UnittypeID | Unittype | Object or Effect | Unused? | SpecialEffects? |
1463 | Unit | Unit | | |
1464 | Ship | Ships | | |
1465 | Building | Buildings | | |
1466 | MilitaryBuilding | Military Building | | |
1467 | EconomicBuilding | Economic Building | | |
1468 | Dropsite | | Unused | |
1469 | Resource | Resource | | |
1470 | HuntedResource | Prey Resource | | |
1471 | MinedResource | Mine Resource | | |
1472 | LandResource | | Unused | |
1473 | WaterResource | | Unused | |
1474 | Projectile | Projectile | | |
1475 | Nature | Nature Units | | |
1476 | SpecialPowers | | Unused | |
1477 | Unattackable | Can't be attacked | | Special Effects |
1478 | AbstractTemple | | Unused | |
1479 | Military | Military Unit | | |
1480 | Hero | Hero | | |
1481 | Tree | Tree | | |
1482 | AbstractInfantry | Infantry | | |
1483 | AbstractCavalry | Cavalry | | |
1484 | AbstractArcher | Archer | | |
1485 | AbstractVillager | Villager | | Special Effects |
1486 | AbstractFarm | Farm-type Buildings(farm,Rice Paddy,Mill,Village,Livestock Pen,Sacred Field) | | |
1487 | AbstractDock | Dock-type Buildings | | |
1488 | InventoryHolder | | Unused | |
1489 | InventoryItem | | Unused | |
1490 | UseableItem | | Unused | |
1491 | StrengthBonus | | Unused | |
1492 | TradeableTo | | Unused | |
1493 | TradeableFrom | | Unused | |
1494 | AbstractSiegeWeapon | | Unused | |
1495 | FlyingUnit | | Unused | |
1496 | MythUnit | | Unused | |
1497 | Economic | Economic Units | | |
1498 | Ranged | Ranged Units | | |
1499 | FastSpeed | | Unused | |
1500 | AverageSpeed | | Unused | |
1501 | SlowSpeed | | Unused | |
1502 | Generic | | Unused | |
1503 | UnitClass | Scenario Ediot-Place Unit-->units | | Special Effects |
1504 | BuildingClass | Scenario Ediot-Place Unit-->Building | | Special Effects |
1505 | NatureClass | Scenario Ediot-Place Unit-->Nature | | Special Effects |
1506 | EmbellishmentClass | Scenario Ediot-Place Unit-->Embellishment | | Special Effects |
1507 | TestClass | Scenario Ediot-Place Unit-->Test | Unused | Special Effects |
1508 | E3Class | | Unused | |
1509 | All | All units and buildings | | Special Effects |
1510 | ActionGather | | Unused | |
1511 | ActionTrain | | Unused | |
1512 | ActionBuild | | Unused | |
1513 | ActionAttack | | Unused | |
1514 | ActionTrickle | | Unused | |
1515 | Fish | Fish | | |
1516 | Transport | Tran sport | | |
1517 | AbstractWall | Wall-type Buildings | | |
1518 | Herdable | Herd | | |
1519 | AbstractSettlement | | Unused | |
1520 | BuildingsThatShoot | | Unused | |
1521 | MythUnitGodPower | | Unused | |
1522 | ParticipatesInBattlecries | | Unused | |
1523 | AffectedByTownBell | Automatic garrison after towncenter alarm bell ringing | | Special Effects |
1524 | MinimapFilterMilitary | Minimap setting-Military Units | | |
1525 | MinimapFilterEconomic | Minimap setting-Economic Units | | |
1526 | TradeUnit | | Unused | |
1527 | Healable | | Unused | |
1528 | FavoriteUnit | | Unused | |
1529 | RailroadUnit | Trade Route Unit | | |
1530 | AbstractRailroadStation | | Unused | |
1531 | AbstractFort | Fort-type Buildings | | |
1532 | AbstractImperialArmy | | Unused | |
1533 | AbstractResourceCrate | It will attract villagers to collect resources automatically. | | Special Effects |
1534 | AbstractArtillery | Artillerys | | |
1535 | AbstractCavalryInfantry | Cavalry and Infantry | | |
1536 | AbstractPet | Pet | | |
1537 | ConvertsHerds | Convertible Units(Herd,Kings Hill) | | Special Effects |
1538 | Socket | Trading Post Site | | Special Effects |
1539 | _Aircraft | | Unused | |
1540 | AbstractLightInfantry | Light Infantry | | |
1541 | AbstractHeavyCavalry | Heavy Cavalry | | |
1542 | Huntable | Prey | | |
1543 | Guardian | Guardian | | |
1544 | AbstractSiegeTrooper | Siege Unit | | |
1545 | AbstractFirePit | AbstractFirePit | | |
1546 | AbstractCanSeeStealth | Sees Stealth | | Special Effects |
1547 | Mercenary | Mercenary | | |
1548 | AbstractWarShip | War Ship | | |
1549 | AbstractLightCavalry | Light Cavalry | | |
1550 | AbstractTradeMarket | | Unused | |
1551 | AbstractShrine | Shrine | | Special Effects |
1552 | AbstractWonder | Wonder(Without this unittype,the Asian countries cannot upgrade their ages) | | Special Effects |
1553 | AbstractTypeHuntableMagnet | AbstractTypeHuntableMagnet | | |
1554 | AbstractTypeHerdableMagnet | AbstractTypeHerdableMagnet | | |
1555 | AbstractBannerArmy | Banner Army | | |
1556 | AbstractMonk | Monks | | |
1557 | AbstractZamburak | Zamburak (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1558 | AbstractSepoy | Sepoy (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1559 | AbstractRajput | Rajput (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1560 | AbstractUrumi | Urumi (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1561 | AbstractSowar | Sowar (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1562 | AbstractMahout | Mahout (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1563 | AbstractHowdah | Howdah (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1564 | AbstractMercFlailiphant | Flailiphant (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1565 | AbstractSiegeElephant | Siege Elephant (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1566 | Trade | | Unused | |
1567 | XP | XP? | | |
1568 | AbstractDaimyo | Daimyo | | |
1569 | AbstractElephant | Elephant Units | | |
1570 | AbstractCamel | Camel Units | | |
1571 | AbstractMilitaryWonder | Military Wonders | | |
1572 | AbstractPoliticalWonder | Political Wonder | | |
1573 | AbstractReligiousWonder | Religious Wonder | | |
1574 | AbstractHandElephant | Hand Elephant Units | | |
1575 | AbstractGurkha | Gurkha (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1576 | AbstractMansabdar | Mansabdar | | |
1577 | AbstractChineseMonk | Monk (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1578 | AbstractGunpowderTrooper | Gunpowder Infantry | | |
1579 | AbstractHandInfantry | Hand Infantry | | |
1580 | AbstractHeavyInfantry | Heavy Infantry | | |
1581 | AbstractNativeWarrior | Native Warrior | | |
1582 | AbstractRangedInfantry | Ranged Infantry | | |
1583 | AbstractRangedCavalry | Ranged Cavalry | | |
1584 | AbstractHandCavalry | Hand Cavalry | | |
1585 | AbstractGunpowderCavalry | Gunpowder Cavalry | | |
1586 | AbstractFishingBoat | Fishing Boat-type Units | | |
1587 | GiantBuddha | GiantBuddha | | |
1588 | WaterGuardian | Water Guardian | | |
1589 | CannotConvertHill | Cannot convert the Kings Hill | | |
1590 | AbstractJapaneseMonk | Japanese Monk (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1591 | Gold | Gold | | |
1592 | AnimalPrey | | Unused | |
1593 | Food | Food | | |
1594 | Wood | Wood | | |
1595 | FoodDropsite | | Unused | |
1596 | Hack | | Unused | |
1597 | WoodDropsite | | Unused | |
1598 | GoldDropsite | | Unused | |
1599 | LogicalTypeVillagersRespondToAttack | | Unused | |
1600 | LogicalTypeHandUnitsAutoAttack | It will be automatically attacked by melee units (tactics definition) | | |
1601 | LogicalTypeVillagersAttack | can be attacked by villagers (tactics definition) | | |
1602 | LogicalTypeNeededForVictory | You need to kill this unit to victory. | | |
1603 | LogicalTypeAffectedByTownBell | Response alarm units | | |
1604 | NativeBuilding | Native Buildings | | |
1605 | AbstractHouse | House-type Buildings | | |
1606 | LogicalTypeEasySelectAvoid | If the game option is enabled to drag military units , this unit will not be selected. | | |
1607 | ColonyBuilding | Colony Building | | |
1608 | LogicalTypeLandMilitary | Land Military | | |
1609 | LogicalTypeNavalMilitary | Naval Military | | |
1610 | LogicalTypeGarrisonInShips | Can garrison in ship Unit | | |
1611 | AbstractPikeman | Pikeman | | |
1612 | AbstractMine | Mine | | |
1613 | LifespanUnit | Minuteman, Warrior, Irregular, Sentry(Automated blood reduction unit) | | |
1614 | TradePostSocket | Trading Post Site (You can't build a trading post here without that.) | | |
1615 | NativeSocket | Native Trading Post Site | | |
1616 | HasBountyValue | HasBountyValue | | |
1617 | AbstractLancer | Lancer | | |
1618 | ValidIdleVillager | Selection of idle Villagers'Shortcut Key in the upper left corner | | |
1619 | MercType2 | Mercenary Type2(Spy, Nin ja, Shinobi, etc.) | | |
1620 | MercType3 | Mercenary Type3(Outlaw Musketeer, Buccaneer Captain) | | |
1621 | MercType4 | | Unused | |
1622 | MercType5 | Mercenary Type5 (Privateer, Wokou Junk, Marauding Junk) | | |
1623 | VictoryPointBuilding | Victory Point Buildings | | |
1624 | LogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls | LogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls | | |
1625 | LogicalTypeValidSPCUnitsDeadCondition | LogicalTypeValidSPCUnitsDeadCondition | | |
1626 | AbstractTownCenter | TownCenter-type Bulidings (TownCenter, Fort) | | |
1627 | LogicalTypeTCBuildLimit | LogicalTypeTCBuildLimit | | |
1628 | CountsTowardEconomicScore | Counts toward Economic Score | | |
1629 | CountsTowardMilitaryScore | Counts toward Military Score | | |
1630 | LogicalTypeRangedUnitsAttack | can be attacked by range units (tactics definition) | | |
1631 | LogicalTypeRangedUnitsAutoAttack | It will be automatically attacked by range units (tactics definition) | | |
1632 | LogicalTypeHandUnitsAttack | can be attacked by hand units (tactics definition) | | |
1633 | LogicalTypeValidSharpshoot | LogicalTypeValidSharpshoot | | |
1634 | AbstractFruit | Fruit | | |
1635 | AbstractNugget | Treasure | | |
1636 | MercType1 | Mercenary Type1(Skull Knight, Dog Soldier, etc.) | | |
1637 | LogicalTypeMinimapFilterEconomic | Minimap setting-Economic Units | | |
1638 | LogicalTypeMinimapFilterMilitary | Minimap setting-Military Units | | |
1639 | LogicalTypeScout | Scout | | |
1640 | LogicalTypeShipsAndBuildings | Ships And Buildings | | |
1641 | LogicalTypeHealed | can be heal | | |
1642 | AbstractWagon | Wagon | | |
1643 | AbstractWhale | Whale | | |
1644 | AbstractFish | Fish-type Unit | | |
1645 | AbstractHandSiege | Hand Siege Unit | | |
1646 | AbstractIndianMonk | Indian Monk (It can double click on this type of unit) | | |
1647 | AbstractJunk | | Unused | |
1648 | AbstractConsulateUnit | Consulate Unit | | |
1649 | AbstractConsulateSiegeFortress | Fortress Age-Consulate Unit | | |
1650 | AbstractConsulateSiegeIndustrial | Industrial Age-Consulate Unit | | |
1651 | AbstractAgraFort | AgraFort | | |
1652 | AbstractWokou | Wokou | | |
1653 | AbstractIrregular | Asian countries's Minuteman units | | |
1654 | AbstractCaptureable | | Unused | |
1655 | AbstractBarracks2 | Barrack-type Buildings | | |
1656 | AbstractStables | Stable-type Buildings | | |
1657 | AbstractFoundry | Foundry-type Buildings | | |
1658 | AbstractConsulateUnitColonial | Colonial Age-Consulate Unit | | |
1659 | AbstractCoyoteMan | CoyoteMan (Coyote Runner, Disciple) | | |
1660 | Water | | Unused | |
1661 | AbstractNuggetLand | Land Treasure | | |
1662 | AbstractNuggetWater | Water Treasure | | |
1663 | LogicalTypeValidSabotage | LogicalTypeValidSabotage | | |
1664 | AbstractPig | | Unused | |
1665 | LogicalTypeBuildingsNotWallsOrGroves | LogicalTypeBuildingsNotWallsOrGroves | | |