [( )] rmSetTeamSpacingModifier(float modifier): Sets the team spacing modifier. [( )] rmSetTriggerActive(bool active) [( )] rmSetTriggerConditionParam(string paramName, string value, bool add) [( )] rmSetTriggerConditionParamArmy(string paramName, int playerID, int armyID, bool add) [( )] rmSetTriggerConditionParamFloat(string paramName, float value, bool add) [( )] rmSetTriggerConditionParamInt(string paramName, int value, bool add) [( )] rmSetTriggerEffectParam(string paramName, string value, bool add) [( )] rmSetTriggerEffectParamArmy(string paramName, int playerID, int armyID, bool add) [( )] rmSetTriggerEffectParamFloat(string paramName, float value, bool add) [( )] rmSetTriggerEffectParamInt(string paramName, int value, bool add) [( )] rmSetTriggerLoop(bool loop) [( )] rmSetTriggerPriority(int priority) [( )] rmSetTriggerRunImmediately(bool runImmediately) [( )] rmSetVPFile(string filename) [( )] rmSetWindMagnitude(float magnitude): sets the global wind magnitude (1.0f is default). [( )] rmSetWorldCircleConstraint(bool constrain): sets whether RM activities should be constrained to the main world circle. [( )] rmSwitchToTrigger(int triggerID) [( )] rmTerrainInitialize( string baseTerrain, float height ): Initializes the terrain to the base type and height. [( )] rmTilesToMeters(int tiles): Converts a number of tiles to a distance in meters. [( )] rmTriggerID(string triggerName) [( )] rmXFractionToMeters(float meters): Converts a fraction of the map in the x direction to meters. [( )] rmXFractionToTiles(float fraction): Converts an fraction of the map in the x direction to tile count. [( )] rmXMetersToFraction(float meters): Converts meters into a fraction of the map in the x direction. [( )] rmXTilesToFraction(int tiles): Converts tile count in the x direction to fraction of map. [( )] rmZFractionToMeters(float meters): Converts meters a fraction of the map in the z direction to meters. [( )] rmZFractionToTiles(float fraction): Converts an fraction of the map in the z direction to tile count. [( )] rmZMetersToFraction(float meters): Converts meters into a fraction of the map in the z direction. [( )] rmZTilesToFraction(int tiles): Converts tile count in the z direction to fraction of map. [( )] saveCamera(<stringFilename>) : save camera to file. [( )] saveCurrentHomeCityCamera() : save camera to file. [( )] saveCurrentHomeCityWidescreenCamera() : save widescreen camera to file. [( )] saveGame(<stringFilename>) : saves out a game in progress. [( )] saveLightingSet([name]) : Saves the current status of lighting values as a set [( )] saveScenario(<stringFilename>) : saves out a scenario file. [( )] scoreUpdate : causes score to update even if it isn't supposed to yet, time wise [( )] screenshot: take a screen shot [( )] sendAttackSentence(int sendingPlayer, int receivingPlayer, int targetPlayer, int targetUnit, float xPos, float zPos): send attack sentence from one player to another; specify targetPlayer, or targetUnit, or xPos and zPos. [( )] sendDefendSentence(int sendingPlayer, int receivingPlayer, float xPos, float zPos): send defend sentence from one player to another; specify target xPos and zPos. [( )] sendPromptType(int sendingPlayer, int promptType): send AIChat to current player from sendingPlayer; specify desired AIChatPromptType. [( )] sendTributeSentence(int sendingPlayer, int receivingPlayer, int resourceID): send tribute sentence from one player to another; specify desired resource. [( )] setBloomFeedbackParams([currentFrameContribution] [lastFrameContribution]):sets bloom feedback params [( )] setBloomParams([bloomThreshold] [bloomColorR] [bloomColorG] [bloomColorB] [bloomIntensity] [bloomPass] [bloomSigma]):sets tonemap params [( )] setBloomStreakParams([streakCount] [Passes] [ElementOffset] [Exposure] [Intensity] [Falloff] [streakRed] [streakGreen] [streakBlue] [threshold]):sets bloom streak params [( )] setBumpScale([scale]) : sets scene bump scale [( )] setDropDefaultMips( int num ) : Set mip levels to skip for default category textures. [( )] setDropTerrainMips( int num ) : Set mip levels to skip for terrain category textures. [( )] setFogParams([planarfogColorR] [planarfogColorG] [planarfogColorB] [planarfogDensity] [planarfogHeight]) : set Planar Height Params [( )] setGameFadeIn(<r> <g> <b> <duration> <delay> <inout>): turn fade in on/off, set color duration. [( )] setGraphicDetail(<detailLevel>) : Sets the graphic detail. (0 = HIGH, 1 = MEDIUM, 2 = LOW) [( )] setHDRMultisampleFactor([int]) : sets HDR multisample factor [1,8] - 1 is disabled [( )] setHemiLight([topColorR] [topColorG] [topColorB] [bottomColorR] [bottomColorG] [bottomColorB] [axisYaw] [axisPitch] [intensity] [unitIntensity] [terrainIntensity]) : sets a hemilight [( )] setHomeCityGatherUnit(int unitID): Sets the home city gather point to the specified unit. [( )] setLDRBloomParams([bloomColorR] [bloomColorG] [bloomColorB] [bloomIntensity] [bloomSigma]):sets LDR Bloom params [( )] setMinimapUnitFilter() : sets the minimap filter for units [( )] setSceneLightParams([sunIntensity] [power] [specIntensity] [metalness] [fogColorR] [fogColorG] [fogColorB] [fogDensity] [fogStart]) : sets scene light params [( )] setShadowBiasMul( [biasMultiplier] ): set the shadow buffer bias multipler (supaScreenshot only) [( )] setShadowQuality( [qualityLevel] ): set the quality level of shadows [( )] setShadowRotationOp( [bool] ): controls shadow projection rotation optimization [( )] setShadowSnapping( [bool] ): controls shadow matrix snapping [( )] setSquadMode: Sets the mode for a squad. [( )] setSunPosition( [integerSunInclination] [integerSunRotation] [boolRelative] ) sets the sun height above the horizon and position in the world, The bool tells if the changes are relative [( )] setSuperSampleFactors([floatX], [floatY]) : sets HDR supersampling factors (1.0 to 2.0, both 1.0 is off) [( )] setSuperSampleFilterIndex([int]) : sets supersample filter kernel [( )] setSuperSampleFilterScales([floatX], [floatY]) : sets supersample kernel scales(1.0 = normal, less = blurrier, higher = sharper) [( )] setTerrainLightingParams([bumpScale] [specularPower] [specularIntensity] [terrainMetalness]):sets Terrain Lighting Params [( )] setToneMapParams([exposure] [dispGamma] [greyFStops] [kneeLow] [kneeHigh] [ditherNoiseInten]):sets tonemap params [(void )] setWorldDifficulty( int v ): Sets the world difficulty level. [( )] setWorldTooltipRectDims1024(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) : Sets the world tooltip restricted screen rectangle to the given dimensions relative to 1024x768 resolution. [( )] shadowDarkness([integerDarkness] [pcfFilterScalar] [biasNV] [biasATI] [slope]) : Set shadow darkness (0-255) - (PCF Filter Sclar 0-16) [( )] showCampaignDialog(<name><msg>): UI used only [( )] showGameFromPostGame : does what needs to be done. [( )] showGameMenu: show the in-game menu. [( )] showSPCNote(title, text) : Display's the SPC Note Dialog with the specified title and text. [( )] spawnUnits(protoname, count, unitID) : Spawn Units from the UnitID building. [( )] specialPower( int playerID, int powerEntryIndex, int powerID ) : Special power use. [( )] sqrt(float x): Returns the square root of x. [( )] squadMode: Sets the mode for a squad. [( )] squadWheel( float angle, int squadID ) : Wheels the squad. [( )] startAutoPatcher(bool manualMode) : Start the auto patcher. [( )] startCampaign( string campaignName ) : starts the given campaign. [( )] startMoviePlayback(string filename, long sizing, float fadeIn, float fadeOut) : Start fullscreen playback of a movie. [( )] startRandomGame : begins a new random game. [( )] startRandomGame2(<filename> <#players> <random seed> <scenarioFilename> <debug> <teamCount> <mapsize> <resources> <random_civs>) : begins a new random game with the given parms. [( )] startRandomGameAgeAndMapCode(<startingage> <nomad> <mapcode> : Generates a random map game with the given starting age, nomad start(true/false), and map code. [( )] startRandomGameMapCode(<mapcode> : Generates a random map game with the given map code. [( )] sunColor([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set sun color to given RGB (0-255) [( )] sunDecreaseInclination([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the decrease sun inclination key has gone up/down. [( )] sunDecreaseRotation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the decrease sun rotation key has gone up/down. [( )] sunGetColor: Get sun color [( )] sunIncreaseInclination([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the increase sun inclination key has gone up/down. [( )] sunIncreaseRotation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the increase sun rotation key has gone up/down. [( )] techFlash(<techID> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off. [( )] terrainAdjustGlobalHeight(float meters) : adjusts (raise/lower) the terrain height by the specified meters. [( )] terrainAmbient([integerR] [integerG] [integerB]) : Set terrain ambient reflectivity to the given RGB (0-255) [( )] terrainFilter: filters the entire terrain. [( )] terrainFilterArea(<integerX1> <integerY1> <integerX2> <integerY2> : filters a sub-area of the terrain. [( )] terrainFlatten: flattens the entire terrain. [( )] terrainFlattenArea(<integerX1> <integerY1> <integerX2> <integerY2> : flattens a sub-area of the terrain. [( )] terrainGetAmbient: Get terrain ambient reflectivity [( )] terrainPaint: paint whole terrain with given texture. [( )] terrainPaintMix: paint whole terrain with given mix. [( )] terrainSetMix([integerType]) : sets the terrain mix to paint. [( )] terrainSetSubtype([integerType]) : sets the terrain subtype to paint. [( )] terrainSetType([integerType]) : sets the terrain type to paint. [(void )] tis(<stringProtoName>,<traincount>) : just like train in selected, but more abbreviated [( )] toggleDebugTime : handles the time display toggling [( )] toggleHomeCityView( ) : Toggles home city view for the current player. [( )] toggleHomeCityViewTech( ) : Toggles tech home city view for the current player. [( )] toggleScore : handles the score toggling [( )] toggleShadows(void) : toggle shadows on/off [( )] toggleTime : handles the time display toggling [( )] toggleWorldTooltipClipRect() : Toggles whether or not world tooltips are using the restricted screen rectangle. [( )] trackAddWaypoint: adds the camera's current position and orientation to the current camera track. [( )] trackAdvance(): advances the camera track to a specific location. [( )] trackClear: clears all tracks. [( )] trackEditWaypoint: edits the currently selected camera track. [( )] trackGotoSelectedEvent(<index>): moves the camera to the current event. [( )] trackGotoSelectedWaypoint(<index>): moves the camera to the current waypoint. [( )] trackInsert(): adds a new camera track. [( )] trackLoad(<stringFilename>) : loads a camera track and makes it current [( )] trackPause(): pauses the current camera track. [( )] trackPlay([duration], eventID): plays a track file (otherwise if "none" than plays the current track.) with no arg uses current duration, otherwise sets duration [( )] trackRemove(): removes selected track. [( )] trackRemoveWaypoint: removes the most recently added track waypoint from the current camera track. [( )] trackSave(<stringFilename>) : saves the current camera track [( )] trackSetSelectedWaypoint(<index>): sets the current waypoint to the button with the same index. [( )] trackStepBackward: steps the current camera track 1 step backward. [( )] trackStepForward: steps the current camera track 1 step forward. [( )] trackStop(): stops the current camera track. [( )] trackToggleShow: toggles rendering of the camera track on and off. [( )] trActivateTrigger(<eventID>) : Activates (sets active = true) the trigger specified by the given eventID. [( )] trAddArmyToPlan(armyname, planname): Adds the units in the specified army to the specified plan. [( )] tradeRouteCommand( int playerID, int tradeRoutUnit, int commandID ) : Adds the given command to the trade post bucket. [( )] tradeRouteTrain( int playerID, int tradeRoutUnit, int puid ) : Trains the given PUID from the given trade post on the trade route. [( )] trAICommsAttackUnits(playerID, armyToAttack): playerID will attack armyToAttack, sent via player Comms. [( )] trAICommsCancelOrder(sendToPlayerID): tell player sendToPlayerID to cancel order, sent via player Comms. [( )] trAICommsClaim(sendToPlayerID): tell player sendToPlayerID to claim TradePost at (locX, locY, locZ), sent via player Comms. [( )] trAICommsDefendPoint(playerID, defendX, defendY, defendZ): playerID will defend point(defendX, defendY, defendZ), sent via player Comms. [( )] trAICommsRequestTribute(fromPlayerID, resource, amount): fromPlayerID will send resource of x amount, sent via player Comms. [( )] trAICommsTrain(sendToPlayerID, unitTypeName): tell player sendToPlayerID to train Units of type unitTypeName, sent via player Comms. [( )] trAIFunc(<playerID> <functionName> <param>: Makes the camera shake. [(void )] trainByID (<ProtoUnitID> <TrainingUnitID> [Player#]) : Start the training of a unit of ProtoUnitID from TrainingUnitID for the current player (if no player is specified) [( )] trainFlash(<protoID> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off. [(void )] trainInSelected(<stringProtoName>,<traincount>) : tries to train the selected unit type in any valid selected unit [(void )] trainInSelectedByID(<protoID>, <traincount>) : just like train in selected, but fastAr because it takes a protoID [( )] trainReinforcement( int armyID ) : Trains a reinforcement. [( )] trArmyDispatch(<parameters>): creates the units in the army specified. [( )] trArmyPlayerDefakify(armyname) : Defakifies the army. [( )] trArmyPlayerFakify(armyname, fakeplayerindex) : Fakifies the army to the specified fake player index. [( )] trArmySelect(army info string): selects the units in the army specified. [( )] trArmySelectInt(int playerID, int armyID): selects the units in the army specified. [( )] trAttackUnits(srcArmyname, armyToAttack, planname): srcArmy units will attack armyToAttack in the given planname. [( )] trBlockAllAmbientSounds(): blocks all ambient sounds from this point forward [( )] trBlockAllSounds(excludeDialog): Blocks all sounds from playing from this point forward [( )] trBranchScenario(<dialog message>): pop up a dialog allowing choice to load a scenario. [( )] trBuildingIsOnCursor(protoname) : Returns true if the proto unit specified is on the cursor and is a building. [( )] trCameraCut( pos, dir, up, right ): puts the camera in the specified location. [( )] trCameraLockOnUnit( <enable> <time to orient> <trigger ID>) : Orients the camera to the selected unit, and keeps it locked on that unit. ): puts the camera in the specified location. [( )] trCameraPanWithUnit( <enable> <trigger ID>) : Moves the camera in the same direction that a particular unit moves. [( )] trCameraShake(<duration> <strength>: Makes the camera shake. [( )] trCampaignAdvance(): advances the campaign (advance user profile, AND plays the next scenario). [( )] trCampaignAdvanceProgress(): advances the user progress through the campaign.(updates user profile only) [( )] trCampaignPlayCurrent(): plays the current scenario in the campaign [( )] trCamTrackLoad(<filename>): Loads a camera track. [( )] trCamTrackPlay(<duration> <eventID>): plays the current camera track. [( )] trChatHistoryClear: forces the chat history to reset [( )] trChatHistoryContains(text): returns whether or not the current chat history has any instance (substring) of this text [( )] trChatSend(fromID message): Changes the chat status. [( )] trChatSendSpoofed(fromID message): Changes the chat status, but does not append player. [( )] trChatSendSpoofedToPlayer(fromID toID message): Changes the chat status, but does not append player. Goes to specific player. [( )] trChatSendToPlayer(fromID toID message): Changes the chat status for one specific player. [( )] trChatSetStatus(<onOff>): Changes the chat status. [( )] trCinematicAbort(): returns the abort cinematic status. [( )] trCinematicDoAbort(): aborts the cinematic. [( )] trClearCounterDisplay() [( )] trCounterAbort(name): abort a counter. [( )] trCounterAddTime(name, start, stop, message, event): start a counter that may or may not fire an event. [( )] trCounterAddTimeMs(name, start, stop, message, event): start a counter that may or may not fire an event. [( )] trCounterAddUnit(name, playerid, count, protounit, message, event): start a counter that may or may not fire an event. [( )] trCounterAddXP(name, playerid, count, message, event): start a counter that may or may not fire an event. [( )] trCountUnitsInArea(centerUnit, matchPlayer, matchType, range) [( )] trCreateAttackPlan(armyName, PlanName, attackPlayerID, attackX, attackY, attackZ, engageRange, evaluationFrequency) : No help [( )] trCreateDefendPlan(armyName, defendPlanName, defendX, defendY, defendZ, engageRange, evaluationFrequency, gatherdistance) : No help [( )] trCreateRevealer(playerID, revealerName, position, revealerLOS, blackmapOnly) : Creates a revealer with the given attributes. [( )] trCreateTreaty [( )] trCurrentPlayer(): returns the current player. [( )] trDamageUnit(amt): does a specific amount of damage to HP in instant typeless damage. [( )] trDamageUnitPercent(percent): does % percent of a unit's total HP in instant typeless damage. [( )] trDamageUnitsInArea(player, unitType, dist, damage): All units within dist of the selected ref object that match type take dmg [( )] trDefendUnits(srcArmyname, defendedArmyname, planname, evaluationFrequency, gatherdistance): srcArmy units will defend defendedArmyUnits in the given planname. [( )] trDelayedRuleActivation( <rulename> ): adds a rule to the runtime to be activated on the next update. [( )] trDisableTrigger(<eventID>) : Disables (sets active = false) the trigger specified by the given eventID. [( )] trEcho( <echoString> ): Trigger echo. [( )] trEchoStatValue(player, stat) : fetch a stat value from the KB and echo to chat [( )] trEndGame: Signal that the game has ended. [( )] trEventFire(<eventID>): cause an event to occur. [( )] trEventSetHandler(<eventID> <handler>): sets a handler function for an event id. [( )] trFadeOutAllSounds(<duration>): Fades out all sounds over a given duration [( )] trFadeOutMusic(<duration>): Fades out current music over a given duration. [( )] trForbidProtounit(player, protoname): adds protounit to the forbidden list [( )] trForceNonCinematicModels(): forces models to be in non cinematic mode [( )] trFormationScale(scale): scales the formation size of formations in the game. [( )] trGameLoadScenario(<scenario name>): start a game using scenario. [( )] trGamePause(<true/false>): pause or unpause the game. [( )] trGetNumberNuggetsGathered : Returns the number of nuggets gathered by the specified player. [( )] trGetNumberSelectedUnitIDs() [( )] trGetSelectedUnitID(int index) [( )] trGetStatValue(player, stat) : fetch a stat value from the KB [( )] trGetWorldDifficulty() [( )] trGrantVP(player, number): Grants a number of Scenario VP to a player [( )] trHasNuggetBeenCollected : Returns true if the nugget has been collected, the playerID is an optional parameter for querying if the specific player has collected it. [( )] trHasPlayerSentHCShipment(<targetHCPlayerID>) : Returns true when the player has sent a shipment from the home city. [( )] trImmediateUnitGarrison( <unitScenarioName> ): Instantly garrisons units inside another unit without considering distance. [( )] trIsGadgetVisible(<name>): returns true if gadget is real. [( )] trIsMovieNotPlaying() -- returns false if a movie is currently playing [( )] trIsPlayerSelectingHCBuilding(<hcBuildingName>) : Returns true if the current player is selecting the building in their HC which has the specified name. [( )] trIsPlayerSendingHCShipment(<targetHCPlayerID>) : Returns true when the player sends a shipment from home city. [( )] trIsPlayerVisitingHC(<targetHCPlayerID>) : Returns true if the current player is looking at (visiting) the home city of the player specified by the player ID passed in. [( )] trKillAIPlan(playerID, planName) : No help [( )] trLetterBox(<onOff>): Turns letter box mode on or off. [( )] trMessageSetText(<text><timeout>): displays the message text. [( )] trMinimapFlare(<playerID> <duration> <position> <flash>): Sends a Minimap flare to a certain player. [( )] trModeEnter(<name>): enters the mode specified. [( )] trModifyProtounit(unit, player, field, delta): modifies proto unit data for this scenario only. [( )] trMusicPlay(<filename> <duration>): Plays the music file. [( )] trMusicPlayCurrent(): Plays the current music. [( )] trMusicSetCurrentMusicSet(): sets the current music set. [( )] trMusicSetMood(<moodID>): Changes the music to mood associated with mood id. [( )] trMusicStop(): Stops the current music. [( )] trObjectGettingWorked(objectScenarioName): Returns true if the object is currently being worked. [( )] trObjectiveComplete(objectiveID, forceComplete, playSound): Completes the specified objective. Forces a reoccurring objective complete if forceComplete is true. [( )] trObjectiveDiscover(objectiveID, playSound): 'Discovers' a previously unknown (to the player) objective. [( )] trObjectiveHide(objectiveID): Hides the specified objective on the UI. [( )] trObjectiveShow(objectiveID): Shows the specified objective on the UI. [( )] trOverlayText(message, time, x, y, width, background) : puts up a big movie-credits style text overlay, optionally in a strange location, and now with a background [( )] trPlayerActive(playerID): returns true/false if the player is active. [( )] trPlayerAtPopCap(playerID): returns true if player is at pop cap. [( )] trPlayerBuildingCount(playerID): returns the number of buildings for the player. [( )] trPlayerControlsSocket(playerID, objectScenarioName): Returns true if the specified player is built on the specified socket. [( )] trPlayerCountBuildingInProgress(playerID protoname): returns true if building is being built. [( )] trPlayerCurrentXPCount(playerID): Returns the current (not total) XP for the player. [( )] trPlayerDefeated(playerID): returns true/false if the player has been defeated. [( )] trPlayerGetDiplomacy(playerID playerID): gets the diplomacy status between players. [( )] trPlayerGetPopulation(playerID): returns the player population. [( )] trPlayerGrantResources(player, resource, amount): advances the campaign. [( )] trPlayerKillAllBuildings(<playerID> Kills all of the buildings of a given player. [( )] trPlayerKillAllUnits(<playerID> Kills all of the units of a given player. [( )] trPlayerModifyLOS(playerID cansee playerID): Adds/removes LOS between players. [( )] trPlayerOverrideArtCulture(playerID, culture) : Overrides the culture used for choosing the player's art. [( )] trPlayerOverrideSoundCiv(playerID, civilization) : Overrides the civilization used for choosing the player's vocal sound effects. [( )] trPlayerResetBlackMap(<playerID>: Resets the black map for a given HUMAN player. [( )] trPlayerResetBlackMapForAllPlayers(Resets the black map for all HUMAN players. [( )] trPlayerResourceCount(playerID, resource): returns the number of resources for the player. [( )] trPlayerSetActive(playerID): sets the active player. [( )] trPlayerSetAge(playerID, age, displayEffect): Sets the age of the specified player. [( )] trPlayerSetDiplomacy(playerID playerID status): sets the diplomacy status between players. [( )] trPlayerSetHCAccess(playerID, hcAccess): Sets whether the player has access to the HC. [( )] trPlayerToggleAllowNewCWSpawning(playerID, allowSpawning) : Toggles whether the player can spawn new covered wagons. [( )] trPlayerToggleAllowTCSpawning(playerID, allowSpawning) : Toggles whether the player's TC can spawn units. [( )] trPlayerTribute(from, resource, amount to): tributes resources to a player. [( )] trPlayerUnitAndBuildingCount(playerID): returns the number of units and buildings for the player. [( )] trPlayerUnitCount(playerID): returns the number of units for the player. [( )] trPlayerUnitCountSpecific(playerID, protoName): returns the number of units for the player. [( )] trPlayerVPCount(playerID): returns the number of victory points for the player. [( )] trPlayMovie(<FileName>) -- plays movies from the AVI directory [( )] trPlayNextMusicTrack(): Plays the next song in the music play list. [( )] trQuestVarCopy(var1, var2) : copies value of one of the trigger scratch variables [( )] trQuestVarEcho(varname, value) : chats out the value of one of the trigger scratch variables [( )] trQuestVarGet(varname) : retrieve value of a trigger scratch variable, returns zero if unset [( )] trQuestVarSet(varname, value) : sets one of the trigger scratch variables [( )] trQuestVarSetFromRand(varname, minval, maxval, round) : sets one of the trigger scratch variables within a random range [( )] trRateConstruction(<rate>): modify construction rate. [( )] trRateResearch(<rate>): modify research rate. [( )] trRatesNormal(void): restore all rates to normal. [( )] trRateTrain(<rate>): modify training rate. [( )] trRenderRain(<float percent>): controls rain rendering. [( )] trRenderSky(<true/false> <skyName>): turn sky rendering on/off and set which sky to use. [( )] trRenderSnow(<float percent>): controls snow rendering. [( )] trRevealEntireMap(): shows whole map, similar to how revealed mode works [( )] trSetCinematicUnitSpeaking(objectScenarioName, speaking, duration): Sets the unit as speaking or not. [( )] trSetCounterDisplay(text) [( )] trSetCurrentPlayerStatus(<active>): sets the current player as active or inactive. [( )] trSetFogAndBlackmap(<true/false> <true/false>): turn fog and black map on/off. [( )] trSetLighting(setname, fadetime): fades to the specified lighting set over fadetime. [( )] trSetObscuredUnits( <bool> ): Sets whether or not units can be drawn obscured or not. [( )] trSetPauseInObjectiveWindow() [( )] trSetPauseOnAgeUpgrade() [( )] trSetPlayerDefeated: call this when a player is defeated on the local machine (meaning that this func must be called synchronously on all machines, it will not pass around a command.) [( )] trSetPlayerWon: call this when a player has won on the local machine (meaning that this func must be called synchronously on all machines, it will not pass around a command.) [( )] trSetRevealerActiveState(revealerName, active) : Finds the specified revealer and sets it to active or inactive. [( )] trSetShadowFarClip( <enable>, <distance> ): Enable or disables the shadow far clippping plane. [( )] trSetUnitIdleProcessing( <bool> ): Sets whether or not units can do their idle processing. [( )] trSetUserControls(<active>): sets the player controls on or off. [( )] trShowCampaignDlg(NextCampaign): . [( )] trShowChoiceDialog(maintext, choice1, event1, choice2, event2) : displays dialog with 2 choices, and activates a trigger in response [( )] trShowDamage [( )] trShowHCView(playerID): Sets the view to the HC if the player specified is the current player. [( )] trShowImageDialog(texture, subtitle) : displays a custom image in a dialog, with a subtitle [( )] trShowSPCNote(<Title> <Text>): Displays the SPC Note Dlg with the specified title and text. [( )] trShowWinLose(text, soundfile): message and sound. [( )] trShowWorldView(playerID): Sets the view to the world if the player specified is the current player. [( )] trSoundPlayDialog(<filename>, <event>, <ignoreOnAbort>, <subtitle>, <portrait>): Plays the sound associated with the filename. [( )] trSoundPlayDialogue(<stringID>, <eventID>, <ignoreOnAbort>, <seconds>): Plays the sound associated with the dialogue. [( )] trSoundPlayFN(<filename>): Plays the sound associated with the filename. [( )] trSoundPlayPaused(<filename>): Plays the sound associated with the filename. [( )] trSoundTimer(long milliseconds, long eventID) creates a high performance sound timer and passes the eventID as data. [( )] trStartGameRecord: add help string. [( )] trStopGameRecord: add help string. [( )] trTechSetStatus(playerID techID status): sets the tech status for the player. [( )] trTechStatusActive(playerID techID): returns true if tech is active for player. [( )] trTechStatusCheck(playerID, techID, techStatus): returns true if tech's status is techStatus. [( )] trTechStatusResearching(playerID techID): returns true if tech is being researched for player. [( )] trTime( void ): Returns the current gametime in Seconds. [( )] trTimeMS( void ): Returns the current gametime in Milliseconds. [( )] trTradeRouteSetLevel(traderouteindex, level) : Sets the specified trade route to the specified level from a trigger. [( )] trTradeRouteSetPosition(position): Places train on a specified position on the route. [( )] trTradeRouteToggleState(position): Enable or disables the unit from showing. [( )] trUIFadeToColor(<r> <g> <b> <duration> <delay> <inout>): fade in/out using color specified. [( )] trUIFlash(<gadget name> <flashLimit> <colorR> <colorG> <colorB>): flashes a UI element. [( )] trUIFlashCategory(<category> <flash>): flashes a UI element (maybe). [( )] trUIFlashTech(<tech id> <flash>): flashes a UI element (maybe). [( )] trUIFlashTrain(<proto name> <flash>): flashes a UI element (maybe). [( )] trUIStopFlash(<gadget name>): stops the flashing of a UI element. [( )] trUnBlockAllAmbientSounds(): Unblocks all ambient sounds that were previously blocked from playing [( )] trUnblockAllSounds(): Unblocks all sounds that were previously blocked from playing [( )] trUnforbidProtounit(player, protoname): removes protounit from the forbidden list [( )] trUnitAlive( void ): Returns true if all selected units are alive. [( )] trUnitBuildUnit( <protoUnitName> <BVector position (x,y,z): Selects units and makes the build a unit at specified location [( )] trUnitChangeName(name): set an override name for a specific unit [( )] trUnitChangeProtoUnit : changes the proto unit for a given set of units. [( )] trUnitCinematicRemoveControlAction() - Removes the current control action so the next thing can take effect immediately. (For IGC) [( )] trUnitConvert(playerID): converts the selected units to player. [( )] trUnitCreate( <protoName> <scenarioName> <x> <y> <z> <heading> <playerID> ): creates a new unit. [( )] trUnitDead( void ): Returns true if all selected units are dead. [( )] trUnitDelete( remove ): removes or kills the selected unit(s). [( )] trUnitDestroy(void): destroys the selected unit(s). [( )] trUnitDistanceToPoint( <x> <y> <z> ): Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the point. [( )] trUnitDistanceToUnit( <unitScenarioName> ): Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the given unit. [( )] trUnitDistanceToUnitID( <unitID> ): Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the given unit. [( )] trUnitDoWorkOnUnit( <unitScenarioName> <eventID> ): Tasks the selected unit(s) to perform work on the given unit. [( )] trUnitEjectContained : ejects all contained units. [( )] trUnitFaceUnit( <unitScenarioName> <eventID> : Moves the selected unit(s) to face the given unit. [( )] trUnitGarrison( <unitScenarioName> <eventID> ): Tasks the selected unit(s) to garrision into another unit. [( )] trUnitGetContained : returns the number of units contained. [( )] trUnitGetHeading( <scenarioName> ): returns the units heading. [( )] trUnitGetIsContained(protounit) : returns true if this unit is contained by the specified protounit. [( )] trUnitHasLOS(playerID): returns true if the player can see the selected unit, otherwise returns false. [( )] trUnitHighlight(seconds) : does something to highlight the units selected. [( )] trUnitIsOwnedBy(playerID): determines if the selected units are owned by the player specified. [( )] trUnitIsSelected : returns if the specified unit is selected. [( )] trUnitMakeInvulnerable( <enable> ) : Makes a unit invulnerable to damage. Turn it off to return the unit to normal. [( )] trUnitMoveFromArea( <x> <y> <z> <eventID> <bAttackMove> <player> <unitType> <radius>): Moves all matching units near the selected unit(s) to the given position. [( )] trUnitMoveToPoint( <x> <y> <z> <eventID> <bAttackMove> <bUnitRun> <runSpeedMultiplier>): Moves the selected unit(s) to the given position. [( )] trUnitMoveToUnit( <unitScenarioName> <eventID> <bAttackMove> <bUnitRun> <runSpeedMultiplier>): Moves the selected unit(s) to the spot occupied by the given unit. [( )] trUnitPercentComplete : returns the percent complete as 0 to 100 [( )] trUnitPercentDamaged : returns the percent damaged as 0 to 100 [( )] trUnitPlayerDefakify() : Sets the selected unit as not having a fake player [( )] trUnitPlayerFakify(fakePlayerIndex) : Sets the selected unit as having the fake player with the specified index (0-7) [( )] trUnitSelect( <unitScenarioName> ): 'Selects' the unit in the trigger selection system. [( )] trUnitSelectByID( <unitID> ): 'Selects' the unit in the trigger selection system. [( )] trUnitSelectClear( void ): Clears the units in the trigger selection system. [( )] trUnitSetAnimation( <AnimName> <versionIndex> <loop> <eventID> <destroyOnNextControlAction> ): Sets the cinematic animation version for the selected unit(s). [( )] trUnitSetHeading( <degrees> ): sets the units heading. [( )] trUnitSetHP( <hitpoints> ): set the hitpoints for all selected units. [( )] trUnitSetStance : set the stance for the given set of units. [( )] trUnitSuspendAction( actionName, <suspend> ) : Makes an action on a unit suspened or not. [( )] trUnitTeleport : moves units from current position to position specified [( )] trUnitTypeIsSelected : returns if the specified unit is selected. [( )] trUnitVisToPlayer(playerID): returns true if the player can see the selected unit, and it is on screen. [( )] trVPAnnualAwards(enable): enables/disables the award of VP's each year. [( )] trWaypointAddPoint( <vector> ): Adds the waypoint into the trigger selection system. [( )] trWaypointAddUnit( <unitScenarioName> ): Adds the unit's position as a waypoint in the trigger selection system. [( )] trWaypointClear( void ): Clears the waypoints in the trigger selection system. [( )] trWriteToLog(message): Writes text to the Age3Log [( )] trYouLose(text): player loses, specifies message. [( )] trYouWin(directToMenu): player wins. If you set directToMenu to true, you go directly to Campaign Menu. [( )] uiAddChatNotification : Adds a notification to the game's chat output, can play a sound too. [( )] uiAddSelectionButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the add selection button has been pressed. [( )] uiAddSelectionButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the add selection button has been released. [( )] uiAddSelectNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : adds the units in the given number group to current selection. [( )] uiApplyLightingSet([integerIndex]) : intended for UI use only. Applies a Lighting Set [( )] uiBMultiplayerSave: stop playing stupid music at 11pm. [( )] uiBuildAtPointer( ) : instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the current proto unit cursor building type at the pointer location. [( )] uiBuildMode([integerType]) : does and editMode and setProtoID, after verifying sufficient resources for the current player. [( )] uiBuildWallAtPointer : instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the current proto unit cursor building type at the pointer location, with wall-like endpoint behavior. [( )] uiCameraControl([x],[y]) : Controls camera with gamepad stick. [( )] uiCameraScroll([fast],[x],[y]) : Scrolls the game view. [( )] uiCenterPointer : Centers mouse pointer. [( )] uiChangeBrushCornerMode: changes the ability to modify corner tiles: 0-All, 1-Corners only, 2-No corners [( )] uiChangeBrushSize(p1 p2 p3 p4) : changes the size of the current brush [( )] uiChangeBrushType( "name") : changes the brush to the named type [( )] uiChangeCliffModMode: changes the ability to modify vertices on cliff edges: 0-No clamping, 1-Clamp Low Edge, 2-Clamp High Edge, 3 - Clamp All Edges [( )] uiChangeElevationToSample([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the change elevation to sample button has gone up/down. [( )] uiChatDisplayModeToggle : Toggles the chat display mode. [( )] uiChatDisplayModeToHistory : Toggles the chat display mode to history mode. [( )] uiChatDisplayModeToRecent : Toggles the chat display mode to recent mode. [( )] uiChatScrollBack([integerKeyState]) : Scrolls chat back one. [( )] uiChatScrollForward([integerKeyState]) : Scrolls chat forward one. [( )] uiCircleSelect([on],[doubleClick],[leaveSelected]) : Start/stop circle selection. [( )] uiCircleSelectResize([x],[y]) : Circle selection resizing. [( )] uiClearAllCinematicInfo: clears all cinematic info including model/texture precache info. [( )] uiClearChat(clearOnly) : Clears the chat and resets to recent mode. clearOnly == true if you don't want it to populate the chat, but only clear it. [( )] uiClearCinematicInfo: clears cinematic trigger info. [( )] uiClearCursor : resets the cursor to the basic pointer. [( )] uiClearGatherPoint: Clears the gather point for the selected unit(s), returning it to a default state. [( )] uiClearMenu : removes any dangling child menus off of the given gadget [( )] uiClearNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : erases the given number group. [( )] uiClearSelection : deselects all selected units [( )] uiCloseDialog: closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active dialog [( )] uiCloseFieldSet : closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active field set [( )] uiCommandCircleMenu([on]) : turn on/off gamepad command panel circle menu. [( )] uiCommandPanelControl([on]) : turn on/off gamepad command panel control. [( )] uiCommandPanelExecute : gamepad command panel execute. [( )] uiCommandPanelMove([x], [y]) : move between selections in the command panel. [( )] uiCommsFlareAtPointer : Used when flaring a position for player comms dialog. [( )] uiConsulateUI: Used to activate the consulate UI [( )] uiConsulateUIInSelected(): uiConsulateUI: Used to activate the consulate UI from hotkeys [( )] uiCopyToClipboard() : copies the brush selection to the clipboard. [( )] uiCoverTerrainWithWater(floatWaterHeight, floatDepth, waterName) : flattens terrain and paints water over the entire map. [( )] uiCreateNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : creates a number group with the currently selected units. [( )] uiCreateRandomRiver : . [( )] uiCreateRiver : . [( )] uiCreateRiverToggleWaypointMode : . [( )] uiCycleCurrentActivate : acts like the current cycle gadget has been pressed [( )] uiCycleGadget([integerDelta]) : cycles through the 'active' child gadget of a deluxe gadget. [( )] uiDecPlaceVariation : decrements the variation to place. [( )] uiDeleteAllSelectedUnits : deletes all selected unit. [( )] uiDeleteCameraStartLoc [( )] uiDeleteSelectedUnit() : deletes selected unit. [( )] uiDeleteSelectedUnit2() : deletes selected unit. [( )] uiDeleteUnits([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the delete units button has gone up/down. [( )] uiDoubleClickSelect([integerAdd], [checkAction]) : intended for ui use only. Double click select at pointer location. [( )] uiDumpAllUnitHotKeyMappings(): spews all hot key mappings that create units to the console [( )] uiDumpKeyMappings ( stringContext ): spews all key mappings out to the console. [( )] uiDumpUnmappedKeys ( stringContext ) : spews all empty keys out to the console [( )] uiEjectAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an ejection command with waypoint for the selected unit. [( )] uiEjectGarrisonedUnits: intended for UI use only. Sends an ejection command for the selected unit. [( )] uiEmpowerAtPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to Empower the target building at the pointer position. [( )] uiEnterContext(<stringContext>) : enters the specified UI context. [( )] uiEnterGameMenuModeIfNotResigned : Wrapper that enters GameMenu mode if the player isn't resigned. [( )] uiExpireCurrentObjectiveNotification: Causes the currently displaying objective notification to fade out (or disappear), depending on the param passed in. [( )] uiExportGrouping: save a group. [( )] uiExportTriggers: save some triggers. [( )] uiFilterTerrainSelection : filter the current terrain selection. [( )] uiFindAlliedNatives() : finds allied natives of the current player in order, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. [( )] uiFindAllOfSelectedType () : finds all units of the same type as the selected unit [( )] uiFindAllOfType () : finds all units of the same type [( )] uiFindAllOfTypeIdle () : finds all idle units of the same type [( )] uiFindCrowd([findType],[noLookAt]) [( )] uiFindDancers () : finds the next native settler dancing at the firepit in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. [( )] uiFindGatherersNotGathering () : finds the gatherer unit that's not gathering in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. [( )] uiFindIdleType ([typeName]) : finds the next idle unit of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. [( )] uiFindKeyMapping ( stringKeyname ) : finds all key mappings for a given key [( )] uiFindResourceGatherers ([typeName]) : finds the next resource gatherer unit of the given resource type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. [( )] uiFindTownBellTC () : finds the next town center that has the town bell active, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. [( )] uiFindType ([typeName]) : finds the next unit (idle or not) of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle. [( )] uiFlareAtPointer : Sends out a flare at the pointer position. [( )] uiFlattenTerrainSelection : flatten the current terrain selection. [( )] uiForceShift([on]) : Force shift key on or off. [( )] uiFormationOrientation( ) : Sets the orientation of a formation. [( )] uiGarrisonToPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to garrison in a building at the pointer position. [( )] uiGuardAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an guard order. [( )] uiHandleIdleBanner ([typeName]) : does the right thing. [( )] uiHandleUserTab ( listSel, parent ) : handles toggle of user textures [( )] uiHelpAtPointer : Sends out a Help at the pointer position. [( )] uiHideCursor: testing only [( )] uiHidePlayerSummaryDialog : Hides the player summary dialog. [( )] uiHideTributeDialog : maximizes main UI [( )] uiIgnoreNextKey : used when activating a text box with a key to avoid having that key go into the text box too. [( )] uiImportTriggers: load some triggers. [( )] uiIncPlaceVariation : increments the variation to place. [( )] uiInitOptionsScreenProfileEditDialog: initializes the Profile Edit Dialog inside the OptionsScreen [( )] uiLastDetailHelp : goes back to the most recent help entry. [( )] uiLeaveContext(<stringContext>) : leaves the specified UI context. [( )] uiLeaveModeOnUnshift : causes game to return to editMode none when shift hotkey is released [( )] uiLoadTriggers: load some triggers. [( )] uiLookAtAndSelectUnit : moves the camera to see the specified unit and selects it. [( )] uiLookAtBattle: moves the camera to see the specified battle. [( )] uiLookAtNumberGroup([integerGroup]): moves the camera to see the given number group. [( )] uiLookAtProto : moves the camera to see the first instance of proto unit X owned by the current player. [( )] uiLookAtSelection : moves the camera to see the first selected unit. [( )] uiLookAtUnit : moves the camera to see the specified Unit. [( )] uiLookAtUnitByName(scenarioName): moves the camera to see the specified Unit. [( )] uiLowerElevation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the lower elevation button has gone up/down. [( )] uiLowerTerrainSelection([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the lower terrain selection button has gone up/down. [( )] uiLowerWater([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the lower water button has gone up/down. [( )] uiMapPointerControl([x],[y],[doGoto]) : Moves the map pointer. [( )] uiMapPointerGoto([activeCheck]) : Jump to map pointer location. [( )] uiMessageBox([stringText] [stringCommand]) : pops up a message box with text that activated the cmd when the ok button is hit [( )] uiMessageBox2([stringID] [stringCommand]) : pops up a message box with text that activated the cmd when the ok button is hit [( )] uiMinimizeStats() [( )] uiMoveAllMilitaryAtPointer(): Moves all military units to the pointer position. [( )] uiMoveSelectionAddButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been pressed. [( )] uiMoveSelectionAddButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been released. [( )] uiMoveSelectionButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been pressed. [( )] uiMoveSelectionButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been released. [( )] uiMoveUnitBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit backward key has gone up/down. [( )] uiMoveUnitDown([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit down key has gone up/down. [( )] uiMoveUnitForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit forward key has gone up/down. [( )] uiMoveUnitLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit left key has gone up/down. [( )] uiMoveUnitRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit right key has gone up/down. [( )] uiMoveUnitUp([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the move unit up key has gone up/down. [( )] uiNewScenario : creates a new blank scenario [( )] uiOpenCameraTrackBrowser: open a camera track from the data directory [( )] uiOpenGrandConquestBrowser: opens a Grand Conquest saved game [( )] uiOpenRecordGameBrowser: open a record game from the saved game directory [( )] uiOpenSavedGameBrowser: open a game from the saved game directory [( )] uiOpenScenarioBrowser: open a scenario from the scenario directory [( )] uiPaint([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint button has gone up/down. [( )] uiPaintCliff([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint cliff button has gone up/down. [( )] uiPaintForest(paint, offset) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint button has gone up/down. [( )] uiPaintTerrainOverlay([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint terrain overlay button has gone up/down. [( )] uiPaintTerrainToSample([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the sample terrain button has gone up/down. [( )] uiPaintWater([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the paint water button has gone up/down. [( )] uiPaintWaterArea([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Painting water area. [( )] uiPaintWaterObjects: Paint objects on the currently selected water. [( )] uiPasteFromClipboard() : pastes the contents of the clipboard to the brush selection. [( )] uiPatrolAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an patrol order. [( )] uiPitchUnitDown([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the pitch unit down key has gone up/down. [( )] uiPitchUnitUp([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the pitch unit up key has gone up/down. [( )] uiPlaceAtPointer([boolChangeVariation]): intended for ui use only. Places unit at pointer location. [( )] uiPlaceRiverShallow : . [( )] uiPlaceRiverWaypoint : . [( )] uiPlaceTradeRouteWaypoint [( )] uiPoliticianUI: Used to activate the politician UI [( )] uiPoliticianUIInSelected(): uiPoliticianUI: Used to activate the politician UI in current selection [( )] uiPowerCircleMenu([on]) : turn on/off gamepad power panel circle menu. [( )] uiRaiseElevation([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the raise elevation button has gone up/down. [( )] uiRaiseTerrainSelection([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the raise terrain selection button has gone up/down. [( )] uiRaiseWater([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the raise water button has gone up/down. [( )] uiRefreshEditorMenu: reconstitutes the entire editor menu [( )] uiReleaseDownKeys: pops up all downed keys. [( )] uiRemoveFromAnyNumberGroup: removes current selection from any army. [( )] uiRemoveRiverShallow : . [( )] uiRemoveRiverWaypoint : . [( )] uiRemoveSelectedUnit([unitID]) : Removes specified unit, or selected unit if not ID is specified. [( )] uiRemoveTerrainOverlay : intended for ui use only. Removes the painted terrain overlay at the given mouse position. [( )] uiRemoveTradeRouteWaypoint [( )] uiRepairAtPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to repair the target building at the pointer position. [( )] uiResetFindCrowd [( )] uiResetScreenSelect : resets screen selection. [( )] uiRollUnitLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the roll unit left key has gone up/down. [( )] uiRollUnitRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the roll unit right key has gone up/down. [( )] uiRotateClipboard(degrees) : rotate the clipboard by amount. [( )] uiRotateSelection : intended for ui use only. rotates the selected UNIT. [( )] uiRotateWaterLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the rotate water left button has gone up/down. [( )] uiRotateWaterRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the rotate water right button has gone up/down. [( )] uiRoughen([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the roughen button has gone up/down. [( )] uiSampleCliffElevationAtPointer : intended for ui use only. Samples Cliff elevation height at pointer. [( )] uiSampleElevationAtPointer : intended for ui use only. Samples elevation height at pointer. [( )] uiSampleTerrainAtPointer : intended for ui use only. Samples terrain type at pointer. [( )] uiSaveAsScenarioBrowser(): uiAsSaveScenarioBrowser: save a scenario to the scenario directory [( )] uiSaveCameraTrackBrowser: save a camera track to the data directory [( )] uiSaveCampaignGameBrowser: show the in-game menu. [( )] uiSaveGrouping: save some groups. [( )] uiSaveGroupingLUA: save some groups. [( )] uiSaveSavedGameBrowser: save a game to the saved game directory [( )] uiSaveScenarioBrowser: save a scenario to the scenario directory [( )] uiSaveTriggers: save some triggers. [( )] uiScenarioLoad: load a scenario, checking dirty bit on world. [( )] uiScreenSelect([modifier]) : screen selection. [( )] uiScrollBrushSize: intended for ui use only. Increament the size of the current brush up/down [( )] uiScrollCliffHeight: intended for ui use only. Increment the height of the cliff brush up/down [( )] uiSelectCliffAtPointer() : selects the cliff under the pointer. [( )] uiSelectFirepit () : selects the users firepit if it exists [( )] uiSelectForestAtPointer() : selects the forest under the pointer. [( )] uiSelectionButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been pressed. [( )] uiSelectionButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been released. [( )] uiSelectNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : selects the units in the given number group. [( )] uiSelectTransportUnit [( )] uiSelectWaterAtPointer: intended for ui use only. Selects water at pointer location. [( )] uiSendIngameChat: used direcly by UI [( )] uiSetBrushType( "name" p1 p2 p3 p4 ) : makes the current brush based on the name and parameters. [( )] uiSetBuildingPlacementRender(id, on) : controls rendering of the building placement info for the given ID [( )] uiSetCameraStartLoc [( )] uiSetCliffType(stringCliffName) : sets the cliff type by name. [( )] uiSetCliffTypeNum(longCliffType) : sets the cliff type by index. [( )] uiSetClipboardRotation(degrees) : sets the clipboard rotation amount. [( )] uiSetForestType(stringForestName) : sets the forest type by name. [( )] uiSetForestTypeNum(longForestType) : sets the forest type by index. [( )] uiSetGatherPointAtPointer ( bool homeCity, bool water ): Sets the gather points for the selected unit(s) to the pointer position. [( )] uiSetHCNotifyText : Adds notify text, can play a sound too. [( )] uiSetHomeCityWaterSpawnPointAtPointer( void ): Sets the HC spawn point. [( )] uiSetKBArmyRender( int id, bool [set]: render the kbArmy info for the given ID. If not set given, will not render the army. [( )] uiSetKBAttackRouteRender: render the attackRoute info for the given ID [( )] uiSetKBResourceRender( resID, [set]: render the kbResource info for the given ID. If not set given, will not render the resource. [( )] uiSetProtoCursor(<stringProtoName>, <setPlacement>) : sets the cursor to a proto-unit. [( )] uiSetProtoCursorID(<integerProtoID>) : sets the cursor to a proto-unit. [( )] uiSetProtoID([integerType]) : sets the proto ID to place. [( )] uiSetTerrainOverlayColor([float] [float] [float]: intended for ui use only. Sets the terrain overlay color to the given (R,G,B) color. [( )] uiSetWaterType(stringWaterName) : sets the water type by name. [( )] uiSetWaterTypeNum(longWaterType) : sets the water type by index. [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoArea : brings up the area info for the given ID [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoAreaGroup : brings up the area info for the given ID [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoAttackRoute : brings up the attackRoute info for the given ID [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoBase : brings up the base info for the given ID [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoEscrow : brings up the escrow info for the given ID [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoKBArmy : brings up the kbArmy info for the given ID [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoKBResource : brings up the kbResource info for the given ID [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnit : brings up the kbunit info for the given ID [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnitPick : brings up the kbUnitPick info for the given ID [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoPlacement : brings up the building placement info for the given ID [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoPlan : brings up the plan debug text for the given plan ID [( )] uiShowAIDebugInfoProgression : brings up the progression info for the given ID [( )] uiShowCameraStartLoc [( )] uiShowChatWindow() [( )] uiShowCommandPanel() [( )] uiShowDetailedHelp() [( )] uiShowObjectivesDialog [( )] uiShowPlayerSummaryDialog : Shows the player summary dialog. [( )] uiShowStatPanel() [( )] uiShowTributeDialog : minimizes main UI and brings up the minimized UI [( )] uiShowVoteDialog [( )] uiSmooth([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the smooth button has gone up/down. [( )] uiSpecialPowerAtPointer: intended for ui use only. Use a special power at targeted location. [( )] uiSpewDownKeys: spews all down keys. [( )] uiStartBuildCinematic: test a scenario. [( )] uiStartScenarioTest: test a scenario. [( )] uiStopBuildCinematic: test a scenario. [( )] uiStopScenarioTest: test a scenario. [( )] uiStopSelectedUnits : stop selected units. [( )] uiTechCivDetailHelp(techID, civ) : brings up the detail help UI for the given tech node ID [( )] uiTechDetailHelp(techID) : brings up the detail help UI for the given tech node ID [( )] uiTerrainSelection([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the terrain selection button has gone up/down. [( )] uiToggleAdvancedHUD() [( )] uiToggleBrushMask: This is not what you are looking for. [( )] uiToggleCliff() : toggles cliff pieces on or off under the pointer. [( )] uiToggleEditor : turns off and on the scenario editor UI. [( )] uiToggleGame : turns off and on the game UI. [( )] uiToggleSelectionButton : intended for ui use only. [( )] uiToggleTerrainPasteMode: This is not what you are looking for. [( )] uiTopicDetailHelp(topicName) : brings up the detail help UI for the given help topic [( )] uiTransformSelectedUnit: transforms the selected unit into the specified proto unit. [( )] uiTriggerResetParameters [( )] uiTriggerResetSounds [( )] uiTriggerSelectLocation [( )] uiUniformLowerElevation - lowers the terrain height uniformly in the brush region [( )] uiUniformRaiseElevation - raises the terrain height uniformly in the brush region [( )] uiUnitDetailHelp(protoID, civID) : brings up the detail help UI for the given proto ID, or -1 for current unit selection proto. [( )] uiUnselectCliff() : de-selects the forest under the pointer. [( )] uiUnselectForest() : de-selects the forest under the pointer. [( )] uiUnSelectWater: intended for ui use only. Unselects currently selected water. [( )] uiVPAccelClick([unitID]) : Shows the VP accel building from the unitID. [( )] uiWheelRotate: intended for ui use only. Rotate with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel [( )] uiWheelRotateCamera: intended for ui use only. Rotate with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel [( )] uiWheelRotatePlacedUnit: intended for ui use only. Rotate placed unit with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel [( )] uiWheelRotateRiverShallow: intended for ui use only. Rotate river shallow with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel [( )] uiWorkAtPointer: intended for ui use only. Issues "work" at pointer location. [( )] uiYawUnitLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the yaw unit left key has gone up/down. [( )] uiYawUnitRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the yaw unit right key has gone up/down. [( )] uiZoomToMinimapEvent : zooms to the most recent minimap event [( )] uiZoomToMinimapEvent2 : zooms to the most recent minimap event [( )] uiZoomToProto([stringProto]) : zooms to the first instance of proto unit X owned by the current player. [( )] undo : undoes the last editing operation. [( )] unitData(intUnitID) : spews database values on the specified unit or the selected unit (if no argument). [( )] unitDecVariation([UnitID]) : Decrements the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1). [( )] unitIncVariation([UnitID]) : Increments the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1). [( )] unitPlayerDefakify() sets the selected units to stop using a fake player. [( )] unitPlayerFakify(fakePlayerIndex) sets the selected units to use the fake player indicated. [( )] unitReturnToWork: Issues a return to work for the selected unit(s). [( )] unitSetStanceAggressive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to aggressive. [( )] unitSetStanceDefensive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to defensive. [( )] unitSetStancePassive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to passive. [( )] unitSetTactic: Sets the tactic for this unit. [( )] unitSetVariation(<Variation> [UnitID]) : Sets the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if UnitID is -1). [( )] unitToggleStealth: Toggles stealth mode for this unit. [( )] unitTownBell: Issues a town bell for the selected unit(s). [( )] unpauseNoChecks : forces the game to unpause [( )] upgradeTradeRoute(int unitID) : UI use - upgrade the trade route associated with this unit. [( )] vcCheckConquestVictory(): checks for victory by being the last allied-unit alive [( )] vcGetGameplayMode(): returns the current gameplay mode index [( )] vsync(int state) : Set vertical syncing (-1 toggles, 0 is off, 1 is on). [( )] winScenario : executes the trYouWin trigger func, allowing you to win the scenario. [(bool )] xsAddRuntimeEvent( string foo, string bar, int something ): Setups a runtime event. Don't use this. [(int )] xsArrayCreateBool(int size, bool defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named boolean array, returning an arrayID. [(int )] xsArrayCreateFloat(int size, float defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named float array, returning an arrayID. [(int )] xsArrayCreateInt(int size, int defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named integer array, returning an arrayID. [(int )] xsArrayCreateString(int size, string defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named string array, returning an arrayID. [(int )] xsArrayCreateVector(int size, vector defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named vector array, returning an arrayID. [(bool )] xsArrayGetBool(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. [(float )] xsArrayGetFloat(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. [(int )] xsArrayGetInt(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. [(int )] xsArrayGetSize(int arrayID): Gets the specified array's size. [(string)] xsArrayGetString(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. [(vector)] xsArrayGetVector(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. [(int )] xsArraySetBool(int arrayID, int index, bool value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. [(int )] xsArraySetFloat(int arrayID, int index, float value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. [(int )] xsArraySetInt(int arrayID, int index, int value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. [(int )] xsArraySetString(int arrayID, int index, string value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. [(int )] xsArraySetVector(int arrayID, int index, vector value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. [(void )] xsDisableRule( string ruleName ): Disables the given rule. [(void )] xsDisableRuleGroup( string ruleGroupName ): Disables all rules in the given rule group. [(void )] xsDisableSelf( void ): Disables the current rule. [(int )] xsDumpArrays(): blogs out all XS arrays. [(void )] xsEnableRule( string ruleName ): Enables the given rule. [(void )] xsEnableRuleGroup( string ruleGroupName ): Enables all rule in the given rule group. [(int )] xsGetContextPlayer( void ): Returns the current context player ID. [(int )] xsGetFunctionID( string functionName ): Runs the secret XSFID for the function. USE WITH CAUTION. [(int )] xsGetTime( void ): Returns the current gametime (in milliseconds). [(bool )] xsIsRuleEnabled( string ruleName ): Returns true if the rule is enabled. [(void )] xsIsRuleGroupEnabled( string ruleGroupName ): Returns true if the rule group is enabled. [(void )] xsSetContextPlayer( int playerID ): Sets the current context player ID (DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING). [(void )] xsSetRuleMaxInterval( string ruleName, int interval ): Sets the max interval of the given rule. [(void )] xsSetRuleMaxIntervalSelf( int interval ): Sets the max interval of the current rule. [(void )] xsSetRuleMinInterval( string ruleName, int interval ): Sets the min interval of the given rule. [(void )] xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf( int interval ): Sets the min interval of the current rule. [(void )] xsSetRulePriority( string ruleName, int priority ): Sets the priority of the given rule. [(void )] xsSetRulePrioritySelf( int priority ): Sets the priority of the current rule. [(float )] xsVectorGetX( vector v ): Returns the x component of the given vector. [(float )] xsVectorGetY( vector v ): Returns the y component of the given vector. [(float )] xsVectorGetZ( vector v ): Returns the z component of the given vector. [(float )] xsVectorLength( vector v ): Returns the length of the given vector. [(float )] xsVectorNormalize( vector v): Returns the normalized version of the given vector. [(float )] xsVectorSet( float x, float y, float z ): Set the 3 components into a vector, returns the new vector. [(float )] xsVectorSetX( vector v, float x ): Set the x component of the given vector, returns the new vector. [(float )] xsVectorSetY( vector v, float y ): Set the y component of the given vector, returns the new vector. [(float )] xsVectorSetZ( vector v, float z ): Set the z component of the given vector, returns the new vector.