[( )] rmAddAreaCliffEdgeAvoidClass(int areaID, int avoidID, float minDist): Adds a class for an area's cliff edge to avoid.
[( )] rmAddAreaCliffRandomWaypoints(int areaID, float endXFraction, float endZFraction, int count, float maxVariation): Adds random waypoints to the specified cliff valley area.
[( )] rmAddAreaCliffWaypoint(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Adds the given waypoint to the specified cliff area (for valleys).
[(bool )] rmAddAreaConstraint(int areaID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to an area.
[( )] rmAddAreaInfluencePoint(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Adds an area influence point.
[( )] rmAddAreaInfluenceSegment(int areaID, float xFraction1, float zFraction1, float xFraction2, float zFraction2): Adds an area influence segment.
[( )] rmAddAreaRemoveType(int areaID, string typeName): Add an unit type that the specified area removes.
[( )] rmAddAreaTerrainLayer(int areaID, string terrain, float minDist, float maxDist): Adds a terrain layer to an area.
[( )] rmAddAreaTerrainReplacement(int areaID, string terrainTypeName, string newTypeName): Adds a terrain replacement rule to the area.
[(bool )] rmAddAreaToClass(int areaID, int classID): Add given area to specified class.
[( )] rmAddClosestPointConstraint( int constraintID ): Adds constraint to closest point finder.
[( )] rmAddConnectionArea(int connectionID, int areaID): Adds an area to the connection.
[(bool )] rmAddConnectionConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to a connection.
[(bool )] rmAddConnectionEndConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint for a connection end point.
[(bool )] rmAddConnectionStartConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint for a connection start point.
[( )] rmAddConnectionTerrainReplacement(int connectionID, string terrainTypeName, string newTypeName): Adds a terrain replacement rule to the connection.
[( )] rmAddConnectionToClass(int connectionID, int classID): Adds the connection to specified class.
[(int )] rmAddFairLoc(string unitName, bool forward, bool inside, float minPlayerDist, float maxPlayerDist, float locDist, float edgeDist, bool playerArea, bool teamArea): Adds some fairLoc placement info.
[(bool )] rmAddFairLocConstraint(int fairLocID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to a fairLoc placement.
[(bool )] rmAddGroupingConstraint(int GroupingID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to a grouping.
[(bool )] rmAddGroupingToClass(int GroupingID, int classID): Add given grouping to specified class.
[( )] rmAddMapTerrainByAngleInfo(string terrain, float minSlope, float maxSlope, float outerRange): Adds a terrain to paint on tiles that are sloped between the specified angles (0 degrees is flat terrain, 90 degrees is sheer terrain), modified by a random number between 0.0 and outerRange.
[( )] rmAddMapTerrainByHeightInfo(string terrain, float minHeight, float maxHeight, float outerRange): Adds a terrain to paint between the specified heights, modified by a random number between 0.0 and outerRange.
[( )] rmAddMerc(string unitName, float count, float minCount, float maxCount, float countIncrement, bool multipleUses ) : Adds mercs of to the merc manager for this game.
[(bool )] rmAddObjectDefConstraint(int defID, int constraintID): Add specified constraint to given object def.
[( )] rmAddObjectDefItem(int defID, string unitName, int count, float clusterDistance): Add item to object definition.
[( )] rmAddObjectDefItemByTypeID(int defID, int unitTypeID, int count, float clusterDistance): Add item to object definition.
[(bool )] rmAddObjectDefToClass(int objectDefID, int classID): Add given object def to specified class.
[( )] rmAddPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float amount): Adds to a player's resource amount.
[( )] rmAddRandomTradeRouteWaypoints(int tradeRouteID, float endXFraction, float endZFraction, int count, float maxVariation): Adds random waypoints to the specified trade route.
[( )] rmAddRandomTradeRouteWaypointsVector(int tradeRouteID, vector v, int count, float maxVariation): Adds random waypoints to the specified trade route.
[( )] rmAddTradeRouteWaypoint(int tradeRouteID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Adds the given waypoint to the specified trade route.
[( )] rmAddTradeRouteWaypointVector(int tradeRouteID, vector v): Adds the given waypoint to the specified trade route.
[( )] rmAddTriggerCondition(string conditionType)
[( )] rmAddTriggerEffect(string effectType)
[( )] rmAddUnitsToArmy(int playerID, int armyID, int objectDefID)
[( )] rmAllocateSubCivs(int number) : Allocates the number of sub civs in the world.
[( )] rmAreaFractionToTiles(float fraction): Converts an area from fraction of the map to tile count.
[( )] rmAreaID(string name): Gets area ID for given area name.
[( )] rmAreaTilesToFraction(int tiles): Converts area tile count to fraction of map.
[( )] rmBuildAllAreas(): Simulatenously builds all unbuilt areas.
[( )] rmBuildArea(int areaID): Builds the specified area.
[( )] rmBuildConnection(int connectionID): Builds the given connection.
[( )] rmBuildTradeRoute(int tradeRouteID, string terrainTypeName): Builds the trade route with the given terrain type.
[( )] rmClassID(string name): Gets class ID for given class name.
[( )] rmClearClosestPointConstraints(): Clears constraints for closest point finder.
[( )] rmConstraintID(string name): Gets constraint ID for given constraint name.
[( )] rmCreateArea(string name, int parentAreaID): Creates an area.
[(int )] rmCreateAreaConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area.
[(int )] rmCreateAreaDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area distance constraint.
[(int )] rmCreateAreaMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area max distance constraint.
[(int )] rmCreateAreaOverlapConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make an area overlap constraint.
[( )] rmCreateArmy(int playerID, string armyName)
[(int )] rmCreateBoxConstraint(string name, float startX, float startZ, float endX, float endZ, float bufferFraction): Make a box constraint.
[(int )] rmCreateClassDistanceConstraint(string name, int classID, float distance): Make a class distance constraint.
[(int )] rmCreateCliffEdgeConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's cliff edge.
[(int )] rmCreateCliffEdgeDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff edge distance constraint.
[(int )] rmCreateCliffEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff edge max distance constraint.
[(int )] rmCreateCliffRampConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's cliff ramp edge.
[(int )] rmCreateCliffRampDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff ramp edge distance constraint.
[(int )] rmCreateCliffRampMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area cliff ramp edge max distance constraint.
[( )] rmCreateConnection(string name): Creates an connection.
[(int )] rmCreateCornerConstraint(string name, int corner, bool outside): Make a constraint to pass if in or out of a corner.
[(int )] rmCreateEdgeConstraint(string name, int areaID): Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's edge.
[(int )] rmCreateEdgeDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area edge distance constraint.
[(int )] rmCreateEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance): Make an area edge max distance constraint.
[( )] rmCreateGrouping(int defID, string filename): Creates a grouping.
[(bool )] rmCreateHCGPAllyConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's ally's HCGPs.
[(bool )] rmCreateHCGPConstraint(string name, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid all HCGPs.
[(bool )] rmCreateHCGPEnemyConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's enemy's HCGPs.
[(bool )] rmCreateHCGPSelfConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance): Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's HCGP.
[(int )] rmCreateMaxHeightConstraint(string name, float height): Make an max height constraint (terrain must be less than given height).
[( )] rmCreateObjectDef(string name): Creates an object definition.
[(int )] rmCreatePieConstraint(string name, float xFraction, float zFraction, float insideRadius, float outsideRadius, float minAngle, float maxAngle, float bufferFraction): Makes a 'pie' constraint.
[( )] rmCreateStartingUnitsObjectDef(float clusterDistance): Creates special object definition for starting units with the given cluster distance.
[(int )] rmCreateTerrainDistanceConstraint(string name, string type, bool passable, float distance): Make a constraint to avoid terrain with certain a passability.
[(int )] rmCreateTerrainMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, string type, bool passable, float distance): Make a constraint to be close to terrain with certain a passability.
[( )] rmCreateTradeRoute(): Creates a trade route.
[(int )] rmCreateTradeRouteDistanceConstraint(string name, float minDistance): Make a constraint to avoid trade routes.
[( )] rmCreateTradeRouteWaypointsInArea(int tradeRouteID, int areaID, float length): Creates a trade route in the specified area.
[( )] rmCreateTrigger(string triggerName)
[(int )] rmCreateTypeDistanceConstraint(string name, string Unittype, float distance): Make a type distance constraint.
[(int )] rmDefineClass(string className): Define a class with the given name.
[( )] rmDefineConstant(string name, int value)
[( )] rmDegreesToRadians(float degrees): Converts an angle in degrees to radians.
[( )] rmDoLightingEffect("lightSetName", blendInTime, effectTime, blendOutTime): applies a lighting set effect.
[( )] rmDoLightingFade("lightSetName", fadeTime): applies a lighting set fade.
[( )] rmEchoError( string echoString, int level ): Random map echo.
[( )] rmEchoInfo( string echoString, int level ): Random map echo.
[( )] rmEchoWarning( string echoString, int level ): Random map echo.
[( )] rmEnableLocalWater( bool enable ): Enables / disables local water disturbances.
[(float )] rmFairLocXFraction(int playerID, int index): Gets a player's fairLoc x fraction.
[(float )] rmFairLocZFraction(int playerID, int index): Gets a player's fairLoc z fraction.
[( )] rmFillMapCorners(): Fill map corners with blackmap.
[( )] rmFindCloserArea(float xFraction, float zFraction, int area1, int area2): Returns which area is closer.
[( )] rmFindClosestPoint(float xFraction, float zFraction, float maxDistance): Finds closest point satisfying the preset constraints.
[( )] rmFindClosestPointVector(float xFraction, float zFraction, float maxDistance): Finds closest point satisfying the preset constraints.
[(vector)] rmGetAreaClosestPoint( int areaID, vector point, float pullback, int constraintID ): Returns the point in areaID that's closest to the given point, optionally requiring that it pass the given constraint.
[(int )] rmGetAverageHomeCityLevel( void ): Returns the average (rounded down) HC Level of the players in the game.
[( )] rmGetCivID(string civName) : Returns the civ ID.
[(int )] rmGetHighHomeCityLevel( void ): Returns the highest HC Level of the players in the game.
[(int )] rmGetHomeCityLevel( int playerID ): Returns the HC Level of the given player.
[( )] rmGetIsFFA(): Returns true if this map is set to be a FFA game which means each player on their own team.
[( )] rmGetIsKOTH(): Returns true if this map is set to be a King of the Hill game.
[( )] rmGetIsRelicCapture(): Returns true if this map is set to be a relic game..
[(int )] rmGetLowHomeCityLevel( void ): Returns the lowest HC Level of the players in the game.
[(int )] rmGetMapXSize( void ): Returns the X size of the map.
[(int )] rmGetMapZSize( void ): Returns the Z size of the map.
[( )] rmGetNomadStart(): Returns true if this map is to place a covered wagon instead of a town center.
[(int )] rmGetNumberFairLocs(int playerID): Gets a player's number of fairLocs.
[( )] rmGetNumberPlayersOnTeam(int teamID): Gets the number of players on the given team.
[( )] rmGetNumberUnitsPlaced(int objectDefID)
[( )] rmGetPlayerCiv(int playerID): Gets the civilization the specified player is on.
[( )] rmGetPlayerCulture(int playerID): Gets the culture the specified player is on.
[( )] rmGetPlayerName(int playerID): Gets a player's name.
[( )] rmGetPlayerTeam(int playerID): Gets the team the specified player is on.
[( )] rmGetSeaLevel(): Gets the sea level for the map.
[( )] rmGetTradeRouteWayPoint(int tradeRouteID, float fraction): Retrieves a waypoint along the trade route based on the fraction.
[( )] rmGetUnitPlaced(int objectDefID, int index)
[( )] rmGetUnitPlacedOfPlayer(int objectDefID, int playerID)
[(vector)] rmGetUnitPosition( int unitID ): Returns the position of the unit.
[( )] rmIsMapType( string type ): Returns true if the map belongs to the given type.
[( )] rmMetersToTiles(float meters): Converts a distance in meters to a number of tiles.
[( )] rmMultiplyPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float factor): Multiplys a player's resource amount by the given factor.
[( )] rmPaintAreaTerrain(int areaID): Paints the terrain for a specified area.
[( )] rmPaintAreaTerrainByAngle(long areaID, string terrain, float minAngle, float maxAngle, float outerRange): Paints the area's tiles in the specified angle range with specified terrain (with outerRange buffer if feathering is desired).
[( )] rmPaintAreaTerrainByHeight(long areaID, string terrain, float minHeight, float maxHeight, float outerRange): Paints the area's tiles in the specified height range with specified terrain (with outerRange buffer if feathering is desired).
[(bool )] rmPlaceFairLocs(): Sets fairLoc placement locations.
[(bool )] rmPlaceGroupingAtLoc(int groupingID, int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction, int placeCount): Place grouping at specified location.
[(bool )] rmPlaceGroupingAtPoint(int groupingID, int playerID, vector point, int placeCount): Place grouping at specified point.
[( )] rmPlaceGroupingInArea(int groupingID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount): Place grouping for the player in the given area.
[( )] rmPlaceMapClusters(string terrain, string protounit): place object clusters (of the specified protounit) around the map, and also optionally paint with the specified terrain.
[( )] rmPlaceObjectDefAtAreaLoc(int defID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player at the given area's location.
[( )] rmPlaceObjectDefAtLoc(int defID, int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction, int placeCount): Place object definition at specific location for given player.
[( )] rmPlaceObjectDefAtPoint(int defID, int playerID, vector point, int placeCount): Place object definition at specific point for given player.
[( )] rmPlaceObjectDefAtRandomAreaOfClass(int defID, int playerID, int classID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player at the location of a random area in the given class.
[( )] rmPlaceObjectDefInArea(int defID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player in the given area.
[( )] rmPlaceObjectDefInRandomAreaOfClass(int defID, int playerID, int classID, int placeCount): Place object definition for the player in a random area in the given class.
[( )] rmPlaceObjectDefPerPlayer(int defID, bool playerOwned, int placeCount): Place object definition per player.
[( )] rmPlacePlayer(int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Sets one player location.
[( )] rmPlacePlayersCircular(float minFraction, float maxFraction, float angleVariation): Makes a circle of player locations.
[( )] rmPlacePlayersLine(float x1, float z1, float x2, float z2, float distVariation, float spacingVariation): Makes a line of player locations.
[( )] rmPlacePlayersRiver(int riverID, float distVariation, float spacingVariation, float edgeDistance): Makes a line of player locations along the specified river.
[( )] rmPlacePlayersSquare(float dist, float distVariation, float spacingVariationfloat): Makes a square of player locations.
[( )] rmPlayerLocXFraction(int playerID): Gets a player's start location x fraction.
[( )] rmPlayerLocZFraction(int playerID): Gets a player's start location z fraction.
[( )] rmRandFloat(float min, float max): Returns a random float between min and max.
[( )] rmRandInt(int min, int max): Returns a random integer between min and max.
[( )] rmResetFairLocs(): Resets fairLoc placment info.
[( )] rmRiverAddShallow(riverID, distancePct);
[( )] rmRiverAddShallows(riverID, count, radius);
[( )] rmRiverAddWaypoint(riverID, xFraction, zFraction): Add waypoint to a river. Don't mix with rmRiverSetConnections or rmRiverConnectRiver
[( )] rmRiverAvoid(riverID, riverID2, minDist)
[( )] rmRiverBuild
[( )] rmRiverConnectRiver(riverID, riverID, pct, end);
[( )] rmRiverCreate(int areaID, string waterType, int breaks, int offset, int minR, int maxR): make a river dude.
[( )] rmRiverReveal(int riverID, int extraTiles) -- reveals a river plus the specified number of extra tiles around it.
[( )] rmRiverSetBankNoiseParams(riverID, frequency, octaves, persistence, sineLength, sineAmt, variation);
[( )] rmRiverSetConnections(riverID, start, end);
[( )] rmRiverSetShallowRadius(riverID, radius);
[( )] rmSetAreaBaseHeight(int areaID, float height): Sets the base height for an area.
[( )] rmSetAreaCliffEdge(int areaID, int count, float size, float variance, float spacing, int mapEdge): Set cliff edge parameters for an area.
[( )] rmSetAreaCliffHeight(int areaID, float val, float variance, float ramp): Set an area's cliff height.
[( )] rmSetAreaCliffPainting(int areaID, bool paintGround, bool paintOutsideEdge, bool paintSide, float minSideHeight, bool paintInsideEdge): Set cliff painting options for an area.
[( )] rmSetAreaCliffType(int areaID, string cliffName): Sets the cliff type for an area.
[( )] rmSetAreaCoherence(int areaID, float coherence): Sets area coherence (0-1).
[( )] rmSetAreaEdgeFilling(int areaID, int borderSize): Enable edge filling and set a border search size (for Carolina and similar maps with a big continent).
[( )] rmSetAreaElevationEdgeFalloffDist(int areaID, float dist): Sets the area elevation noise to falloff as it gets closer to the area edge.
[( )] rmSetAreaElevationMinFrequency(int areaID, float freq): Sets the area elevation variation noise frequency (best >0 and <1).
[( )] rmSetAreaElevationNoiseBias(int areaID, float bias): Sets the area elevation variation noise bias (-1 means down only, 0 means +- equally, 1 means up only.)
[( )] rmSetAreaElevationOctaves(int areaID, int octaves): Sets the area elevation variation noise octaves.
[( )] rmSetAreaElevationPersistence(int areaID, float persistence): Sets the area elevation variation noise persistence (best >0 and <1).
[( )] rmSetAreaElevationType(int areaID, int type): Sets the area elevation variation type (cElevNormal, cElevFractalSum, cElevTurbulence).
[( )] rmSetAreaElevationVariation(int areaID, float variation): Sets the area elevation variation height (amount to vary +- from area base height).
[( )] rmSetAreaForestClumpiness(int areaID, float density): Sets the forest density for an area.
[( )] rmSetAreaForestDensity(int areaID, float density): Sets the forest density for an area.
[( )] rmSetAreaForestType(int areaID, string forestName): Sets the forest type for an area.
[( )] rmSetAreaForestUnderbrush(int areaID, float density): Sets the forest density for an area.
[( )] rmSetAreaHeightBlend(int areaID, int heightBlend): Sets how smoothly area height blends into surroundings.
[( )] rmSetAreaLocation(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Set the area location.
[( )] rmSetAreaLocPlayer(int areaID, int playerID): Set the area location to player's location.
[( )] rmSetAreaLocTeam(int areaID, int teamID): Set the area location to team's location.
[( )] rmSetAreaMaxBlobDistance(int areaID, float dist): Sets maximum blob distance.
[( )] rmSetAreaMaxBlobs(int areaID, int blobs): Sets maximum number of area blobs.
[( )] rmSetAreaMinBlobDistance(int areaID, float dist): Sets minimum blob distance.
[( )] rmSetAreaMinBlobs(int areaID, int blobs): Sets minimum number of area blobs.
[( )] rmSetAreaMix(int areaID, string mixName): Sets the mix for an area. Overrides terrain type if it is also set.
[( )] rmSetAreaObeyWorldCircleConstraint(int areaID, bool constrain): Determines whether an area obeys world circle constraint.
[( )] rmSetAreaReveal(int areaID, int tiles): Sets the area to be revealed (-1 means don't reveal, 0 means reveal, >0 means reveal plus that number of extra tiles.
[( )] rmSetAreaSize(float minFraction, float maxFraction): Set the area size to a min/max fraction of the map.
[( )] rmSetAreaSmoothDistance(int areaID, int smoothDistance): Sets area edge smoothing distance (distance is number of neighboring points to consider in each direction).
[( )] rmSetAreaTerrainLayerVariance(int areaID, bool variance): Specifies if the area should vary the terrain layer edges.
[( )] rmSetAreaTerrainType(int areaID, string terrainTypeName): Sets the terrain type for an area.
[( )] rmSetAreaWarnFailure(int areaID, bool warn): Sets whether the area build process will warn if it fails.
[( )] rmSetAreaWaterType(int areaID, string waterName): Sets the water type for an area.
[( )] rmSetBaseTerrainMix(string mixName): Initializes the base terrain with the requested mix. Call before rmTerrainInitialize.
[( )] rmSetConnectionBaseHeight(int connectionID, float width): Sets the base height of a connection.
[( )] rmSetConnectionBaseTerrainCost(int connectionID, float cost): Sets the base terrain cost for a connection.
[( )] rmSetConnectionCoherence(int connectionID, float width): Sets area coherence (0-1).
[( )] rmSetConnectionHeightBlend(int connectionID, float width): Sets how smoothly connection height blends into surroundings.
[( )] rmSetConnectionPositionVariance(int connectionID, float variance): Sets the position variance of a connection.
[( )] rmSetConnectionSmoothDistance(int connectionID, float width): Sets connection edge smoothing distance (distance is number of neighboring points to consider in each direction).
[( )] rmSetConnectionTerrainCost(int connectionID, string terrainTypeName, float cost): Sets the terrain cost for a connection.
[( )] rmSetConnectionType(int connectionID, int connectionType, bool connectAll, float connectPercentage): Sets the connection type.
[( )] rmSetConnectionWarnFailure(int connectionID, bool warn): Sets whether a connection warns on failure.
[( )] rmSetConnectionWidth(int connectionID, float width, float variance): Sets the width of a connection.
[( )] rmSetGaiaCiv(int civ) : Sets Gaia's civilization
[( )] rmSetGlobalRain(percent): sets the global rain percent.
[( )] rmSetGlobalSnow(percent): sets the global snow percent.
[( )] rmSetGlobalStormLength(length, timeBetweenStorms): sets storm length and time between storm in seconds.
[( )] rmSetGroupingMaxDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the maximum distance for the grouping (in meters).
[( )] rmSetGroupingMinDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the minimum distance for the grouping (in meters).
[(bool )] rmSetHomeCityGatherPoint( int playerID, vector point ): Sets the HCGP for the given player.
[(bool )] rmSetHomeCityWaterSpawnPoint( int playerID, vector point ): Sets the HCWSP for the given player.
[( )] rmSetIgnoreForceToGaia(bool val)
[( )] rmSetLightingSet(string name) : Sets a lighting set
[( )] rmSetMapClusteringNoiseParams(float minFrequency, int octaves, float persistence): sets up cluster system; standard inputs to noise generator used to determine cluster placement.
[( )] rmSetMapClusteringObjectParams(int minObjectCount, int maxObjectCount, float maxPosOffset): sets up cluster system; min/max objects per tile (default: 0-3), and max random offset when placing (default: 0.5 tiles).
[( )] rmSetMapClusteringPlacementParams(float paintThreshold, float placeMinVal, float placeMaxVal, int type): sets up cluster system; valid ranges are from -1.0 to 1.0 and are compared to the internal noise field for deciding where to paint terrain and place clusters. Type is cClusterLand, or cClusterWater, or cClusterShallowWater, or cClusterEverywhere.
[( )] rmSetMapElevationHeightBlend(int blend): Sets how much to smooth the overall terrain after initializing with noise.
[( )] rmSetMapElevationParameters(int type, float freq, int octaves, float persistence, float variation): Sets up terrain for initializing with a noise layer.
[( )] rmSetMapSize( int x, int z ): Sets the size of the map.
[( )] rmSetMapType( string type ): Indicates that this map is of a certain type (it can be multiple types simultaneously.
[( )] rmSetNuggetDifficulty(int minLevel, int maxLevel): Sets the min/max difficulty levels for placing nuggets.
[( )] rmSetObjectDefAllowOverlap(int defID, bool on): Lets objects overlap within this object def.
[( )] rmSetObjectDefCreateHerd(int defID, bool on): Creates a herd out of all units placed in this object def.
[( )] rmSetObjectDefForceFullRotation(int defID, bool on): Forces things in this object def to get full arbitrary rotation.
[( )] rmSetObjectDefGarrisonSecondaryUnits(int defID, bool on): Turn on the garrison secondary units flag.
[( )] rmSetObjectDefGarrisonStartingUnits(int defID, bool on): Turn on the garrison starting units flag.
[( )] rmSetObjectDefHerdAngle(int defID, float angle): Set a herd angle(clockwise from +z) in the object def.
[( )] rmSetObjectDefMaxDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the maximum distance for the object definition (in meters).
[( )] rmSetObjectDefMinDistance(int defID, float dist): Set the minimum distance for the object definition (in meters).
[( )] rmSetObjectDefTradeRouteID(int defID, int tradeRouteID): Set the trade route for all objects in this object definition.
[( )] rmSetOceanReveal(bool reveal): Sets whether or not to reveal oceans.
[( )] rmSetPlacementSection(float fromPercent, float toPercent): Sets the section of the placement line to use.
[( )] rmSetPlacementTeam(int teamID): Sets the team to place.
[( )] rmSetPlayerArea(int playerID, int areaID): Sets a player's 'official' area.
[( )] rmSetPlayerLocation (int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction): Manually sets a player's starting location.
[( )] rmSetPlayerPlacementArea(float minX, float minZ, float maxX, float maxZ): Sets the area of the map to use for player placement.
[( )] rmSetPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float amount): Sets a player's resource amount.
[( )] rmSetRiverFoundationParams(int tileBuffer, float heightOffset) -- sets up river foundation parameters: the terrain buffer around the river, and the height of the banks above water level
[( )] rmSetSeaLevel(): Sets the sea level for the map.
[( )] rmSetSeaType(string name): Sets the sea type for the map. This is used if terrain is initialized to water.
[( )] rmSetStatusText(status, progress) : Sets the friendly cool loading screen text.
[( )] rmSetSubCiv(int index, string civName, bool big) : Sets a given sub civ in the world.
[( )] rmSetTeamArea(int teamID, int areaID): Sets a team's 'official' area.
[( )] rmSetTeamSpacingModifier(float modifier): Sets the team spacing modifier.
[( )] rmSetTriggerActive(bool active)
[( )] rmSetTriggerConditionParam(string paramName, string value, bool add)
[( )] rmSetTriggerConditionParamArmy(string paramName, int playerID, int armyID, bool add)
[( )] rmSetTriggerConditionParamFloat(string paramName, float value, bool add)
[( )] rmSetTriggerConditionParamInt(string paramName, int value, bool add)
[( )] rmSetTriggerEffectParam(string paramName, string value, bool add)
[( )] rmSetTriggerEffectParamArmy(string paramName, int playerID, int armyID, bool add)
[( )] rmSetTriggerEffectParamFloat(string paramName, float value, bool add)
[( )] rmSetTriggerEffectParamInt(string paramName, int value, bool add)
[( )] rmSetTriggerLoop(bool loop)
[( )] rmSetTriggerPriority(int priority)
[( )] rmSetTriggerRunImmediately(bool runImmediately)
[( )] rmSetVPFile(string filename)
[( )] rmSetWindMagnitude(float magnitude): sets the global wind magnitude (1.0f is default).
[( )] rmSetWorldCircleConstraint(bool constrain): sets whether RM activities should be constrained to the main world circle.
[( )] rmSwitchToTrigger(int triggerID)
[( )] rmTerrainInitialize( string baseTerrain, float height ): Initializes the terrain to the base type and height.
[( )] rmTilesToMeters(int tiles): Converts a number of tiles to a distance in meters.
[( )] rmTriggerID(string triggerName)
[( )] rmXFractionToMeters(float meters): Converts a fraction of the map in the x direction to meters.
[( )] rmXFractionToTiles(float fraction): Converts an fraction of the map in the x direction to tile count.
[( )] rmXMetersToFraction(float meters): Converts meters into a fraction of the map in the x direction.
[( )] rmXTilesToFraction(int tiles): Converts tile count in the x direction to fraction of map.
[( )] rmZFractionToMeters(float meters): Converts meters a fraction of the map in the z direction to meters.
[( )] rmZFractionToTiles(float fraction): Converts an fraction of the map in the z direction to tile count.
[( )] rmZMetersToFraction(float meters): Converts meters into a fraction of the map in the z direction.
[( )] rmZTilesToFraction(int tiles): Converts tile count in the z direction to fraction of map.
[( )] sqrt(float x): Returns the square root of x.